
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances in Applied EnergyAdv. Appl. Energy2666-792413.16Q1
AIMS Energy2333-83261.64Q4
Applied EnergyAppl. Energy0306-26199.97Q11区
Applied Thermal EngineeringAppl. Therm. Eng.1359-43116.02Q12区
Bioenergy ResearchBioenerg. Res.1939-12343.21Q23区
Biofuel Research JournalBiofuel Res. J.2292-878214.33Q1
Biofuels, Bioproducts and BiorefiningBiofuels, Bioprod. Bioref.1932-10313.05Q34区
Biomass and BioenergyBiomass Bioenergy0961-95345.70Q22区
Biomass Conversion and BiorefineryBiomass Conv. Bioref.2190-68153.41Q24区
Bioresource TechnologyBioresour. Technol.0960-85249.71Q11区
Biotechnology for BiofuelsBiotechnol Biofuels1754-68346.27Q21区
Biotechnology for Biofuels and BioproductsBiotechnol Biofuels2731-36543.48Q32区
Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process IntensificationChem. Eng. Process. Process. Intensif.0255-27013.84Q23区
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and OilsChem Technol Fuels Oils0009-30920.60Q44区
China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology1008-62340.59Q44区
Combustion and FlameCombust. Flame.0010-21805.91Q12区
Combustion Science and TechnologyCombust. Sci. Technol.0010-22021.67Q34区
Combustion Theory and ModellingCombust. Theor. Model.1364-78301.88Q34区
Combustion, Explosion and Shock WavesCombust Explos Shock Waves0010-50821.01Q44区
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy SystemsCSEE JPES2096-00426.90Q12区
CTyF - Ciencia, Tecnologia y FuturoCT&F Cienc. Tecnol. Futuro0122-53830.61Q44区
Energies1996-10733.15Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Energy and AIEnergy AI2666-54689.80Q1
Energy and BuildingsEnergy Build.0378-77886.69Q12区
Energy and Climate ChangeEnergy Clim. Change2666-27875.73Q2
Energy and FuelsEnergy Fuels0887-06245.16Q13区
Energy Conversion and ManagementEnergy Convers. Manag.0196-89049.71Q11区
Energy EfficiencyEnergy. Effic.1570-646X3.20Q34区
Energy Exploration and ExploitationEnergy Explor. Exploit.0144-59871.95Q44区
Energy for Sustainable DevelopmentEnergy. Sustain. Dev.0973-08264.52Q22区
Energy JournalEnergy J.0195-65741.77Q34区
Energy ReportsEnergy Rep.2352-48474.77Q23区中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Energy Science and EngineeringEnergy Sci Eng2050-05053.36Q33区
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental EffectsEnergy Source Part Recovery Util. Environ. Eff.1556-70362.11Q34区
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and PolicyEnergy Source Part B Econ. Plan. Policy1556-72493.08Q34区
Energy Storage2578-48623.43Q3
Energy Strategy ReviewsEnergy Strategy Rev.2211-467X7.87Q12区
Energy SystemsEnergy Syst.1868-39672.15Q3
Energy TechnologyEnergy Tech2194-42883.54Q34区
Energy, Sustainability and SocietyEnerg Sustain Soc2192-05674.56Q23区
Frontiers in EnergyFront. Energy2095-16983.26Q34区
Frontiers in Energy ResearchFront. Energy Res.2296-598X2.78Q34区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Fuel0016-23616.57Q11区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Fuel CellsFuel. Cells. (Weinh).1615-68462.45Q34区
Fuel Processing TechnologyFuel Process. Technol.0378-38207.31Q12区
Fuentes el Reventon Energetico1657-65270Q4
GCB Bioenergy1757-16935.72Q23区
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-ResourcesGeomech. Geophys. Geo-energ. Geo-resour.2363-84193.72Q12区
Geomechanics for Energy and the EnvironmentGeomech. Energy Environ.2352-38083.30Q22区
Green Energy and EnvironmentGreen Energy Environ.2096-279710.77Q11区
IEEE Journal of PhotovoltaicsIEEE J. Photovoltaics2156-33812.43Q23区
IEEE Transactions on Energy ConversionIEEE Trans. Energy Convers.0885-89694.80Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable EnergyIEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy1949-30298.54Q11区
IET Renewable Power GenerationIET Renew. Power Gener.1752-14162.54Q34区
International Energy JournalInt. Energy J.1513-718X0.37Q4
International Journal of Coal GeologyInt. J. Coal Geol.0166-51625.48Q12区
International Journal of Coal Preparation and UtilizationInt. J. Coal Prep. Util.1939-26991.97Q24区
International Journal of Coal Science and TechnologyInt J Coal Sci Technol2095-82937.04Q11区
International Journal of Energy and Environmental EngineeringInt J Energy Environ Eng2008-91631.73Q4
International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE)2160-95000.54Q4
International Journal of Energy ResearchInt J Energy Res0363-907X4.17Q13区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of ExergyIJEX1742-82971.13Q44区
