
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Addicta: the Turkish Journal on Addictionsaddicta2148-72860.68Q4
Addiction BiologyAddict. Biol.1355-62153.12Q23区
Addiction Research and TheoryAddict. Res. Theory.1476-73922.01Q33区
Addiction science & clinical practiceAddict Sci Clin Pract1940-06323.55Q12区
Addictive BehaviorsAddict. Behav.0306-46033.67Q12区
Alcohol and AlcoholismAlcohol. Alcohol.0735-04142.03Q34区
Alcohol Research and Health1535-74146.96Q11区
Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research2993-71753.12Q2
Alcoholism and Drug Addictionain0867-43610Q4
Alcoholism Treatment QuarterlyAlcohol. Treat. Q.0734-73240.59Q4
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental ResearchAlcoholism Clin & Exp Res0145-60083.36Q33区
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol AbuseAm. J. Drug. Alcohol. Abuse.0095-29902.53Q23区
American Journal on AddictionsAmerican J Addict1055-04962.53Q24区
Canadian Journal of AddictionCan. J. Addict.2368-47200.58Q4
Contemporary Drug ProblemsContemp. Drug Probl.0091-45092.10Q3
Current Addiction ReportsCurr. Addict. Rep.2196-29524.00Q12区
Drug and Alcohol DependenceDrug Alcohol Depend.0376-87163.88Q12区
Drug and Alcohol ReviewDrug Alcohol Rev.0726-45502.90Q23区
Drugs, Habits and Social Policy2752-67391.32Q4
Drugs: Education, Prevention and PolicyDrugs. (Abingdon. Engl).0968-76371.69Q34区
European Addiction ResearchEur. Addict. Res.1022-68772.74Q23区
Harm Reduction JournalHarm Reduct. J.1477-75173.85Q12区
Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical ProblemsHeroin. Addict. Relat. Clin. Probl.1592-16380.92Q44区
International Gambling StudiesInt. Gambl. Stud.1445-97952.68Q23区
International Journal of Drug PolicyInt. J. Drug. Policy.0955-39594.24Q12区
International Journal of Mental Health and AddictionInt J Ment Health Addiction1557-18743.22Q13区
Journal of Addiction MedicineJ. Addict. Med.1932-06204.28Q13区
Journal of Addictions NursingJ. Addict. Nurs.1088-46020.75Q44区
Journal of Addictive DiseasesJ. Addict. Dis.1055-08871.77Q34区
Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance AbuseJ. Child. Adolesc. Subst. Abuse.1067-828X0.75Q44区
Journal of Drug IssuesJ. Drug Issues0022-04261.18Q44区
Journal of Dual DiagnosisJ. Dual Diagn.1550-42631.48Q34区
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance AbuseJ. Ethn. Subst. Abuse.1533-26401.02Q44区
Journal of Gambling IssuesJGI1910-75951.28Q4
Journal of Gambling StudiesJ Gambl Stud0742-07142.24Q23区
Journal of Psychoactive DrugsJ. Psychoactive. Drugs.0279-10721.97Q34区
Journal of Smoking CessationJ. Smok Cessat1834-26121.15Q4
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and DrugsJ. Stud. Alcohol Drugs1937-18882.22Q23区
Journal of Substance Abuse TreatmentJ. Subst. Abuse Treat.0740-54723.54Q12区
Journal of Substance UseJ. Subst. Use1465-98910.47Q44区
NAD Nordic Studies on Alcohol and DrugsNordisk. Alkohol. Nark.1455-07251.73Q33区
Nicotine and Tobacco ResearchNICTOB1462-22033.11Q22区
Performance Enhancement and HealthPerform. Enhanc. Health.2211-26692.75Q2
Psychology of Addictive BehaviorsPsychol. Addict. Behav.0893-164X3.03Q12区
Substance AbuseSubst. Abus.0889-70772.85Q23区
Substance Abuse and RehabilitationSAR1179-84675.14Q1
Substance Abuse: Research and TreatmentSubst�Abuse1178-22181.84Q3
Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and PolicySubst Abuse Treat Prev Policy1747-597X3.18Q23区
Substance Use and MisuseSubst. Use. Misuse.1082-60841.73Q34区
Therapeutic CommunitiesTher. Communities0964-1866Q4
Tobacco ControlTob Control0964-45634.11Q12区
Tobacco Induced DiseasesTob. Induced Dis.1617-96252.40Q34区
Tobacco Prevention and CessationTob. Prev. Cessat.2459-30872.05Q3
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