
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
A e C - Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional1516-32100.30Q4
Access to Justice in Eastern EuropeAJEE2663-05750.64Q2
ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional2027-11310.24Q3
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Seria F: ChemiaRBD1807-12280.42Q3
Actualidad Juridica Ambiental1989-56660.33Q4
Adelaide Law Review0065-19150.23Q3
African Disability Rights Yearbook2311-8970Q4
African Journal of International and Comparative LawAfrican J Intl & Comparative Law0954-88900.35Q3
African Journal of Legal StudiesAfr. J. Leg. Stud.1708-73840.26Q4
Age of Human Rights Journal2340-95920.34Q4
Air and Space LawAILA0927-33790.59Q3
AJIL UnboundAJIL Unbound2398-77231.35Q1
Alberta law reviewALR0002-48210.11Q3
Alternative Law JournalAltern. Law J.1037-969X0.53Q2
American Bankruptcy Law Journal0027-90480.70Q23区
American Business Law JournalAm. Bus. Law J.0002-77661.32Q13区
American Criminal Law ReviewAm. Crim. Law. Rev.0164-03640.57Q44区
American Journal of Comparative Lawam j comp law0002-919X1.37Q12区
American Journal of International LawAm. j. int. law0002-93002.79Q12区
American Journal of Law and MedicineAm. J. Law. Med.0098-85880.34Q34区
American Journal of Legal HistoryAm J Leg Hist0002-93190.52Q2
American Law and Economics ReviewAm Law Econ Rev1465-72520.97Q23区
Anuario de filosofía del derecho0518-08720.57Q3
Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional Privado1578-31380Q4
Anuario Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional Penal2346-31200.09Q4
Appeal, review of current law and law reform1205-612X1.45Q1
Arab Law QuarterlyArab Law Q.0268-05560.43Q3
Artificial Intelligence and LawArtif Intell Law0924-84633.14Q12区
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental LawAsia Pac. J. Environ. Law1385-21400.48Q3
Asia Pacific Law ReviewAsia Pac. Law Rev.1019-25571.11Q24区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and PolicyAsia Pac J Ocean Law Policy2451-93670.44Q3
Asian Journal of International LawAsian J. Int. Law2044-25130.80Q2
Asian Journal of Law and Economics2154-46110.54Q3
Asian Journal of Law and SocietyAsianJLS2052-90150.53Q23区
Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy1819-51640.13Q34区
Atlantic law journal1521-3293Q4
Australasian dispute resolution journal1441-78470.43Q3
Australian Business Law Review0310-10530.26Q3
Australian Feminist Law JournalAust. Fem. Law J.1320-09680.86Q2
Australian intellectual property journalAUST INTELLECT PROP J1038-16350.13Q4
Australian journal of administrative law1320-71051.21Q1
Australian journal of competition and consumer law1838-92600.60Q3
Australian Law JournalAust. Law. J.0004-96110.38Q3
Australian Tax Review0311-094X0.19Q4
BioLaw Journal2284-45030.25Q3
Boletin de la Asociacion Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo1134-993X0.13Q3
Boston University Law ReviewBoston. Univ. Law. Rev.0006-80471.65Q13区
Bratislava Law Review2585-70880.37Q4
BRICS Law JournalBRICS Law J.2409-90580.20Q4
British Journal of American Legal StudiesBr. J. Am. Leg. Stud.2049-40920.02Q4
Buffalo Law ReviewBuffalo Law Rev.0023-93560.68Q24区
Business and Human Rights JournalBus. and hum. rights j.2057-01982.24Q1
Cadernos de Dereito Actual2340-860XQ4
California Law ReviewCalif. Law Rev.0008-12212.22Q12区
Cambridge International Law JournalCamb. Int. Law J.2398-91730.79Q2
Cambridge Law JournalC.L.J.0008-19731.32Q12区
Canadian Journal of Law and JurisprudenceCan. J. Law Jurisprud.0841-82090.20Q3
Canadian Journal of Law and SocietyCan. j. law soc.0829-32010.35Q3
Canadian journal of women and the law = Revue juridique La femme et le droit0832-87810Q4
Capital Markets Law JournalCap. Mark. Law J.1750-72190.84Q2
Catholic University Law ReviewCathol. Univers. Law. Rev.0008-83900.09Q44区
Champ pénal/Penal field1777-52720.45Q3
