
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advanced Intelligent SystemsAdv. Intell. Syst.2640-45676.69Q13区
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous SystemsAnnu. Rev. Control Robot. Auton. Syst.2573-514411.39Q11区
Annual Reviews in ControlAnnu. Rev. Control.1367-57887.48Q12区
Archives of Control SciencesArch. Control Sci.1230-23841.10Q24区
Asian Journal of ControlAsian J. Control1561-86252.56Q24区
Assembly AutomationAA0144-51541.89Q34区
Automatic Control and Computer SciencesAut. Conrol Comp. Sci.0146-41160.80Q4
AutomaticaAutomatica. (Oxf).0005-10984.93Q12区
Automation and Remote ControlAutom Remote Control0005-11790.75Q44区
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsAuton Agent Multi-Agent Syst1387-25322.15Q33区
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory SystemsChemom. Intell. Lab. Syst.0169-74393.87Q12区
Control Engineering and Applied Informatics1454-86580.42Q44区
Control Engineering PracticeControl Eng. Pract.0967-06615.60Q12区
Control Theory and TechnologyControl Theory Technol.2095-69831.86Q34区
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsDiscrete Event Dyn Syst0924-67031.55Q34区
Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceEng. Appl. Artif. Intell.0952-19767.47Q12区
European Journal of ControlEur. J. Control0151-91070.53Q43区
Foundations and Trends in Systems and ControlFNT in Systems and Control2325-68185.62Q1
IEEE Control SystemsIEEE Control Syst.1066-033X4.04Q23区
IEEE Control Systems LettersIEEE Control Syst. Lett.2475-14562.28Q2
IEEE Robotics and Automation MagazineIEEE Robot. Automat. Mag.1070-99325.60Q13区
IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlIEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.0018-92866.39Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and EngineeringIEEE Trans. Automat. Sci. Eng.1545-59556.08Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network SystemsIEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst.2325-58703.91Q13区
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems TechnologyIEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol.1063-65365.01Q12区
IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Trans. Cybern.2168-22679.52Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsIEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.0278-00467.49Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsIEEE Trans. Ind. Inf.1551-320311.80Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsIEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern, Syst.2168-22168.62Q11区
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica SinicaIEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica2329-926615.37Q11区
IET Control Theory and Applications1751-86442.24Q24区
IFAC Journal of Systems and ControlIFAC J. Syst. Control2468-60181.61Q3
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and InformationIMA J Math Control Info0265-07541.72Q24区
Information Technology and ControlITC1392-124X1.94Q34区
Intelligent Automation and Soft ComputingAUTOSOFT1079-85872.05Q34区
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal ProcessingAdaptive Control & Signal0890-63274.09Q24区
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInt. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci.1641-876X1.45Q24区
International Journal of Automation and ControlIJAAC1740-75161.36Q4
International Journal of Automation TechnologyInt. J. Autom. Technol.1881-76291.08Q4
International Journal of Computers, Communications and ControlINT J COMPUT COMMUN1841-98361.87Q34区
International Journal of ControlInt. J. Control0020-71791.56Q34区
International Journal of Control, Automation and SystemsInt. J. Control Autom. Syst.1598-64462.69Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, 中科院 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of Fuzzy SystemsInt. J. Fuzzy Syst.1562-24793.65Q23区
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and ControlIJMIC1746-61720.71Q4
International Journal of Robotics and AutomationInt. J. Rob. Autom.0826-81850.62Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlInt J Robust Nonlinear Control1049-89233.18Q13区
International Journal of Systems ScienceInt. J. Syst. Sci.0020-77214.80Q14区
ISA TransactionsISA Trans.0019-05786.31Q12区
Journal of Control Science and EngineeringJ. Control Sci. Eng.1687-52490.84Q4
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical SystemsJ Control Autom Electr Syst2195-38801.30Q3
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Contr.0022-04341.89Q34区
Journal of Machine Learning ResearchJ. Mach. Learn. Res.1532-44354.48Q23区
Journal of Process ControlJ. Process Control0959-15243.44Q22区
Journal of Systems Engineering and ElectronicsJ. of Syst. Eng. Electron.1004-41322.05Q33区
Journal of the Franklin Institute0016-00323.65Q13区
Machine Intelligence ResearchMach. Intell. Res.2731-538X6.59Q14区
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and SystemsMath. Control Signals Syst.0932-41941.72Q24区
Measurement and Control (United Kingdom)Meas. Control0020-29401.32Q34区
Mechatronic Systems and Control2561-17710.87Q4
MechatronicsMechatronics. (Oxf).0957-41583.22Q23区
Modeling, Identification and ControlMIC0332-73530.82Q44区
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid SystemsNonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst1751-570X3.50Q12区
Optimal Control Applications and MethodsOptim Control Appl Methods0143-20872.18Q24区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control EngineeringProc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng.0959-65181.26Q44区
RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica IndustrialRev. iberoam. autom. inform. ind.1697-79121.00Q44区
Robotics and Autonomous SystemsRobot. Auton. Syst.0921-88904.41Q22区
Studies in Informatics and ControlSTUD INFORM CONTROL1220-17661.31Q44区
Systems and Control LettersSyst. Control. Lett.0167-69111.91Q23区
Systems Science and Control EngineeringSyst. Sci. Control. Eng.2164-25833.09Q2
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and ControlTrans. Inst. Meas. Control.0142-33121.70Q34区
Unmanned SystemsUn. Sys.2301-38502.96Q23区
Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta - Upravlenie, Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika i Informatika1998-86050.12Q4
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