
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta BioethicaActa. Bioeth.0717-59060.51Q44区
AIDS and BehaviorAIDS Behav1090-71652.70Q22区
AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIVAIDS Care0954-01211.21Q44区
American Journal of BioethicsAm. J. Bioeth.1526-516117.01Q11区
Anthropology and MedicineAnthropol. Med.1364-84701.47Q34区
Biodemography and Social BiologyBiodemography. Soc. Biol.1948-55650.71Q34区
BMC Medical EthicsBMC Med. Ethics1472-69393.19Q11区
BMJ Sexual and Reproductive HealthBMJ Sex Reprod Health2515-19913.26Q13区
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare EthicsCamb Q Healthc Ethics0963-18011.64Q34区
Critical Public HealthCrit. Public Health0958-15963.18Q13区
Culture, Health and SexualityCult. Health. Sex.1369-10581.83Q33区
Culture, Medicine and PsychiatryCult Med Psych0165-005X1.49Q34区
Death StudiesDeath Stud.0748-11872.21Q24区
Evolution and Human BehaviorEvol. Hum. Behav.1090-51382.92Q11区
Hastings Center ReportHastings. Cent. Rep.0093-03342.20Q23区
Health (United Kingdom)Health (London)1363-45931.72Q24区
Health Care AnalysisHealth Care Anal1065-30581.86Q33区
Health, Risk and SocietyHealth Risk Soc.1369-85751.91Q34区
Human NatureHum Nat1045-67672.30Q22区
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to BioethicsInt. J. Fem. Approaches. Bioeth.1937-45770.21Q44区
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-beingInt. J. Qual. Stud. Health. Well-being.1748-26232.04Q24区
Journal of Bioethical InquiryBioethical Inquiry1176-75291.83Q33区
Journal of Biosocial ScienceJ. Biosoc. Sci.0021-93201.67Q33区
Journal of Genetic CounselingJ. Genet. Couns.1059-77001.97Q24区
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and LawJournal of Health Politics, Policy and Law0361-68783.21Q13区
Journal of Medical EthicsJ Med Ethics0306-68003.21Q12区
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (United Kingdom)J. of Med. & Philosophy0360-53101.31Q43区
Medical Anthropology QuarterlyMed. Anthropol. Q.0745-51942.06Q22区
Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and IllnessMed. Anthropol.0145-97401.60Q33区
New Bioethics2050-28771.29Q4
New Genetics and SocietyNew Genet. Soc.1463-67781.33Q44区
Omega: Journal of Death and DyingOmega (Westport)0030-22281.52Q34区
Social Science and MedicineSoc. Sci. Medicine0277-95364.82Q12区
Social Theory and HealthSoc Theory Health1477-82111.17Q44区
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health2667-32151.65Q3
The Journal of legal medicineJ. Leg. Med.0093-17480.32Q44区
Theoretical Medicine and BioethicsTheor Med Bioeth1386-74151.09Q43区
Transgender HealthTransgend. Health.2380-193X2.20Q24区
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