China and WTO ReviewChina & WTO Rev.2383-82210.58Q3
China-EU Law JournalChina-EU Law J1868-51530.12Q3
Chinese Journal of Comparative Law2050-48020.55Q3
Chinese Journal of Environmental Law2468-60340.28Q3
Chinese Journal of International LawChin. J. Int. Law1540-16501.46Q14区
Ciencia juridica2007-35770Q4
Civil justice quarterly0261-92610.06Q4
Climate LawClim. Law1878-65531.05Q2
Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law of the University of RijekaZb. Prav. fak. Sveuč. Rij. (Online)1330-349XQ4
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law0010-19311.04Q14区
Columbia Law ReviewColumbia Law Rev.0010-19583.58Q12区
Common Market Law ReviewCommon Mark. Law Rev.0165-07501.62Q12区
Communication Law and Policy1081-16800.27Q4
Company and securities law journal0729-27750.35Q3
Comparative Legal HistoryComp. Leg. Hist.2049-677X0.68Q2
Computer Law and Security ReviewComput. Law Secur. Rev.0267-36493.38Q13区
Connecticut insurance law journal1081-94360.24Q3
Constitutional Political EconomyConstit Polit Econ1043-40621.00Q2
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal1999-97470.39Q3
Cornell International Law JournalCornell Int. Law J.0010-88120.38Q4
Cornell Law ReviewCornell Law Rev.0010-88472.63Q12区
Criminal Law and PhilosophyCriminal Law, Philosophy1871-97910.50Q2
Criminal Law ForumCrim. Law Forum1046-83740.98Q2
Criminal law journal0314-11600.24Q3
Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy1845-56620.24Q3
Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del DerechoCEFD1138-98770.32Q4
Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto1130-83540.12Q4
Current legal problemsCurr. Leg. Probl.0070-19981.21Q12区
DE JURE LAW JOURNAL1466-35970.23Q4
Denver Law ReviewDenver Law Rev.2469-64630.35Q34区
Derecho Penal y Criminologíaderpen0121-04830.09Q4
Derecho PUCPDERECHO0251-34200.18Q3
Derecho y Ciencias Sociales1852-29710.17Q3
Derechos y libertades : Revista del Instituto Bartolomé de las Casas1133-09370.44Q3
Diritti umani e diritto internazionale1971-71050.11Q3
Droit et Cultures0247-97880.06Q4
Duke Law JournalDuke Law J.0012-70861.62Q12区
E-legal history review1699-53170Q4
EC Tax Review0928-27500.80Q2
Ecology Law QuarterlyEcol. Law Q.0046-11210.50Q34区
Edinburgh Law ReviewEdinb. Law Rev.1364-98090.07Q4
eJournal of Tax Research1448-23980.80Q2
Environmental and Planning Law Journal0813-300X0.21Q3
Estudios de DerechoEstud. Derecho0120-18670.16Q4
European Business Organization Law ReviewEur. Bus. Organ. Law Rev.1566-75291.90Q14区
European Company and Financial Law Review1613-25481.30Q1
European company lawEur. Co. Law1572-49990.64Q3
European Constitutional Law ReviewEur. Const. Law Rev.1574-01961.59Q12区
European Journal of Comparative Law and GovernanceEur J Comp Law Gov2213-45060.38Q4
European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal JusticeEur J Crime Crim Law Justice0928-95690.59Q3
European Journal of Health LawEur. J. Health Law0929-02730.55Q2
European Journal of International LawEur. J. Int. Law0938-54281.93Q13区
European Journal of Law and EconomicsEur J Law Econ0929-12610.98Q23区
European Journal of Legal StudiesEur. J. Leg. Stud.1973-29370.50Q3
European Journal of Migration and Law1388-364X1.31Q13区
European Journal of Risk RegulationEur. J. Risk Regul.1867-299X1.70Q1
European Labour Law JournalEur. Labour Law J.2031-95251.29Q2
European Law JournalEur. Law J.1351-59931.47Q12区
European Law ReviewEur. Law Rev.0307-54000.90Q24区
European Public LawEURO1354-37250.45Q3
European Review of Private Law0928-98010.09Q4
Family Court ReviewFam. Court Rev.1531-24450.67Q2
Fizyka i Khimiya Tverdoho Tila2225-35130.06Q4
Fordham Law ReviewFordham Law Rev.0015-704X1.17Q23区
Frontiers of Law in ChinaFront. Law China1673-34280Q44区
Gaming Law Review: Economics, Regulation, Compliance, and PolicyGaming Law Review2572-53000.50Q3
