Search Conference
缩写 | Name | Rank |
WINE | Conference on Web and Internet Economics | CCF: A CORE: N THCPL: N |
WWW | International World Wide Web Conferences | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: A |
RTSS | The IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium | CCF: A CORE: A* THCPL: B |
CogSci | Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society | CCF: B CORE: B THCPL: N |
BIBM | IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine | CCF: B CORE: N THCPL: N |
MICCAI | International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention | CCF: B CORE: A THCPL: B |
RECOMB | International Conference on Research inComputational Molecular Biology | CCF: B CORE: B THCPL: A |
SIGSPATIAL | ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems | CCF: C CORE: A THCPL: N |
SMC | IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics | CCF: C CORE: B THCPL: N |
ICIC | International Conference on Intelligent Computing | CCF: C CORE: N THCPL: N |
MLSys | Conference on Machine Learning and Systems | CCF: N CORE: N THCPL: N |