Bulletin of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery | | 1829-006X | | | | | |
Chinese Journal of Stomatology | Zhonghua. Kou. Qiang. Yi. Xue. Za. Zhi. | 1002-0098 | | | | | |
Clinical Dentistry (Russia) | | 1811-153X | | | | | |
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Contemp. Clin. Dent. | 0976-2361 | 0.89 | Q3 | | | |
European Endodontic Journal | Eur. Endod. J. | 2548-0839 | 1.68 | Q3 | | | |
Frontiers in Dental Medicine | Front. Dent. Med | 2673-4915 | 1.41 | Q3 | | | |
Frontiers in Oral Health | Front. Oral. Health | 2673-4842 | 2.88 | Q1 | | | |
International Arab Journal of Dentistry | | 2218-0885 | | | | | |
International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry | Int. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. | 0974-7052 | | | | | |
International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry | Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent | 0198-7569 | 1.18 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry | | 2231-6361 | | | | | |
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry | J. Adhes. Dent. | 1461-5185 | 2.69 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Journal of Advanced Periodontology and Implant Dentistry | J Adv Periodontol Implant Dent | 2645-5390 | | | | | |
Journal of Clinical Periodontology | J Clin Periodontol | 0303-6979 | 5.90 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science | J Dentomaxillofac Sci | 2503-0817 | | | | | |
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology | J Indian Soc Periodontol | 0972-124X | | | | | |
Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery | | 2608-1326 | | | | | |
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine | J Oral Pathology Medicine | 0904-2512 | 2.72 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science | J Periodontal Implant Sci | 2093-2278 | 2.05 | Q2 | 4区 | | |
Journal of Periodontal Research | J. Periodontal Res. | 0022-3484 | 3.49 | Q1 | 3区 | | |