George Washington Law ReviewGeorge. Washington. Law. Rev.0016-80761.49Q13区
Georgetown Law JournalGeorgetown. Law. J.0016-80921.96Q12区
German Law JournalGer. Law J.2071-83221.60Q1
Griffith Law ReviewGriffith Law Rev.1038-34411.33Q1
Hague Journal on the Rule of LawHague J Rule Law1876-40452.87Q12区
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law ReviewHarv. Civ. Rights-Civil. Lib. Law. Rev.0017-80390.52Q3
Harvard Environmental Law ReviewHELR. Harvard. Environ. Law. Rev.0147-82570.87Q24区
Harvard Journal of Law and Public PolicyHarv. J. Law. Public. Policy.0193-48720.68Q24区
Harvard Law ReviewHarv. Law Rev.0017-811X3.50Q12区
Hastings Law JournalHastings. Law. J.0017-83220.56Q24区
Hong Kong Law JournalHong Kong Law J.0378-06000.33Q34区
Human Rights Law ReviewHum. Rights Law Rev.1461-77811.64Q12区
Human Rights ReviewHum. Rights Rev.1524-88791.08Q1
ICL Journal1995-58550.39Q3
ICSID Review0258-36901.16Q23区
IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition LawIIC0018-98551.00Q1
IIUM Law Journal0128-25300.04Q4
Indiana Law JournalIndiana. Law. J.0019-66651.69Q13区
Indonesia Law ReviewIndones. Law Rev.2088-84300.18Q4
Industrial Law JournalInd. Law J.0305-93321.19Q24区
Information and Communications Technology Law1360-08341.74Q1
Insolvency law journal1039-32930Q4
International and Comparative Law QuarterlyICLQ0020-58931.68Q12区
International Community Law ReviewInt Community Law Rev1871-97320.24Q3
International Criminal Law ReviewInt. Crim. Law Rev.1567-536X0.87Q2
International Data Privacy LawInt. Data Priv. Law2044-39942.49Q14区
International Insolvency ReviewIntl Insolvency Rev1099-11070.57Q33区
International Journal of Constitutional LawInt. J. Const. Law1474-26400.94Q23区
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law1358-22911.27Q1
International Journal of Evidence and ProofInt. J. Evid. Proof.1365-71270.76Q22区
International Journal of Human Rights1364-29871.14Q23区
International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional StudiesIJHRCS2050-103XQ4
International Journal of Law and Information Technology0967-07691.57Q1
International Journal of Law and ManagementIJLMA1754-243X1.30Q1
International Journal of Law in ContextIJC1744-55230.55Q24区
International Journal of Law, Crime and JusticeInt. J. Law. Crime. Justice.1756-06160.83Q24区
International Journal of Law, Policy and the FamilyInt. J. Law. Policy. Family.1360-99390.89Q24区
International Journal of Marine and Coastal LawESTU0927-35221.29Q13区
International Journal of Minority and Group Rights1385-48790.12Q3
International Journal of Refugee LawInt. J. Refug. Law0953-81861.18Q1
International Journal of the Legal Profession0969-59580.82Q2
International Organizations Law ReviewInt. Organ. Law Rev.1572-37390.52Q2
International Review of Law and EconomicsInt. Rev. Law. Econ.0144-81880.81Q23区
International Review of the Red CrossInt. rev. Red Cross1607-58890.42Q24区
International Sports Law Journal1567-75591.41Q1
Internet Policy ReviewIPR2197-67753.53Q1
Iowa Law ReviewIowa Law Rev.0021-05521.03Q23区
Irish Jurist0021-12730.41Q3
Israel Law ReviewIsr. Law Rev.0021-22370.49Q3
Issues in Law and MedicineIssues. Law. Med.2377-64630.38Q34区
İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası2636-7734Q4
Ius CanonicumIus Canonicum0021-325X0.36Q4
Ius Humanihumani1390-440X0.47Q3
Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law1613-72721.29Q1
Journal of African LawJ. Afr. law0021-85530.45Q34区
Journal of Antitrust EnforcementJ. Antitrust Enforc.2050-06880.64Q2
Journal of banking and finance law and practice1034-30400.21Q4
Journal of Competition Law and EconomicsJ. Compet. Law. Econ.1744-64141.40Q14区
Journal of Conflict and Security Law1467-79541.02Q2
Journal of Corporate Law StudiesJ. Corp. Law Stud.1473-59701.01Q14区
Journal of Criminal LawJ. Crim. Law0022-01830.80Q2
