
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Applied ErgonomicsAppl. Ergon.0003-68702.92Q22区
CIRP AnnalsCIRP Ann.0007-85063.38Q23区
Cognition, Technology and WorkCogn Tech Work1435-55582.30Q23区
Computers and Industrial EngineeringComput. Ind. Eng.0360-83526.81Q11区
Computers and Operations ResearchComput. Oper. Res.0305-05483.92Q12区
Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementECAM0969-99883.57Q22区
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures1860-60591.18Q4
European Journal of Industrial EngineeringEJIE1751-52541.85Q34区
Flexible Services and Manufacturing JournalFlex Serv Manuf J1936-65822.42Q23区
Frontiers of Engineering ManagementFront. Eng. Manag.2095-75139.03Q12区
IEEE Industry Applications MagazineIEEE Ind. Appl. Mag.1077-26180.89Q44区
IEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsIEEE Trans. Ind. Inf.1551-320311.80Q11区
IISE TransactionsIISE Trans.2472-58542.00Q23区
Industrial Engineering and Management Systemsiems1598-72480.60Q4
Industrial Management and Data SystemsIMDS0263-55774.11Q13区
International Journal for Quality ResearchIJQR1800-64501.23Q4
International Journal of Affective EngineeringIJAE2187-54130.55Q4
International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and PracticeInt. J. Ind. Eng.Theory Appl. Pract.1072-47611.33Q44区
International Journal of Industrial Engineering and ManagementInt J Ind Eng Manag2217-26612.56Q2
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations10.5267/j.ijiec1923-29261.70Q33区
International Journal of Industrial ErgonomicsInt. J. Ind. Ergon.0169-81412.66Q22区
International Journal of Lean Six SigmaIJLSS2040-41663.83Q22区
International Journal of Production EconomicsInt. J. Prod. Econ.0925-52739.80Q11区
International Journal of Production ResearchInt. J. Prod. Res.0020-75437.16Q12区
International Journal of Simulation ModellingInt. j. simul. model.1726-45292.51Q23区
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and LogisticsInt. J. Syst. Sci.: Oper. Logist.2330-26744.18Q23区
Issues in Science and TechnologyIssues. Sci. Technol.0748-54922.15Q24区
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCEJ. Constr. Eng. Manage.0733-93644.19Q22区
Journal of Engineering DesignJ. Eng. Des.0954-48282.68Q12区
Journal of Industrial and Production EngineeringJ. Ind. Prod. Eng.2168-10154.15Q2
Journal of Industrial Engineering and ManagementJIEM2013-09532.13Q3
Journal of Industrial Information IntegrationJ. Ind. Inf. Integr.2452-414X10.29Q11区
Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCEJ. Manage. Eng.0742-597X5.42Q11区
Journal of Manufacturing SystemsJ. Manuf. Syst.0278-612512.31Q11区
Journal of Manufacturing Technology ManagementJ. Manuf. Technol. Manag.1741-038X7.13Q12区
Journal of Quality in Maintenance EngineeringJ of Qual in Maintenance Eng1355-25111.97Q3
Journal of Quality TechnologyJ. Qual. Technol.0022-40652.41Q12区
Management and Production Engineering Review2080-82080.71Q4
Management Systems in Production Engineering2299-04611.50Q4
Probability in the Engineering and Informational SciencesProb. Eng. Inf. Sci.0269-96480.72Q33区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and ReliabilityProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. O. J. Risk. Reliab.1748-006X1.88Q34区
Production and Manufacturing ResearchProd. Manuf. Res.2169-32771.79Q3
Quality and Reliability Engineering InternationalQuality & Reliability Eng0748-80172.20Q23区
Quality EngineeringQual. Eng.0898-21121.26Q24区
Quality Technology and Quantitative ManagementQual. Technol. Quant. Manag.1684-37032.21Q12区
Reliability Engineering and System SafetyReliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.0951-83209.39Q11区
Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent EngineeringRes Eng Design0934-98392.39Q23区
Safety ScienceSaf. Sci.0925-75354.65Q11区
South African Journal of Industrial EngineeringSAJIE1012-277X0.40Q44区
Systems EngineeringSyst Eng1098-12411.49Q33区
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