缩写 | 会议名称 | 排名 |
SIGMOD | ACM Conference on Management of Data | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
SIGKDD | ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
ICDE | IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
SIGIR | International Conference on Research on Development in Information Retrieval | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
VLDB | International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
RecSys | ACM Conference on Recommender Systems | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
CIKM | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
DASFAA | Database Systems for Advanced Applications | CCF: B CORE: B THCPL: B |
ECML-PKDD | European Conference on Machine Learning and 25th Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: N |
ICDM | IEEE International Conference on Data Mining | CCF: B CORE: A* THCPL: B |
ICDT | International Conference on Database Theory | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
EDBT | International Conference on Extending Database Technology | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
CIDR | International Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: N |
WSDM | International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: A |
ISWC | International Semantic Web Conference | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
SDM | SIAM International Conference on Data Mining | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
ECIR | European Conference on Information Retrieval | CCF: C CORE: A THCPL: B |
PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | CCF: C CORE: B THCPL: N |
APWeb-WAIM | The 8th APWeb-WAIM joint international conference on Web and Big Data | CCF: C CORE: C THCPL: N |
ADMA | The International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications | CCF: C CORE: C THCPL: N |