
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances in Operations ResearchAdv. Oper. Res.1687-91470.60Q4
Annals of Operations ResearchAnn Oper Res0254-53304.23Q13区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational ResearchAsia Pac. J. Oper. Res.0217-59591.20Q44区
Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production ManagementBJO&PM1679-81711.95Q3
Central European Journal of Operations ResearchCent Eur J Oper Res1435-246X1.20Q34区
Cleaner Logistics and Supply ChainCleaner Logist. Supply Chain2772-39096.90Q1
Computational Optimization and ApplicationsComput Optim Appl0926-60031.67Q32区
Computers and Operations ResearchComput. Oper. Res.0305-05483.92Q12区
Criminal Justice StudiesCrim. Justice. Stud. (Abingdon).1478-601X1.98Q3
Decision Science Letters10.5267/j.dsl1929-58041.37Q3
Decision Support SystemsDecis. Support Syst.0167-92366.74Q11区
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsDiscrete Event Dyn Syst0924-67031.55Q34区
Engineering EconomistEng. Econ.0013-791X1.08Q44区
Engineering OptimizationEng. Optim.0305-215X2.18Q23区
EURO Journal on Computational OptimizationEURO J Comput Optim2192-44062.74Q2
European Journal of Industrial EngineeringEJIE1751-52541.85Q34区
European Journal of Operational ResearchEur. J. Oper. Res.0377-22176.19Q12区
Expert Systems with Applications0957-41747.63Q11区
Flexible Services and Manufacturing JournalFlex Serv Manuf J1936-65822.42Q23区
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision MakingFuzzy Optim Decis Making1568-45394.93Q12区
IISE TransactionsIISE Trans.2472-58542.00Q23区
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems EngineeringIISE. Trans. Healthc. Syst. Eng.2472-55791.39Q3
INFORINFOR: Inf. Syst. Oper. Res.0315-59861.14Q44区
Informs Journal on Applied AnalyticsINFORMS J. Appl. Anal.2644-08651.02Q44区
INFORMS Journal on ComputingINFORMS. J. Comput.1091-98562.46Q24区
International Journal of Applied Management ScienceInt. J. Appl. Manag. Sci.1755-89130.27Q4
International Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingInt. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.0951-192X3.75Q23区
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations10.5267/j.ijiec1923-29261.70Q33区
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision MakingInt. J. Info. Tech. Dec. Mak.0219-62202.32Q24区
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science1947-82080.75Q4
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering ManagementInt. J. Manage. Sci. Eng. Manage.1750-96533.15Q2
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management SciencesInt J Math, Eng, Manag Sci2455-77491.37Q4
International Journal of Production EconomicsInt. J. Prod. Econ.0925-52739.80Q11区
International Journal of Production ResearchInt. J. Prod. Res.0020-75437.16Q12区
International Journal of Systems ScienceInt. J. Syst. Sci.0020-77214.80Q14区
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and LogisticsInt. J. Syst. Sci.: Oper. Logist.2330-26744.18Q23区
International Journal of Technology ManagementIJTM0267-57301.21Q34区
International Transactions in Operational ResearchInt Trans Operational Res0969-60163.10Q24区
Journal of Business AnalyticsJournal of Business Analytics2573-234X1.67Q3
Journal of Decision SystemsJ. Decis. Syst.1246-01252.77Q2
Journal of Global OptimizationJ Glob Optim0925-50011.24Q43区
Journal of Industrial and Management OptimizationJIMO1547-58161.37Q44区中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Journal of Management Science and EngineeringJ. Manage. Sci. Eng.2096-23205.29Q12区
Journal of Manufacturing SystemsJ. Manuf. Syst.0278-612512.31Q11区
Journal of Operations ManagementJ of Ops Management0272-69636.63Q12区
Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsJ Optim Theory Appl0022-32391.58Q33区
Journal of SchedulingJ. Sched.1094-61361.34Q34区
Journal of SimulationJ. Simul.1747-77781.19Q44区
Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJ. of Syst. Eng. Electron.1004-41322.05Q33区
Journal of Systems Science and Systems EngineeringJ. Syst. Sci. Syst. Eng.1004-37561.69Q34区
Journal of the Operational Research SocietyJ Oper Res Soc0160-56822.66Q24区
Journal of the Operations Research Society of ChinaJ. Oper. Res. Soc. China2194-668X1.04Q44区
Management ScienceManag. Sci.0025-19094.65Q12区
Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementM&SOM1523-46144.69Q13区
Mathematical Methods of Operations ResearchMath Meth Oper Res1432-29940.85Q44区
Mathematical ProgrammingMath. Program.0025-56102.23Q22区
Mathematical Programming ComputationMath. Prog. Comp.1867-29494.36Q11区
Mathematics of Operations ResearchMathematics of OR0364-765X1.45Q33区
Memetic ComputingMemetic Comp.1865-92843.44Q22区
Military Operations Research (United States)Military Oper Res0275-58230.63Q44区
Naval Research LogisticsNaval Research Logistics0894-069X2.09Q34区
Omega (United Kingdom)0305-04836.70Q12区
Operational ResearchOper Res Int J1109-28582.27Q24区
Operations ResearchOper. Res.0030-364X2.21Q23区
Operations Research and Decisions2081-88580.54Q4
Operations Research LettersOper. Res. Lett.0167-63770.98Q44区
Operations Research PerspectivesOper. Res. Perspect.2214-71603.81Q24区
Optimal Control Applications and MethodsOptim Control Appl Methods0143-20872.18Q24区
Optimization and EngineeringOptim Eng1389-44201.96Q23区
Optimization LettersOptim Lett1862-44721.28Q44区
Optimization Methods and SoftwareOptim. Methods. Softw.1026-76701.28Q33区
OR SpectrumOR. Spectr.0171-64681.20Q34区
Pacific Journal of Optimization1348-91510.55Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and ReliabilityProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. O. J. Risk. Reliab.1748-006X1.88Q34区
Production and Operations ManagementProduction & Oper Manag1059-14784.70Q13区
Production Planning and Controlprod. planning & control0953-72876.28Q13区
Quality and Reliability Engineering InternationalQuality & Reliability Eng0748-80172.20Q23区
Queueing SystemsQueueing Syst.0257-01300.71Q43区
RAIRO - Operations ResearchRAIRO Oper. Res.0399-05591.65Q34区
Reliability Engineering and System SafetyReliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.0951-83209.39Q11区
Safety ScienceSaf. Sci.0925-75354.65Q11区
Socio-Economic Planning SciencesSocioecon. Plann. Sci.0038-01216.23Q12区
Studies in Informatics and ControlSTUD INFORM CONTROL1220-17661.31Q44区
Sustainable Futures2666-18883.45Q22区
Systems and Control LettersSyst. Control. Lett.0167-69111.91Q23区
Systems EngineeringSyst Eng1098-12411.49Q33区
TransportationDiscrete Optim.0049-44880.98Q42区
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