Journal of Criminal Law and CriminologyJ. Crim. Law. Criminol.0091-41691.29Q22区
Journal of East Asia and International LawJEAIL1976-92290.12Q4
Journal of Empirical Legal StudiesJ. Empir. Leg. Stud.1740-14531.13Q12区
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law0264-68111.55Q14区
Journal of Environmental LawJ. Environ. Law0952-88731.92Q13区
Journal of European Competition Law and Practice2041-77640.98Q2
Journal of Financial RegulationJ Financ Regul2053-48332.20Q1
Journal of Human Rights and the EnvironmentJ. Hum. Rights. Environ.1759-71883.09Q1
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice1747-15320.50Q2
Journal of International and Comparative Law2313-37750.49Q3
Journal of International ArbitrationJ. Int. Arbitr.0255-81060.57Q3
Journal of International Criminal JusticeJ. Int. Crim. Justice1478-13871.43Q13区
Journal of International Dispute SettlementJ Int. Disp. Settlement2040-35850.87Q23区
Journal of International Economic LawJ. Int. Econ. Law1369-30342.45Q11区
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal StudiesJ. Int. Humanit. Leg. Stud.1878-13730.24Q3
Journal of International Trade Law and PolicyJITLP1477-00241.03Q2
Journal of Law & Political Sciences2222-72880.41Q3
Journal of Law and Courts2164-65700.68Q2
Journal of Law and EconomicsJ. Law. Econ.0022-21862.35Q12区
Journal of law and medicineJ. Law. Med.1320-159X0.72Q2
Journal of Law and Social Deviance2164-47210.59Q3
Journal of Law, Economics, and OrganizationJ. Law. Econ. Organ.1465-73411.13Q13区
Journal of Law, Finance, and AccountingLFA2380-50050Q4
Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and ConstructionJ. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.1943-41621.73Q1
Journal of Legal AnalysisJ. Leg. Anal.1946-53192.93Q11区
Journal of Legal StudiesJ. Leg. Stud.0047-25300.77Q23区
Journal of Legal Studies EducationJ. Leg. Stud. Educ.0896-58110.62Q3
Journal of Private International LawJ. Priv. Int. Law1744-10480.14Q3
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental LawJPPEL2514-94070.97Q2
Journal of Social Welfare and Family LawJ. Soc. Welf. Fam. Law.0964-90690.63Q2
Journal of the History of International Law1388-199X0.93Q2
Journal of World Energy Law and Business1754-99571.01Q24区
Journal of World Intellectual PropertyWorld Intellectual Property1422-22130.84Q2
Journal of World Investment and TradeJ. World Invest. Trade1660-71121.44Q1
Journal of World TradeTRAD1011-67021.06Q24区
Juridical TribuneTBJ2247-71950.89Q2
Juridicas CUC1692-30301.14Q1
Jurnal Cita Hukum2356-14400.74Q2
Justice System JournalJustice Syst. J.0098-261X0.86Q44区
Juvenile and Family Court JournalJuvenile Family Court J0161-71090.39Q34区
Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law2213-44760.65Q2
Law and CritiqueLaw Critique0957-85360.66Q2
Law and Development ReviewLaw Dev. Rev.1943-38670.42Q3
Law and History ReviewLaw hist. rev.0738-24800.66Q23区
Law and Humanities1752-14830.47Q3
Law and PhilosophyLaw and Philos0167-52490.76Q22区
Law and Policy0265-82401.09Q13区
Law and Practice of International Courts and TribunalsLaw Pract Int Courts Trib1569-18530.30Q3
Law and Social InquiryLaw soc. inq.0897-65461.52Q12区
Law Library JournalLaw Libr. J.0023-92830.38Q34区
Law, Culture and the HumanitiesLaw, Culture & the Humanities1743-87210.45Q3
Law: Journal of the Higher School of Economics2072-81660.28Q4
Legal EthicsLeg. Ethics.1460-728X1.45Q1
Legal History Review0040-75850.10Q34区
Legal Information Management (BIALL)Leg. Inf. Manag.1472-66960.02Q4
Legal Issues of Economic IntegrationLEIE1566-65730.55Q2
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis2770-68690.47Q2
Legal StudiesLegal stud.0261-38751.06Q24区
Legal Theory1352-32521.03Q1
Leiden Journal of International LawLeiden J. Int. Law0922-15651.45Q12区
Les Cahiers de droit0007-974XQ4
LeXonomica : Journal of Law and Economics1855-71470Q4
