
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Researchacupunct electrother res0360-12930.24Q44区
Acupuncture in MedicineAcupunct Med0964-52842.53Q23区
Advances in Integrative MedicineTransl. Proteom.2212-95881.22Q3
Alternative Therapies in Health and MedicineAltern. Ther. Health. Med.1078-67911.80Q34区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
American Journal of Chinese MedicineAm. J. Chin. Med.0192-415X4.60Q12区
BMC Complementary Medicine and TherapiesBMC Complement Med Ther2662-76713.15Q12区
Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y AromaticasBol. Latinoam. Caribe. Plantas. Med. Aromat.0717-79170.76Q44区
Chinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChin. J. Integr. Med.1672-04152.14Q23区
Chinese Journal of Natural MedicinesChin. J. Nat. Med.1672-36513.90Q12区
Chinese Medicine (United Kingdom)Chin Med1749-85465.12Q13区
Complementary Medicine ResearchComplement Med Res2504-20921.03Q34区
Complementary Therapies in Clinical PracticeComplement. Ther. Clin. Pract.1744-38812.04Q23区
Complementary Therapies in MedicineComplement. Ther. Med.0965-22993.10Q13区
Current Traditional MedicineCurr. Tradit. Med.2215-08380.47Q4
Deutsche Zeitschrift fur AkupunkturDtsch. Z. Akupunkt.0415-64120.07Q4
European Journal of Integrative MedicineEur. J. Integr. Med.1876-38201.78Q34区
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative MedicineEvidence-based Complement. Altern. Medicine1741-427X2.794区ivySCI
Holistic Nursing PracticeHolist. Nurs. Pract.0887-93111.11Q34区
Integrative Cancer TherapiesIntegr. Cancer Ther.1534-73542.79Q23区
Integrative Medicine ResearchIntegr. Med. Res.2213-42202.63Q24区
International Journal of YogaInt. J. Yoga0973-61311.13Q3
JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian StudiesJ Acupunct Meridian Stud2005-29010.71Q4
Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina ScienceJ. Acupunct. Tuina. Sci.1672-35970.23Q44区
Journal of Alternative and Complementary MedicineJ. Altern. Complement. Medicine1075-55352.41Q24区
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineJ. Ayurveda. Integr. Med.0975-94761.90Q3
Journal of EthnopharmacologyJ. Ethnopharmacol.0378-87414.84Q12区
Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative MedicineJ Evid Based Complementary Altern Med2515-690X3.46Q1
Journal of Ginseng ResearchJ. Ginseng Res.1226-84536.64Q12区
Journal of Herbal MedicineJ. Herb. Med.2210-80332.39Q24区
Journal of Integrative and Complementary MedicineJ. Integr. Complement. Med.2768-36051.11Q34区
Journal of Integrative MedicineJ. Integr. Med.2095-49644.29Q12区
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ. Manipulative. Physiol. Ther.0161-47541.14Q34区
Journal of PharmacopunctureJ Pharmacopuncture2093-69661.31Q3
Journal of Traditional and Complementary MedicineJ. Tradit. Complement. Med.2225-41103.41Q13区
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine2589-451XQ34区
Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese MedicineJ. Tradit. Chin. Medicine0254-62722.09Q2
Medical AcupunctureMed. Acupunct.1933-65860.92Q4
Planta MedicaPlanta Med0032-09431.97Q24区
Traditional Medicine ResearchTradit Med Res2413-39730.76Q44区
World Journal of Acupuncture - MoxibustionWorld. J. Acupunct. Moxibustion.1003-52570.56Q44区
World Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineWorld J Tradit Chin Med2311-85714.27Q13区
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