International Journal of Green EnergyInt. J. Green Energy1543-50753.04Q24区
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas ControlInt. J. Greenh. Gas Control.1750-58364.66Q23区
International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInt. J. Hydrogen Energy0360-31997.97Q12区
International Journal of Low-Carbon TechnologiesInt. J. Low-Carbon Tech.1748-13172.45Q24区
International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal TechnologyIJOGCT1753-33090.45Q44区
International Journal of PhotoenergyInt. J. Photoenergy1110-662X2.21Q24区
International Journal of Renewable Energy ResearchInt. J. Renew. Energy Res.1309-01271.04Q4
International Journal of Sustainable EnergyInt. J. Sustain. Energy1478-64511.85Q4
International Journal of VentilationInt. J. Vent.1473-33151.17Q44区
Journal of Biobased Materials and BioenergyJ Biobased Mat Bioenergy1556-65600.44Q44区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and StorageJ. Electrochem. Energy Convers. Storage2381-68722.60Q34区
Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCEJ. Energy Eng.0733-94022.00Q24区
Journal of Energy in Southern AfricaJ. energy South. Afr.1021-447X0.47Q44区
Journal of Energy Resources TechnologyJ. Energy Resour. Technol.0195-07382.70Q33区
Journal of Energy StorageJ. Energy Storage2352-152X8.93Q12区
Journal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringJ. Nat. Gas. Sci. Eng.1875-51004.71Q12区
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and ProductionJ Petrol Explor Prod Technol2190-05582.35Q24区
Journal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringJ. Pet. Sci. Eng.0920-41055.152区
Journal of Power SourcesJ. Power Sources0378-77538.22Q12区
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable EnergyJ. Renew. Sustain. Energy1941-70121.81Q44区
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Sol. Energy Eng.0199-62312.29Q24区
Journal of the Energy InstituteJ. Energy Inst.1743-96715.57Q22区
MRS Energy and SustainabilityMRS energy sustain.2329-22293.40Q3
Natural Gas Industry BNat. Gas Ind. B2352-85404.22Q23区
Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of EnergyJ. Jpn. Inst. Energy0916-87530.16Q4
Oil and Gas Journal0030-1388Q44区
Oil and Gas Science and TechnologyOil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles1294-44751.81Q24区
Oil Shale0208-189X1.15Q34区
Petroleum ChemistryPet. Chem.0965-54411.18Q34区
Petroleum Exploration and DevelopmentPet. Explor. Dev.1876-38046.92Q11区
Petroleum SciencePet. Sci.1672-51075.99Q11区
Petroleum Science and TechnologyPet. Sci. Technol.1091-64661.10Q34区
Problems of the Regional EnergeticsPRE1857-00700.13Q4
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: EnergyProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy1751-42230.82Q44区
Proceedings of the Combustion InstituteProc. Combust. Inst.1540-74895.40Q12区
Progress in EnergyProg. Energy2516-108311.43Q1
Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceProg. Energy Combust. Sci.0360-128531.92Q11区
Protection and Control of Modern Power SystemsProt Control Mod Power Syst2367-09838.73Q11区
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews1364-032116.38Q11区
Renewable EnergyRenew. Energy0960-14819.18Q11区
Renewable Energy FocusRenew. Energy Focus1755-00844.03Q2
Science and Technology for Energy Transition (STET)2804-76991.49Q24区
Shiyou Kantan Yu Kaifa/Petroleum Exploration and Development1000-07472区
Smart Energy2666-95525.24Q2
Solar Energy0038-092X5.91Q22区
Solar RRLSol. RRL2367-198X6.17Q13区
Solid Fuel ChemistrySolid Fuel Chem.0361-52190.90Q44区
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and EngineeringSPE Reserv. Evaluation Eng.1094-64702.24Q34区
Sustainable Cities and SocietySustain. City Soc.2210-670710.67Q11区
Sustainable Energy Technologies and AssessmentsSustain. Energy Technol. Assess.2213-13887.18Q12区
Sustainable Energy, Grids and NetworksSustainable Energy Grids Networks2352-46774.98Q12区
Sustainable Materials and TechnologiesSustain. Mater. Technol.2214-99298.50Q12区
Thermal Science and Engineering ProgressTherm. Sci. Eng. Prog.2451-90495.08Q13区
Transactions of Tianjin UniversityTrans. Tianjin Univ.1006-49826.57Q14区
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and EnvironmentWIREs Energy & Environment2041-83965.21Q23区
Wind EnergyWind Energ.1095-42444.15Q13区
Wind EngineeringWind Eng.0309-524X1.36Q4
Wireless Power TransferWirel Pow Transfer2052-84181.47Q4
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