Liverpool Law ReviewLiverpool Law Rev0144-932X0.39Q3
London Review of International LawLond. Rev. Int. Law2050-63250.87Q2
Manchester Journal of International Economic LawManch. J. Int. Econ. Law1742-39450.34Q3
Materiali per una Storia della Cultura Giuridica1120-9607Q4
McGill Journal of Law and Health1920-48250.08Q4
Medicine and LawMed. Law.0723-13930.15Q4
Medicine Law & Society2463-79550.39Q4
Melbourne Journal of International Law1444-86020.83Q2
Melbourne University Law ReviewMelb. Univ. Law Rev.0025-89380.76Q23区
Mexican Law ReviewMex. Law Rev.1870-05780.30Q3
Michigan Law ReviewMich. Law Rev.0026-22342.00Q12区
Middle East Law and GovernanceMiddle. East. Law. Gov.1876-33670.62Q2
Minnesota Law ReviewMinn. Law Rev.0026-55352.89Q13区
Modern Law ReviewMod. L. Rev.0026-79611.51Q14区
National Taiwan University law review1812-63240Q4
Natural Resources JournalNat. Resour. J.0028-07390.45Q24区
Netherlands International Law ReviewNeth. Int. Law Rev.0165-070X1.50Q1
Netherlands Quarterly of Human RightsNeth. Q. Hum. Rights0169-34411.51Q12区
New Journal of European Criminal LawNew J. Eur. Crim. Law2032-28440.52Q2
New York University Law ReviewN. Y. Univ. Law. Rev.0028-78812.09Q12区
Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business0196-32280.03Q44区
Northwestern University Law ReviewNorthwest. Univ. Law Rev.0029-35712.04Q12区
Notre Dame Law ReviewNotre. Dame. Law. Rev.0745-35150.88Q23区
Novum JusNovum Jus1692-60131.19Q2
NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management2226-67710.24Q4
Ocean Development and International LawOcean Dev. Int. Law0090-83201.23Q13区
Onati Socio-Legal Series2079-59710.59Q3
Osgoode Hall law journal0030-61850.98Q2
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion2047-07700.21Q3
Oxford Journal of Legal StudiesOxf. J. Leg. Stud.0143-65031.24Q12区
Polish Yearbook of International Law0554-498X0.23Q4
Pravni Vjesnik0352-53170.34Q4
Propiedad Inmaterial1657-19590.08Q4
Przegląd SejmowySEJM REVIEW1230-5502Q4
Public and Private International Law Bulletin2651-53770Q4
Public law review1034-30240.53Q2
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual PropertyQMJIP2045-98070.24Q34区
Queen's Law Journal0316-778X0.34Q3
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law0033-72500.56Q3
Ratio Juris1794-66380.50Q2
Regulation and GovernanceRegul. Gov.1748-59833.10Q12区
Review of Central and East European Law0925-98800.30Q34区
Review of European and Comparative LawRECL2545-384X0.04Q4
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental LawRev Euro Comp Intl Enviro2050-03862.01Q13区
Review of Law and Economics1555-58790.44Q3
Revista Acadêmica1980-3087Q4
Revista boliviana de derecho2070-81570.24Q4
Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal2359-38810.28Q3
Revista Catalana de Dret Public1885-57090.26Q3
Revista CES Derechorev.ces derecho2145-77190.27Q4
Revista Chilena de Derecho0716-07470.31Q34区
Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnologia0719-25760.57Q3
Revista de Derecho Civil2341-22160.02Q4
Revista de Derecho Comunitario EuropeoRev. Derecho Comunitario Eur.1138-40260.39Q3
Revista de Derecho Politico0211-979X0.58Q3
Revista de Derecho Privadoderpri0123-43660.17Q4
Revista de Direito SanitarioRev. Direito Sanit.1516-41790.24Q4
Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermeneutica e Teoria do Direito2175-21680.27Q4
Revista de Estudos Institucionais2447-54670.09Q4
Revista de Investigacoes Constitucionais2359-56390.24Q3
Revista de la Facultad de DerechoRev. Fac. Derecho0797-83160.42Q3
Revista de Llengua i Dret0212-50560.28Q4
Revista Digital de Derecho Administrativo2145-29460.08Q4
Revista Direito e Práxis2179-89660.25Q4
Revista Direito GVRev. Direito GV1808-24320.16Q4
Revista do Curso de Direito do UNIFOR2236-76320Q4
Revista e-mercatoriaREM1692-3960Q4
Revista Electrónica de Direito : RED2182-9845Q4
