
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACS Infectious DiseasesACS Infect. Dis.2373-82274.09Q12区
AIDS Patient Care and STDsAIDS. Patient. Care. STDS.1087-29143.54Q12区
AIDS Research and Human RetrovirusesAIDS. Res. Hum. Retroviruses.0889-22291.64Q44区
AIDS Research and TherapyAIDS Res Ther1742-64052.07Q34区
AIDS Research and TreatmentAIDS. Res. Treat.2090-12401.03Q4
AIDS ReviewsAIDS Rev.1139-61211.72Q34区
American Journal of Infection ControlAm. J. Infect. Control0196-65533.90Q13区
AntibioticsAntibiotics. (Basel).2079-63824.31Q12区
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection ControlAntimicrob Resist Infect Control2047-29944.68Q12区
Antiviral TherapyAntivir. Ther.1359-65351.35Q44区
Archives of Clinical Infectious DiseasesArch. Clin. Infect. Dis.2345-26410.39Q4
BMC Infectious DiseasesBMC Infect Dis1471-23343.40Q23区
Brazilian Journal of Infectious DiseasesBraz J Infect Dis1413-86703.19Q24区
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical MicrobiologyCan. J. Infect. Dis. Med. Microbiol.1712-95322.42Q34区
Case Reports in Infectious DiseasesCase. Rep. Infect. Dis.2090-66250.91Q4
Clinical Infectious DiseasesCLIN INFECT DIS1058-48388.18Q11区
Clinical Microbiology and InfectionClin. Microbiol. Infect.1198-743X10.91Q11区
Communicable diseases intelligenceCommun. Dis. Intell.0725-31411.74Q4
Current Fungal Infection ReportsCurr. Fungal Infect. Rep.1936-37612.30Q3
Current HIV ResearchCurr. HIV Res.1570-162X0.94Q44区
Current HIV/AIDS ReportsCurr HIV/AIDS Rep1548-35683.76Q22区
Current Infectious Disease ReportsCurr. Infect. Dis. Rep.1523-38473.12Q24区
Current Opinion in HIV and AIDSCurr. Opin. HIV. AIDS.1746-630X4.43Q13区
Current Opinion in Infectious DiseasesCurr. Opin. Infect. Dis.0951-73753.55Q23区
Current Treatment Options in Infectious DiseasesCurr Treat Options Infect Dis1523-38201.98Q3
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseDiagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.0732-88932.09Q34区
Emerging Infectious DiseasesEmerg. Infect. Dis.1080-60407.14Q12区
Emerging Microbes and InfectionsEmerg. Microbes. Infect.2222-17518.21Q12区
Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia ClinicaEnfermedades Infecc. Microbiol. Clínica0213-005X2.47Q34区
Epidemiology and InfectionEpidemiol. Infect.0950-26882.55Q24区
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesEur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis0934-97233.84Q23区
EurosurveillanceEuro. Surveill.1025-496X9.81Q12区
Expert Review of Anti-Infective TherapyExpert. Rev. Anti. Infect. Ther.1478-72104.25Q12区
HIV and AIDS Reviewhivar1730-12700.25Q4
HIV MedicineHIV Med.1464-26622.96Q23区
HIV Research and Clinical PracticeHIV. Res. Clin. Pract.2578-74701.72Q34区
HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative CareHIV1179-13731.48Q4
IJID Regions2772-70761.70Q4
Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS2589-05570.64Q4
Infection and ChemotherapyInfect Chemother1598-81122.94Q2
Infection and Drug ResistanceIDR1178-69732.84Q23区
Infection and ImmunityInfect Immun0019-95673.03Q23区
Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyInfect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol.0899-823X3.18Q24区
Infection, Genetics and EvolutionInfect. Genet. Evol.1567-13482.44Q34区
Infectious Disease Clinics of North AmericaInfect. Dis. Clin. North. Am.0891-55206.25Q13区
Infectious Disease ModellingInfect. Dis. Model.2468-04273.10Q13区
Infectious Disease ReportsInfect. Dis. Rep.2036-74303.44Q2
Infectious DiseasesInfect. Dis. (Lond).2374-42353.98Q14区
Infectious Diseases and TherapyInfect Dis Ther2193-63824.54Q13区
Infectious Diseases in Clinical PracticeInfect Dis Clin Pract1056-91030.59Q4
Infectious Diseases NowInfect. Dis. Now.2666-99193.03Q24区
Infectious Diseases of PovertyInfect Dis Poverty2049-99574.76Q11区
Infectious Microbes and DiseasesInfect. Microbes Dis.2096-72411.90Q44区
Influenza and other Respiratory VirusesInfluenza Other Respi Viruses1750-26404.48Q24区
International Journal of Antimicrobial AgentsInt. J. Antimicrob. Agents0924-85795.07Q12区
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental HealthInt. J. Hyg. Environ. Health1438-46394.32Q12区
