
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Australian Economic History ReviewAust. Econ. Hist. Rev.0004-89920.63Q34区
Business HistoryBus. Hist.0007-67910.83Q22区
Business History ReviewBus. Hist. Rev.0007-68051.27Q12区
CliometricaCliometrica. (Berl).1863-25051.64Q11区
Cuadernos de Historia del DerechoCUAD HIST DERECHO1133-76130.31Q4
Economic History ReviewEconomic History Rev0013-01171.39Q11区
Enterprise and SocietyEnterp. Soc.1467-22270.66Q22区
European Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtEur. J. Hist. Econ. Thought.0967-25670.52Q33区
European Review of Economic HistoryEur. Rev. Econ. Hist.1361-49161.35Q11区
Explorations in Economic HistoryExplor. Econ. Hist.0014-49832.59Q11区
Financial History Review0968-56500.40Q3
Historical Social ResearchHist. Soc. Res.0172-64040.79Q33区
History of Economics ReviewHist. Econ. Rev.1037-01960.64Q2
History of EducationHist. Educ.0046-760X0.22Q34区
History of Education ReviewHist. Educ. Rev.0311-32480.40Q3
History of Political EconomyHist. Polit. Econ.0018-27021.36Q12区
History of PsychiatryHist. Psychiatry0957-154X0.28Q43区
History of the FamilyHist. Fam.1081-602X0.92Q23区
History of the Human SciencesHist. Human. Sci.0952-69510.98Q22区
HSE Social and Education History2014-35670.15Q4
Iberian Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtIJHE2386-57680.13Q4
Imago MundiImago Mundi0308-56940.47Q44区
Journal of Economic HistoryJ. Eco. History0022-05072.64Q11区
Journal of Family HistoryJ. Fam. Hist.0363-19900.36Q33区
Journal of Historical GeographyJ. Hist. Geogr.0305-74881.21Q12区
Journal of Philosophy of EducationJ Philosophy of Education0309-82490.75Q24区
Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtJ Hist Econ Thought1053-83721.33Q13区
Journal of the History of the Behavioral SciencesJ. Hist. Behav. Sci.0022-50610.60Q33区
Journal of Urban HistoryJ. Urban Hist.0096-14420.56Q44区
Law and History ReviewLaw hist. rev.0738-24800.66Q23区
Paedagogica HistoricaPaedagog. Hist.0030-92300.41Q44区
Planning PerspectivesPlan. Perspect.0266-54330.82Q23区
Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic HistoryRHE / JILAEH0212-61090.41Q32区
Revista de Historia IndustrialHist. Ind.1132-72000.32Q34区
Social Science HistorySoc. sci. hist.0145-55320.66Q33区
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