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Journal NameAbbreviationISSNJournal ImpactQuartiles(Global)Quartiles(China)Top JournalsEarly Warning Journal
Acoustical PhysicsAcoust. Phys.1063-77101.08Q44区
Acoustical Science and TechnologyAcoust. Sci. & Tech.1346-39690.74Q4
AcousticsAcoustics. (Basel).2624-599X1.31Q3
Acoustics AustraliaAcoust. Aust.0814-60391.77Q24区
Acoustics Bulletin0308-437X
Acoustics Letters0140-1599
Acta AcusticaACTA ACUST1022-47930.95Q4
Acta Acustica united with AcusticaActa. Acust. United. Acust.1436-79471.04
Advances in Acoustics and VibrationAdv. Acoust. Vib.1687-6261
Akusticheskij Zhurnal0320-7919
Applied AcousticsAppl. Acoust.0003-682X3.59Q12区
Applied Scientific Research, Section BAppl. Sci. Res.0365-7140
Archives of AcousticsArch. Acoust.0137-50750.48Q44区
Building AcousticsBuild. Acoust.1351-010X1.26Q3
Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique CanadienneCan. Acoust.0711-6659
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music ProcessingJ AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC.1687-47141.55Q33区
European Journal of UltrasoundEur. J. Ultrasound0929-8266
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language ProcessingIEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.1558-7916
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