
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Applied Surface ScienceAppl. Surf. Sci.0169-43326.27Q12区
Coatings2079-64122.89Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Coatings Tech2475-1499Q44区
Colloids and Interface Science Communications2215-03824.78Q23区
Corrosion ReviewsCorros. Rev.0334-60052.59Q24区
Corrosion ScienceCorros. Sci.0010-938X7.41Q11区
Diamond and Related MaterialsDiam. Relat. Mater.0925-96354.16Q23区
Journal of Coatings Technology and ResearchJ Coat Technol Res1547-00912.18Q34区
Journal of Plastic Film and SheetingJ. Plast. Film Sheeting1530-80142.15Q34区
Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyJ. Electrochem. Soc.0013-46513.24Q24区
Journal of Thermal Spray TechnologyJ Therm Spray Tech1059-96303.20Q23区
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and FilmsJ. Vac. Sci. Technol. A0734-21012.49Q33区
Pigment and Resin TechnologyPRT0369-94201.31Q44区
Progress in Organic CoatingsProg. Org. Coat.0300-94406.50Q12区
Surface and Coatings TechnologySurf. Coat. Technol.0257-89725.38Q12区
Surface EngineeringSurf. Eng.0267-08442.23Q34区
Surface InnovationsSurf. Innov.2050-62522.85Q24区
Surfaces and InterfacesSurf. Interface2468-02305.77Q12区
Thin Solid FilmsThin Solid Film0040-60902.12Q34区
Transactions of the Institute of Metal FinishingTrans. IMF0020-29671.19Q34区
Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces1751-58311.70Q4
Zhongguo Biaomian Gongcheng/China Surface Engineering1007-92890.61Q44区
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