Revista Electronica de Estudios Internacionales1697-51970.35Q4
Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional0211-57430.21Q34区
Revista General de Derecho Administrativo1696-96500.38Q4
Revista general de derecho canónico y derecho eclesiástico del estado1696-96690.30Q4
Revista General de Derecho Constitucional1886-62120.31Q3
Revista general de derecho del trabajo y de la seguridad social1696-96260Q4
Revista general de derecho europeo1696-96340.31Q3
Revista general de derecho penal1698-11890Q4
Revista general de derecho procesal1696-96420.20Q4
Revista general de derecho público comparado1988-50910.02Q4
Revista general de derecho romano1697-30460.06Q4
Revista jurídica de Castilla y León1696-67590.24Q4
Revista Juridica Portucalense2183-57050.32Q3
Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social1870-46700.14Q4
Revista Quaestio Iuris1807-8389Q4
Revista RepublicanaRev. Repub.1909-44500.45Q3
Revue générale de droitrgd0035-3086Q4
Rutgers University Law ReviewRutgers Univ. Law Rev.2374-38590.11Q44区
Securities Regulation Law JournalSecur. Regul. Law J.0097-9554Q44区
South African Journal on Human RightsS. Afr. J. Hum. Rights.0258-72030.21Q34区
Southern African Business ReviewSABR1998-81250.38Q3
Southern California Law ReviewSouth. Calif. Law Rev.0038-39100.92Q24区
Stanford Law ReviewStanford. Law. Rev.0038-97654.91Q11区
Statute Law ReviewSTALAW0144-35930.33Q3
Supreme Court Review0081-95572.17Q12区
Texas Law ReviewTex. Law Rev.0040-44112.29Q12区
The Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit internationalCan. Yearb. Int. Law.0069-00580.60Q3
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa0010-40510.21Q4
The Journal of Legislative StudiesJ. Legis. Stud.1357-23340.91Q2
The Sydney law review0082-05120.72Q2
The tort law review1039-3285Q4
The University of New South Wales law journalUNSWLJ0313-00961.28Q1
Theory and Practice of LegislationTheory. Pract. Legis.2050-88401.41Q1
Transnational Environmental LawTEL2047-10252.71Q11区
Trusts & trustees1363-17800.14Q4
Tsinghua China Law Review2151-8904Q44区
Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg0257-77470.11Q4
UCLA Law ReviewUCLA. Law. Rev.0041-56502.38Q11区
Uniform Law ReviewUnif. Law Rev.1124-36940.03Q4
University of Bologna Law ReviewUniv. Bologna Law Rev.2531-61330.22Q3
University of Chicago Law ReviewUniv. Chic. Law. Rev.0041-94942.04Q12区
University of Cincinnati Law ReviewUniv. Cincinnati. Law. Rev.0009-68810.12Q44区
University of Illinois Law ReviewUniv. Ill. Law Rev.0276-99481.10Q24区
University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law1938-02830.42Q24区
University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewUniv. PA. Law. Rev.0041-99072.48Q12区
University of Pittsburgh Law Reviewlawreview0041-99150.18Q44区
University of Toronto Law JournalUniv. Tor. Law. J.0042-02200.51Q24区
University of Western Australia Law Review0042-03280.56Q3
Utrecht Journal of International and European Law2053-53410.30Q3
Vanderbilt Law ReviewVanderbilt Law Rev.0042-25332.58Q13区
Veredas do DireitoVer. Dir: Dir Amb. e Desev. Suntent.1806-38450.42Q3
Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. PravoVestnik SPbSU. Law2074-12430.12Q4
Virginia Law ReviewVa. Law. Rev.0042-66012.48Q12区
Vox Juris1812-6804Q4
Washington International Law Journal2377-08720.69Q3
Washington Law ReviewWash. Law. Rev.0043-06171.22Q24区
Washington QuarterlyWash. Q.0163-660X1.35Q13区
Western Journal of Legal Studies1927-91320.35Q4
Wisconsin Law ReviewWis. L. Rev.0043-650X0.87Q24区
World CompetitionWOCO1011-45480.79Q2
World Trade ReviewWorld Trade Rev.1474-74562.35Q13区
Yale journal on regulationYale. J. Regul.0741-94571.13Q11区
Yale Law JournalYale. Law. J.0044-00945.15Q11区
Вестник Пермского университета: Юридические наукиВест. ПГУ. Юр.науки1995-41900.37Q3
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