
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis2424-922X0.46Q4
Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications2380-288X0.34Q4
Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering2769-09111.97Q24区
Archive for History of Exact SciencesArch. Hist. Exact Sci.0003-95190.56Q42区
Archives of Computational Methods in EngineeringArch Computat Methods Eng1134-30609.84Q12区
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze MatematicheBoll. Stor. Sci. Mat.0392-44320.01Q44区
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical AstronomyCelest Mech Dyn Astron0923-29581.62Q33区
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory SystemsChemom. Intell. Lab. Syst.0169-74393.87Q12区
CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and SciencesCMES1526-14922.38Q24区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Complex SystemsComplexSystems0891-25130.57Q4
ComputationComputation. (Basel).2079-31971.72Q2
Computational EconomicsComput. Econ.0927-70991.83Q24区
Cybernetics and Systems AnalysisCybern Syst Anal1060-03960.70Q4
Dynamic Games and ApplicationsDyn Games Appl2153-07851.65Q24区
Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and ResearchECECSR0424-267X1.25Q34区
Engineering Analysis with Boundary ElementsEng. Anal. Bound. Element0955-79974.20Q12区
EPJ Data ScienceEPJ Data Sci.2193-11273.14Q12区
Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications2306-61720.43Q4
Fractal and FractionalFractal Fract2504-31103.48Q12区
Fractional Calculus and Applied AnalysisFract Calc Appl Anal1311-04542.52Q22区
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and StatisticsFront. Appl. Math. Stat.2297-46871.24Q3
GEM - International Journal on GeomathematicsInt J Geomath1869-26722.00Q2
Grey SystemsGS2043-93773.10Q13区
Historia MathematicaHist. Math.0315-08600.35Q43区
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and EngineeringIEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng.2327-46976.65Q12区
International Game Theory ReviewInt. Game Theory Rev.0219-19890.22Q4
International Journal for Multiscale Computational EngineeringInt J Mult Comp Eng1543-16491.34Q34区
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringNumer Methods Biomed Eng2040-79392.37Q24区
International Journal for Numerical Methods in EngineeringInt. J. Numer. Meth. Engng.0029-59812.87Q13区
International Journal for Uncertainty QuantificationInt. J. UncertaintyQuantification2152-50801.59Q34区
International Journal of Computational MethodsInt. J. Comput. Methods0219-87621.39Q34区
International Journal of Modelling and SimulationInt. J. Model. Simul.0228-62033.20Q1
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and FieldsInt J Numerical Modelling0894-33701.69Q34区
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information ProcessingInt. J. Wavelets Multiresolut Inf. Process.0219-69131.04Q44区
Inverse Problems in Science and EngineeringInverse. Probl. Sci. Eng.1741-59770.93Q34区
Journal of Applied MathematicsJ. Appl. Math.1110-757X1.24Q3
Journal of Cellular AutomataJ. Cell. Autom.1557-5969Q44区
Journal of ClassificationJ. Classif.0176-42681.87Q34区
Journal of Complex NetworksJ. Complex Netw.2051-13102.27Q24区
Journal of Dynamics and GamesJ. Dyn. Games2164-60661.00Q3
Journal of Engineering MathematicsJ. Eng. Math.0022-08331.26Q34区
Journal of Grey System0957-37201.16Q44区
Journal of Mathematical ChemistryJ. Math. Chem.0259-97911.73Q23区
Journal of Mathematics and the ArtsJ. Math. Arts1751-34720.28Q4
Journal of Mathematics in IndustryJ.Math.Industry2190-59831.19Q3
Journal of Multiscale ModellingJ. Multiscale Modelling1756-97370.82Q4
Journal of Systems Science and ComplexityJ Syst Sci Complex1009-61242.69Q13区
Journal of the Franklin Institute0016-00323.65Q13区
Journal of Theoretical and Computational AcousticsJ. Theor. Comput. Acoust.2591-72851.34Q33区
Mathematical and Computational ApplicationsMCA1300-686X2.06Q2
Mathematical GeosciencesMath. Geosci.1874-89532.81Q13区
Mathematical Modelling of Natural PhenomenaMath. Model. Nat. Phenom.0973-53482.57Q14区
Mathematics In EngineeringMath. Eng.2640-35011.24Q34区
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and SystemsMath. Control Signals Syst.0932-41941.72Q24区
Natural Resource ModelingNat. Resour. Model.0890-85751.67Q24区
Networks and Heterogeneous MediaNHM1556-18011.19Q34区
New Mathematics and Natural ComputationNew Math. and Nat. Computation1793-00570.75Q4
Nonlinear Engineering2192-80102.22Q2
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICENOLTA2185-41060.45Q4
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications2070-04660.70Q4
Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en IngenieriaRevista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería0213-13150.16Q44区
Statistics and its InterfaceStat. Interface.1938-79890.15Q44区
Symmetry: Culture and Science0865-48240.22Q4
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya1811-99050.12Q4
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