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Journal NameAbbreviationISSNJournal ImpactQuartiles(Global)Quartiles(China)Top JournalsEarly Warning Journal
ACM Communications in Computer AlgebraACM Commun. Comput. Algebra1932-22320.46Q4
ACM Transactions on Computational LogicACM Trans. Comput. Logic1529-37850.67Q14区
ACM Transactions on Economics and ComputationACM Trans. Econ. Comput.2167-83751.09Q4
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingACM Trans. Speech Lang. Process.1550-4875
Advanced Mathematical Models and Applications2519-4445
Advances in Computational Design2383-84771.00Q4
Advances in Computational MathematicsAdv Comput Math1019-71681.56Q23区
Advances in Fixed Point Theory1927-6303
Advances in Fuzzy SystemsAdv. Fuzzy Syst.1687-71011.48Q2
Advances in Modelling and Analysis AAdv. Modell. Anal. A1258-5769
AIRO Springer Series2523-7047
Algorithmic FinanceAlgorithmic Finance2157-62030.27Q4
Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry1574-1400
Applied and Computational MathematicsACM1683-35114.72Q1
Applied and Computational Mechanics1802-680X
Applied Mathematics and ComputationAppl. Math. Comput.0096-30033.57Q12区
Applied Mathematics Research eXpressAppl. Math. Res. Express.1687-1197
Applied Network ScienceAppl. Netw. Sci.2364-82281.20Q2
Applied Numerical MathematicsAppl. Numer. Math.0168-92742.27Q12区
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