
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
African Development ReviewAfr Dev Rev1017-67723.13Q12区
Area Development and PolicyArea Dev. Policy2379-29491.64Q3
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and SocietyCAMRES1752-13785.77Q12区
Canadian Journal of Development StudiesRev. Can. Etudes. Dev.0225-51892.09Q23区
Community Development1557-53301.32Q3
Community Development JournalCommunity Dev. J.0010-38021.31Q33区
Cooperativismo y Desarrollo2310-340XQ4
Developing EconomiesDev. Econ.0012-15332.54Q24区
Development and ChangeDevelopment & Change0012-155X2.86Q12区
Development in PracticeDev. Pract.0961-45241.04Q4
Development Policy ReviewDev Policy Rev0950-67642.11Q23区
Development Southern AfricaDev. South. Afr.0376-835X1.47Q34区
Economic Development and Cultural ChangeEcon. Dev. Cult. Change.0013-00792.09Q23区
Economic Development QuarterlyEcon. Dev. Q.0891-24241.84Q34区
Entrepreneurship and Regional DevelopmentEntrep. Reg. Dev.0898-56263.25Q11区
European Journal of Development ResearchEur J Dev Res0957-88112.39Q23区
Forum for Development StudiesForum. Dev. Stud.0803-94100.91Q3
Growth and ChangeGrowth. Change.0017-48152.71Q23区
Habitat InternationalHabitat Int.0197-39756.68Q11区
Housing Policy DebateHous. Policy Debate1051-14822.99Q13区
Iberoamerican Journal of Development StudiesRev. Iberoam. Estud. Desarro.2254-20350.17Q4
IDS BulletinID Bull.0265-50120.88Q44区
Indian Growth and Development Review1753-82540.60Q4
Journal of Agrarian ChangeJ Agrar Change1471-03582.29Q22区
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community DevelopmentJ. Agric. Food Syst. Community Dev.2152-07981.53Q3
Journal of Developing SocietiesJ. Dev. Soc.0169-796X1.11Q3
Journal of Development EffectivenessJ. Dev. Effect.1943-93421.06Q44区
Journal of Development Studies0022-03881.86Q23区
Journal of Economic Policy ReformJ. Econ. Policy Reform1748-78703.29Q13区
Journal of Environmental Planning and ManagementJ. Environ. Plann. Manage.0964-05684.52Q14区
Journal of Human Development and CapabilitiesJ. Human. Dev. Capabil.1945-28291.62Q33区
Journal of International DevelopmentJ. Int. Dev.0954-17481.62Q34区
Journal of Peasant StudiesJ. Peasant. Stud.0306-61504.52Q11区
Journal of Rural and Community Development1712-82770.44Q4
Journal of South Asian DevelopmentJournal of South Asian Development0973-17330.86Q44区
Middle East Development JournalMiddle East Dev. J.1793-81200.75Q4
Oxford Development StudiesOxf. Dev. Stud.1360-08181.48Q3
Perspectives on Global Development and TechnologyPerspect Global Dev Technol1569-14970.48Q4
Progress in Development StudiesProg. Dev. Stud.1464-99341.60Q34区
Review of agrarian studies2248-90020.48Q4
Review of Development EconomicsRev. Dev. Econ.1363-66692.12Q24区
Third World QuarterlyThird World Q.0143-65971.81Q22区
World Bank Economic ReviewWorld Bank Econ Rev0258-67702.50Q23区
World Bank Research ObserverWorld Bank Res Obs0257-30328.70Q11区
World DevelopmentWorld Dev.0305-750X5.51Q11区
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