International Journal of Infectious DiseasesInt. J. Infect. Dis.1201-97124.79Q12区
International Journal of STD and AIDSInt J STD AIDS0956-46241.26Q44区
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseaseint j tuberc lung dis1027-37193.58Q23区
Japanese Journal of Infectious DiseasesJpn J Infect Dis1344-63041.18Q44区
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromesJ. Acquir. Immune. Defic. Syndr.1525-41352.70Q23区
Journal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyJ. Antimicrob. Chemother.0305-74534.01Q12区
Journal of ChemotherapyJ. Chemother.1120-009X1.73Q34区
Journal of Global Antimicrobial ResistanceJ. Glob. Antimicrob. Resist.2213-71653.85Q23区
Journal of Global Infectious DiseasesJ. Glob. Infect. Dis.0974-777X1.14Q4
Journal of Hospital InfectionJ. Hosp. Infect.0195-67013.96Q13区
Journal of InfectionJ. Infect.0163-445314.18Q11区
Journal of Infection and ChemotherapyJ. Infect. Chemother.1341-321X1.70Q34区
Journal of Infection and Public HealthJ. Infect. Public. Health.1876-03414.72Q13区
Journal of Infection in Developing CountriesJ Infect Dev Ctries1972-26801.50Q44区
Journal of Infectious DiseasesJ INFECT DIS0022-18995.07Q12区
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and InfectionJ. Microbiol. Immunol. Infect.1684-11824.56Q12区
Journal of Pediatric Infectious DiseasesJ. Pediatr. Infect. Dis.1305-76930.40Q44区
Journal of the International AIDS SocietyJ Intern AIDS Soc1758-26524.69Q11区
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS CareJ. Int. Assoc. Provid. AIDS. Care.2325-95742.02Q3
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases SocietyJ Ped Infect Dis2048-71932.41Q14区
Journal of Travel MedicineJ. Travel Med.1195-19828.91Q12区
Journal of Vector Borne DiseasesJ. Vector Borne Dis.0972-90620.91Q44区
Journal of Viral HepatitisJ. Viral Hepat.1352-05042.47Q33区
Journal of Virus EradicationJ. Virus Erad.2055-66403.61Q24区
Leprosy ReviewLepr. Rev.0305-75181.00Q44区
Malaria JournalMalar J1475-28752.59Q23区
Medecine et Maladies InfectieusesMed. Mal. Infect.0399-077X5.20Q2
Medical MycologyMed Mycol1369-37862.73Q13区
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious DiseasesMediterr J Hematol Infect Dis2035-30061.85Q34区
Mediterranean Journal of Infection, Microbes and Antimicrobials2147-673X0.33Q4
Microbes and InfectionMicrobes. Infect.1286-45792.52Q34区
Microbial Drug ResistanceMicrob. Drug Resist.1076-62942.50Q34区
One HealthOne. Health.2352-77144.05Q12区
Open Forum Infectious DiseasesOpen Forum Infect. Dis.2328-89573.67Q24区
Pathogens and DiseasePathogens Disease2049-632X2.84Q34区
Pediatric Infectious Disease JournalPediatr. Infect. Dis. J.0891-36682.98Q14区
Revista Chilena de InfectologiaRev. chil. infectol.0716-10180.39Q44区
Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção2238-33600.06Q4
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao PauloRev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo0036-46651.70Q34区
Russian Journal of Infection and Immunityiimm2220-76190.09Q4
Sexual HealthSex. Health1448-50281.74Q34区
Sexually Transmitted DiseasesSexual Trans Dis0148-57172.29Q34区
Sexually Transmitted InfectionsSex Transm Infect1368-49733.53Q23区
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public HealthSoutheast. Asian. J. Trop. Med. Public. Health.0125-15620Q44区
Southern African Journal of HIV MedicineSouth. Afr. J. HIV Med.1608-96931.45Q44区
Southern African Journal of Infectious DiseasesS. Afr. J. Infect. Dis.2312-00531.30Q4
Surgical InfectionsSurg. Infect. (Larchmt).1096-29641.22Q34区
The Lancet HIVLancet. HIV.2352-301812.66Q11区
The Lancet Infectious DiseasesLancet. Infect. Dis.1473-309936.33Q11区
Therapeutic Advances in Infectious DiseaseTherapeutic Advances in Infection2049-93613.64Q2
Ticks and Tick-borne DiseasesTicks. Tick. Borne. Dis.1877-959X3.21Q12区
Transplant Infectious DiseaseTransplant Infectious Dis1398-22732.74Q24区
Travel Medicine and Infectious DiseaseTravel. Med. Infect. Dis.1477-89396.34Q13区
Tropical Medicine and Infectious DiseaseTropicalMed2414-63662.85Q14区
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic DiseasesVector. Borne. Zoonotic. Dis.1530-36671.74Q34区
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