
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta Chirurgica BelgicaActa Chir. Belg.0001-54580.55Q44区
Acta Cirurgica BrasileiraActa Cir. Bras.0102-86501.26Q34区
Acta NeurochirurgicaActa Neurochir0001-62681.77Q23区
Advances in Skin and Wound CareAdv Skin Wound Care1527-79411.70Q24区
Aesthetic Plastic SurgeryAesth Plast Surg0364-216X1.90Q23区
Aesthetic Surgery JournalAesthet Surg J1090-820X2.88Q12区
American Journal of SurgeryAm. J. Surg.0002-96102.78Q13区
American Journal of Surgical PathologyAm. J. Surg. Pathol.0147-51854.51Q11区
American Journal of TransplantationAm J Transplant1600-61358.81Q12区
American SurgeonAm. Surg.0003-13481.08Q34区
Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique0294-12600.49Q44区
Annali Italiani di ChirurgiaAnn. Ital. Chir.0003-469X0.99Q34区
Annals of Cardiothoracic SurgeryAnn. Cardiothorac. Surg.2225-319X3.45Q12区
Annals of ColoproctologyAnn Coloproctol2287-97142.88Q1
Annals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SurgeryAnn Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg2508-57781.13Q3
Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic SurgeryAnn Laparosc Endosc Surg2518-69730.58Q4
Annals of Plastic SurgeryAnn. Plast. Surg.0148-70431.23Q34区
Annals of SurgeryAnn. Surg.0003-49327.59Q11区
Annals of Surgical OncologyAnn Surg Oncol1068-92653.23Q12区
Annals of Surgical Treatment and ResearchAnn Surg Treat Res2288-65751.15Q34区
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of Englandannals0035-88430.92Q34区
Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryATCS1341-10981.18Q34区
Annals of Thoracic SurgeryAnn. Thorac. Surg.0003-49753.46Q12区
Annals of TransplantationAnn Transplant1425-95241.08Q34区
Annals of Vascular SurgeryAnn. Vasc. Surg.0890-50961.60Q34区
ANZ Journal of SurgeryANZ J Surg1445-14331.42Q34区
Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery2234-08310.11Q4
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma SurgeryArch Orthop Trauma Surg0936-80512.20Q23区
Archives of Plastic SurgeryArch. Plast. Surg.2234-61631.25Q3
Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related SurgeryArthroscopy.0749-80634.34Q11区
Asian Journal of SurgeryAsian J. Surg.0219-31083.35Q13区
Bariatric Surgical Patient CareBariatr. Surg. Pract. Patient. Care.2168-023X0.59Q44区
BJS OpenBJS Open2474-98423.40Q13区
BMC SurgeryBMC Surg1471-24821.49Q23区
BMJ Surgery, Interventions, and Health TechnologiesBMJ Surg Interv Health Technologies2631-49401.96Q2
Bone and Joint JournalBone Jt. J.2049-43944.82Q11区
Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular SurgeryBraz J Cardiovasc Surg0102-76381.27Q34区
Brazilian NeurosurgeryArq Bras Neurocir0103-53550.21Q4
British Journal of NeurosurgeryBr. J. Neurosurg.0268-86970.83Q34区
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBr. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surg.0266-43561.54Q24区
British Journal of SurgeryBr J Surg0007-13238.65Q11区
Burns and Trauma2321-38686.30Q11区
Canadian Journal of Surgerycjs0008-428X2.30Q24区
Case Reports in Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery2332-08850.40Q4
Case Reports in SurgeryCase. Rep. Surg.2090-69000.40Q4
Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a NeurochirurgieCesk Slov Neurol N1210-78590.22Q44区
Child's Nervous SystemChilds Nerv Syst0256-70401.34Q34区
Chirurgia (Romania)chr0009-47300.75Q4
Chirurgia (Turin)0394-95080.23Q4
Chirurgie (Germany)2731-69710.64Q44区
Cirugia Cardiovascular1134-00960.14Q4
Cirugia EspanolaCir. Esp. (Engl. Ed).0009-739X1.30Q34区
Cirugia y CirujanosCIRU0009-74110.70Q44区
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial JournalCleft. Palate. Craniofac. J.1055-66561.04Q34区
Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryClin. Neurol. Neurosurg.0303-84671.66Q24区
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchClin Orthop Relat Res0009-921X4.35Q12区
Clinical TransplantationClin. Transplant.0902-00631.72Q34区
Clinics in Colon and Rectal SurgeryClin Colon Rectal Surg1530-96811.25Q34区
Clinics in Plastic SurgeryClin. Plast. Surg.0094-12981.82Q23区
Colorectal DiseaseColorectal Dis1462-89102.79Q13区
Computer Assisted SurgeryComput. Assist. Surg. (Abingdon).2469-93221.42Q34区
Current Problems in SurgeryCurr. Probl. Surg.0011-38402.43Q23区
Current Surgery ReportsCurr. Surg. Rep.2167-48170.64Q4
Dermatologic SurgeryDermatol Surg1076-05122.69Q13区
Digestive EndoscopyDig. Endosc.0915-56355.12Q12区
Digestive SurgeryDig. Surg.0253-48861.99Q23区
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum0012-37063.34Q12区
Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery1687-59820.85Q4
EJVES Vascular Forum2666-688X1.29Q3
Eklem Hastaliklari ve CerrahisiJt Dis Relat Surg1305-82821.614区
Endoscopy International OpenEndosc Int Open2196-97362.25Q2
European Journal of Cardio-thoracic SurgeryEur J Cardiothorac Surg1010-79403.03Q12区
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and TraumatologyEur J Orthop Surg Traumatol1432-10681.26Q3
European Journal of Pediatric SurgeryEur J Pediatr Surg0939-72481.42Q33区
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery ReportsEuropean J Pediatr Surg Rep2194-76190.61Q4
European Journal of Plastic SurgeryEur. J. Plast. Surg.0930-343X0.73Q4
European Journal of Surgical OncologyEur. J. Surg. Oncol.0748-79833.33Q12区
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryEur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg.1078-58845.65Q11区
European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica AustriacaEur Surg0001-544X0.60Q44区
European Surgical ResearchEur. Surg. Res.0014-312X1.67Q24区
Facial Plastic SurgeryFacial Plast Surg0736-68250.98Q34区
Facial Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic MedicineFacial. Plast. Surg. Aesthet. Med.2689-36141.56Q23区
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North AmericaFacial. Plast. Surg. Clin. North. Am.1064-74061.98Q24区
Formosan Journal of SurgeryFormos. J. Surg.1682-606X0.04Q4
Frontiers in SurgeryFront. Surg.2296-875X1.47Q24区中科院 2023 年预警期刊
General Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryGen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg1863-20921.23Q34区
Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery and RehabilitationGeriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil2151-45851.80Q24区
Giornale di ChirurgiaG. Chir.0391-90050.26Q4
Gland SurgeryGland Surg.2227-684X1.52Q33区
GMS Interdisciplinary Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery DGPW2193-80910.98Q3
HandHand (New York, N,Y.)1558-94471.80Q2
Hand Surgery and RehabilitationHand. Surg. Rehabil.2468-12100.82Q34区
Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische ChirurgieHandchir Mikrochir Plast Chir0722-18190.51Q44区
Head and NeckHead Neck1043-30742.26Q23区
Heart Surgery ForumHSF1098-35110.65Q44区
Hepatobiliary Surgery and NutritionHepatobiliary Surg Nutr2304-38816.24Q12区
Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgeryHernia.1248-92042.53Q12区
HPBHPB. (Oxford).1365-182X2.52Q13区
HSS JournalHSS Journal®1556-33161.69Q24区
Indian Journal of Neurosurgery2277-91670.18Q4
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck SurgeryIndian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg0019-54210.52Q4
Indian Journal of Plastic SurgeryIndian J Plast Surg0970-03580.60Q4
Indian Journal of SurgeryIndian J Surg0972-20680.26Q44区
Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery0972-08200.08Q4
Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular SurgeryInnovations�(Phila)1556-98451.66Q2
Innovative Surgical SciencesInnov. Surg. Sci.2364-74851.80Q2
Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular and Thoracic SurgeryInteract CardioVasc Thorac Surg1569-92851.73Q24区
International Journal of Abdominal Wall and Hernia Surgery2589-80780.32Q4
International Journal of Colorectal DiseaseInt. J. Colorectal Dis.0179-19582.38Q13区
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgeryInt J CARS1861-64102.49Q23区
International Journal of Lower Extremity WoundsInt. J. Low. Extrem. Wounds.1534-73461.56Q34区
International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted SurgeryInt J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg1478-59512.16Q23区
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryInt. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surg.0901-50272.29Q23区
International Journal of Spine SurgeryInt. J. Spine Surg.2211-45991.73Q2
International Journal of SurgeryInt. J. Surg.1743-915912.62Q12区
International Journal of Surgery Case ReportsInt. J. Surg. Case Rep.2210-26120.78Q4
International Journal of Surgery ProtocolsInt. J. Surg. Protoc.2468-35741.26Q3
International Journal of Surgical PathologyInt J Surg Pathol1066-89690.72Q34区
International SurgeryInt. Surg.0020-88680.09Q44区
International Wound JournalInt Wound J1742-48012.74Q13区
JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryJAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg2168-61816.15Q11区
JAMA SurgeryJAMA Surg2168-625415.67Q11区
JBJS Essential Surgical TechniquesJBJS Essent. Surg. Tech.2160-22040.82Q3
JBJS Open AccessJBJS OA2472-72452.44Q2
JBJS ReviewsJBJS Rev.2329-91851.87Q2
Joint Diseases and Related Surgery2687-47922.08Q2
Journal of Bone and Joint InfectionJ. Bone Joint Infect.2206-35521.96Q2
Journal of Bone and Joint SurgeryThe Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery0021-93554.37Q11区
Journal of Burn Care and ResearchJ. Burn. Care. Res.1559-047X1.56Q34区
Journal of Cardiac SurgeryJ. Card. Surg.0886-04401.43Q34区
Journal of Cardiothoracic SurgeryJ. Cardiothorac. Surg.1749-80901.55Q34区
Journal of Cardiovascular SurgeryJ Cardiovasc Surg0021-95091.60Q34区
Journal of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryJ Cataract Refract Surg0886-33502.58Q13区
Journal of Cosmetic and Laser TherapyJ. Cosmet. Laser. Ther.1476-41721.14Q34区
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryJ. Craniomaxillofac. Surg.1010-51822.11Q22区
Journal of Craniofacial SurgeryJ. Craniofac. Surg.1049-22750.83Q34区
Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma ManagementJ. Endovasc. Resusc. Trauma. Manag.2002-75670.34Q4
Journal of Endovascular TherapyJ Endovasc Ther1526-60281.78Q22区
Journal of Experimental OrthopaedicsJ EXP ORTOP2197-11532.19Q2
Journal of Foot and Ankle SurgeryJ. Foot. Ankle. Surg.1067-25161.29Q34区
Journal of Gastrointestinal SurgeryJ Gastrointest Surg1091-255X2.16Q23区
Journal of Hand and MicrosurgeryJ Hand Microsurg0974-32270.21Q4
Journal of Hand SurgeryJ. Hand Surg.0363-50232.27Q22区
Journal of Hand Surgery Asian-Pacific VolumeJ Hand Surg Asian-Pac Vol2424-83550.53Q4
Journal of Hand Surgery: European VolumeJ Hand Surg Eur Vol1753-19342.11Q22区
Journal of Hand TherapyJ. Hand. Ther.0894-11302.20Q24区
Journal of Heart and Lung TransplantationJ. Heart. Lung. Transplant.1053-24986.35Q11区
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SciencesJ Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci1868-69743.18Q13区
Journal of Investigative SurgeryJ. Invest. Surg.0894-19392.15Q24区
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical SocietyJ Korean Neurosurg Soc1225-82451.46Q3
Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques - Part AJ. Laparoendosc. Adv. Surg. Tech. A.1092-64291.06Q34区
Journal of Medical and Surgical Research2351-8200Q4
Journal of Minimal Access SurgeryJ Min Access Surg0972-99411.12Q34区
Journal of NeuroInterventional SurgeryJ NeuroIntervent Surg1759-84784.62Q11区
Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part A: Central European NeurosurgeryJ Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg2193-63150.72Q34区
Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull BaseJ Neurol Surg B Skull Base2193-63311.01Q44区
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and PsychiatryJ Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry0022-30508.73Q11区
Journal of NeurosurgeryJNS0022-30853.35Q12区
Journal of Neurosurgery: PediatricsJ. Neurosurg. Pediatr.1933-07072.30Q23区
Journal of Neurosurgery: SpineSPI1547-56462.95Q12区
Journal of Neurosurgical AnesthesiologyJ. Neurosurg. Anesthesiol.0898-49212.50Q22区
Journal of Neurosurgical SciencesJ Neurosurg Sci0390-56161.16Q34区
Journal of Orthopaedic SurgeryJ Orthop Surg (Hong Kong)1022-55361.23Q34区
Journal of Pediatric SurgeryJ. Pediatr. Surg.0022-34682.23Q22区
Journal of perioperative practiceJ. Perioper. Pract.1750-45891.08Q3
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand SurgeryJ. Plast. Surg. Hand. Surg.2000-656X1.06Q34区
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryJ. Plast. Reconstr. Aesthet. Surg.1748-68152.12Q23区
Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRTJ. Radiosurg. SBRT.2156-46390.81Q4
Journal of Reconstructive MicrosurgeryJ reconstr Microsurg0743-684X2.17Q23区
Journal of Refractive SurgeryJ. Refract. Surg.1081-597X2.76Q13区
Journal of Robotic SurgeryJ Robotic Surg1863-24832.35Q23区
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryJ. Shoulder. Elbow. Surg.1058-27463.10Q12区
Journal of Surgical Case ReportsJ. surg. case rep.2042-88120.21Q4
Journal of Surgical EducationJ. Surg. Educ.1878-74522.58Q13区
Journal of Surgical OncologyJ. Surg. Oncol.0022-47901.88Q23区
Journal of Surgical ResearchJ. Surg. Res.0022-48041.90Q23区
Journal of the American College of SurgeonsJ. Am. Coll. Surg.1072-75153.60Q12区
Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic SurgeonsJSLS1086-80891.33Q34区
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryJ. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.0022-52234.82Q11区
Journal of TransplantationJ. Transplant.2090-00070.88Q3
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care SurgeryJ Trauma Acute Care Surg0022-52822.88Q12区
Journal of Vascular SurgeryJ. Vasc. Surg.0741-52143.87Q12区
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and TechniquesJ. Vasc. Surg. Cases. Innov. Tech.2468-42870.73Q4
Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic DisordersJ. Vasc. Surg. Venous. Lymphat. Disord.2213-333X2.63Q12区
Journal of Visceral SurgeryJ. Visc. Surg.1878-78861.87Q24区
JPRAS OpenJPRAS Open2352-58781.64Q3
JTCVS TechniquesJTCVS. Tech.2666-25071.63Q2
Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polskakitp1731-55300.69Q4
Knee Surgery and Related ResearchKnee Surg Relat Res2234-07263.98Q1
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, ArthroscopyKnee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc0942-20563.32Q12区
Langenbeck's Archives of SurgeryLangenbecks Arch Surg1435-24432.13Q23区
Lasers in Medical ScienceLasers Med Sci0268-89211.95Q24区
Lasers in Surgery and MedicineLasers Surg. Med.0196-80922.27Q23区
Liver TransplantationLiver Transpl1527-64654.84Q12区
Minerva ChirurgicaMinerva Chir.0026-47331.28Q4
Minerva SurgeryMinerva Surg2724-54381.95Q24区
Minimally Invasive SurgeryMinim. Invasive Surg.2090-14451.17Q3
Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied TechnologiesMinimally Invasive Ther. Allied Technol.1364-57061.89Q24区
Neurologia Medico-ChirurgicaNeurol. Med. Chir.(Tokyo)0470-81052.45Q24区
Neurosurgery Clinics of North AmericaNeurosurg. Clin. N. Am.1042-36801.81Q23区
Neurosurgical FocusFOC1092-06843.27Q12区
Neurosurgical ReviewNeurosurg Rev0344-56072.49Q13区
Obesity SurgeryOBES SURG0960-89232.90Q13区
Open Access SurgeryOpen Access Surg.1178-70820.41Q4
Operative NeurosurgeryOper. Neurosurg. (Hagerstown).2332-42521.90Q24区
Operative Techniques in Sports MedicineOper. Tech. Sports. Med.1060-18720.22Q44区
Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery0740-93031.10Q34区
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging RetinaOphthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina2325-81600.90Q34区
Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Surgery and ResearchOrthop. Traumatol. Surg. Res.1877-05682.44Q23区
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg0194-59982.80Q13区
Patient Safety in SurgeryPatient Saf Surg1754-94932.54Q1
Pediatric NeurosurgeryPediatr. Neurosurg.1016-22911.00Q34区
Pediatric Surgery InternationalPediatr Surg Int0179-03581.51Q33区
Perioperative MedicinePerioper Med2047-05251.91Q23区
Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser SurgeryPhotobiomodul. Photomed. Laser. Surg.2578-54781.82Q24区
Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryPlast. Reconstr. Surg.0032-10523.09Q12区
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global OpenPlast. Reconstr. Surg. Glob. Open.2169-75741.31Q3
Plastic SurgeryPlast Surg (Oakv)2292-55030.57Q44区
Pleura and PeritoneumPleura. Peritoneum.2364-76711.24Q3
Polski Przeglad ChirurgicznyPol Przegl Chir0032-373X0.46Q4
Postępy w Chirurgii Głowy i Szyi1643-9279Q4
Progress in TransplantationProg Transpl1526-92480.67Q44区
Revista Hispanoamericana de Hernia2255-26770.38Q4
Scandinavian Journal of SurgeryScand J Surg1457-49692.65Q13区
Seminars in Colon and Rectal SurgerySemin. Colon. Rectal. