Journal of Roman Archaeology

短名J. Roman archaeol.
Journal Impact0.53
期刊索引中科院 2 区
ISSN1047-7594, 1063-4304, 2331-5709

出版信息出版商: Journal of Roman Archaeology L.L.C.出版周期: 期刊类型: journal
基本数据创刊年份: 2005原创研究文献占比94.12%自引率:14.30%Gold OA占比: 44.78%















Where Have All the Myths Gone? Demythologization on Roman Sarcophagi - M. Allen 2022. The Death of Myth on Roman Sarcophagi: Allegory and Visual Narrative in the Late Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 278 pages, ISBN 978-1-316-51091-9.


William Gell's Pompeii - H. Dessales 2019. Recueils de William Gell. Pompéi publiée et inédite 1801–1829. Paris: Hermann Éditeurs. Pp. 434. ISBN 9791037002129.


The Roman siege system of Masada: a 3D computerized analysis of a conflict landscape


Debating the <i>domus ecclesiae</i> at Dura-Europos: the Christian Building in context


Down the drain: reconstructing social practice from the content of two sewers in a Late Antique bathhouse in Jerash, Jordan


On the inside looking out: gendered space and virtuous femininity in the Pompeian house


Un gruppo di materiali architettonici in stucco e la più antica basilica di Tusculum


Before the Dressel 20: pottery workshops and olive oil amphorae of the Guadalquivir valley between the Late Republic and Augustan-Tiberian times


La <i>societas Sisaponensis</i>, los lingotes de Doña Rama-Belmez y la explotación minera de los montes de <i>Corduba</i>


Exploring rural life in Roman Anatolia - P. Thonemann 2022. The Lives of Ancient Villages: Rural Society in Roman Anatolia. Greek culture in the Roman world. Pp. 396. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009123211.


The Muse of Zenon: from Syracuse to the Museum of Guadalajara


Back to Anemurium in Rough Cilicia: Revisiting Legacy Data - J. RUSSELL 2021. The Canadian Excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia. Archéologie et histoire romaine 45. Toulouse: Éditions Mergoil. Pp. 155. ISBN 978-2-35518-117-7.


An urban image in an urbanized landscape: measuring the visual impact of Tibur's amphitheater


Faire l'histoire d'Antioche sur l'Oronte - K. M. Neumann 2021. Antioch in Syria: A History from Coins (300 BCE–450 CE). Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. - A. U. De Giorgi, et A. A. Eger. 2021. Antioch: A History. London: Routledge/New York: Taylor &amp; Francis.


The archaeology of childhood in the Etruscan-Italic world - E. Govi, ed. 2021. Birth: archeologia dell'infanzia nell'Italia preromana, 2 vols. Collana Disci. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Pp. 930, figs. ISBN 978-8-8692-3884-0.


Egyptian Art (as Greek Art) as Roman Art: historiographies and potential futures - S. K. Pearson 2021. The Triumph and Trade of Egyptian Objects in Rome: Collecting Art in the Ancient Mediterranean. Berlin: De Gruyter. Viii + 264 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-070040-4.


Structures and sequences: physical remains from the Beirut souks - R. THORPE 2019. The Insula of the House of the Fountains, Beirut. Berytus Archaeological Studies 57–58 (2017–2018); Archaeology of the Beirut Souks 3, AUB and ACRE Excavations in Beirut 1994–1996. Beirut: American University of Beirut. Pp. 367, figs 264. ISSN 0067-6105.


L'amphithéâtre de Lepti Minus: un acte de munificence locale


JRO volume 36 issue 2 Cover and Back matter


La grandiosa imitazione. Il grande Plastico di Pompei. - D. Malfitana, G. Amara, and A. Mazzaglia, eds. 2020. La grandiosa imitazione: il plastico di Pompei. Dal modello materico al modello digitale. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider. Pp. 328. ISBN 9788891319937.


Exploring Roman emotions - H. von Ehrenheim, and M. Prusac-Lindhagen, eds. 2020. Reading Roman Emotions: Visual and Textual Interpretations. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4°, 64. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Rom. Pp. 199. ISSN: 0081-993X. ISBN: 978-91-7042-186-0. Hardcover.


A monumental Archaic complex on the Sacra Via: a new interpretation of the domestic remains on the north Palatine slope


The Lost Domain: the rural archaeology of Africa in the Roman Empire - M DE VOS RAAIJMAKERS, and B. MAURINA, eds. 2019. RUS AFRICUM <i>4</i>. La fattoria bizantina di Aïn Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia). Lo scavo stratigrafico e i materiali. Roman Archaeology 58. Oxford: Archaeopress. Pp. xiv and 438. ISBN 978-1-78969-115-3.


Comparative advantage, specialized viticulture, and the economic development of Gallia Narbonensis


Expanding Jarash: excavations bring new insights into the northwest urban quarter - A. Lichtenberger, and R. Raja, eds. 2020. Environmental Studies, Remote Sensing, and Modelling. Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project I. Jerash Papers 6. Turnhout: Brepols. Pp. xiv + 247, 80 b/w, 4 col., 19 tables b/w. pISBN 978-2-503-58886-5, eISBN: 978-2-503-58980-0. - A. Lichtenberger, and R. Raja, eds. 2020. Metal Finds and Coins. Final Publications from the Danish-German…


JRO volume 36 issue 2 Cover and Front matter


The transformation of Mithraea in the Late Roman period


A matter of taste? Ancient Italian consumers and Eastern Mediterranean wines - P. KOMAR 2021. Eastern Wines on Western Tables: Consumption, Trade and Economy in Ancient Italy. Mnemosyne Supplements: History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, Volume 435. Leiden: Brill. 390 pp. ISBN 978-90-04-43370-0 (hardback).


“Baked bread to the people”: bread distribution and social and political networks at Pompeii


“Fine dining” in the Roman provinces: an interdisciplinary study of a peristyle house kitchen at the legionary camp of Vindonissa, Switzerland


The reuse of ancient tuff blocks in early medieval construction in Rome


Burying Greeks in Dalmatia - M. UGARKOVIĆ 2019. Geometrija smrti: isejski pogrebni obredi, identiteti i kulturna interakcija: antička nekropola na Vlaškoj njivi, na otoku Visu dio I/1; dio I/2. The Geometry of Death: Issa's Burial rites, Identities and Cultural Interaction: The Ancient Necropolis at Vlaška njiva on the Island of Vis, Vol. 1, part 1; Vol. 1, part 2. Split/Zagreb: Arheološki Muzej u Splitu; Institut za arheologiju. (Croatian with abstract in English in Vol. I, part 1: 209–13.)


Nuovi dati sulle produzioni vitree romane di età medio-imperiale: l'area romano-ostiense - B LEPRI. 2021. Il vetro tra II e III secolo d.C. Produzione e distribuzione in area romano-ostiense. Fecit te 15. Roma: Scienze e Lettere, 285 pp., ISBN 978-88-6687-205-4.


<i>Maiores</i> di pietra. L'immagine della famiglia nei monumenti sepolcrali della Regio X


Caesarea Maritima. The port, the city, and a long narrative of settlement - K. G. Holum, ed. 2020. Caesarea Maritima: Excavations in the Old City 1989–2003 Conducted by the University of Maryland and the University of Haifa: Final Reports, Volume 1. ASOR Archaeological Reports 27. Alexandria, VA: American Schools of Oriental Research. Pp. xviii, 454. ISBN 978-0-89757-115-9


Do shape and size matter? The distribution of <i>Amphore Crétoise</i> 4 containers, 1st–3rd c. CE


Romanization: between dead ends and future directions? - O. Belvedere, and J. Bergemann. 2021. Imperium Romanum: Romanization between Colonization and Globalization. Palermo: Palermo University Press. Pp. 345, figs. 100. ISBN 978-88-5509-275-3.


Museum archaeology and reconstructing daily life in Late Roman Egypt - E. Swift, J. Stoner, and A. Pudsey. 2022. A Social Archaeology of Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Artefacts of Everyday Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 480. ISBN: 978-0-1988-6734-0


Roman justice - O Hekster. and K. Verboven, eds. 2019. The Impact of Justice on the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Gent, June 21–24, 2017). Impact of Empire 34. Leiden: Brill. Pp. viii + 237. ISBN 978-90-04-40045-0.


New and multidisciplinary methods investigating Roman water management: aqueducts and castella in Rome and Pompeii - G. Wiplinger, ed. 2020. De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the Water of Rome: Proceedings of the International Frontinus Congress Rome, November 10–18, 2018. Babesch Supplementa 40. Leuven: Peeters. Pp. xxxiii, 403. ISBN 978-90-429-4311-7.


Living with the gods in the Roman Empire: “Everything, everywhere, all at once” - J. Rüpke, and G. Woolf, eds. 2021. Religion in the Roman Empire. Die Religionen der Menschheit 16. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag. Pp. 323. ISBN: 978-3-170-29224-6.


Urban daily life in Late Antiquity - L. Lavan 2020. Public Space in the Late Antique City <i>(2 vols). Part 1:</i> Streets, Processions, Fora, Agorai, Macella, Shops. <i>Part 2:</i> Sites, Buildings, Dates. Late Antique Archaeology (Supplementary Series) 5. Leiden: Brill. Part 1: Pp. xxiv + 624, figs. 130; Part 2: Pp. 1,072. ISBN 978-90-04-41372-6.


A very small, short-lived hippodrome (“hippo-stadium”) and its re-use: a conjugal labour of love - A. A. Ostrasz 2020, with contributions by I. Kehrberg-Ostrasz. The Hippodrome of Gerasa. A Provincial Roman Circu<i>s</i>. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. Pp. xviii + 480, 261 color and black-and-white figs. ISBN 978-1-78491-813-2.


JRO volume 36 issue 1 Cover and Front matter


Las <i>Geórgicas</i> de Virgilio <i>in figlinis</i>: a propósito de un grafito <i>ante cocturam</i> sobre un ánfora olearia bética


The water cycle in Reccopolis


Headquarters, office space, and desks in ancient Rome - F. Coarelli 2019. <i>Statio</i>: i luoghi dell'amministrazione nell'antica Roma. Rome: Edizioni Quasar. Pp. 490. ISBN 987-88-7140-941-2.


Of horses and men – Garrisoning the empire: stable-barracks on a grand scale in the auxiliary fort of the <i>ala I Batavorum milliaria</i> at Războieni-Cetate (Alba Iulia County, Romania) and the spatial planning of Roman forts


JRO volume 36 issue 1 Cover and Back matter


Roman-era alluvial waste in the Vistre de la Fontaine (Nîmes, southeast France): from a sacred spring to a contaminated river






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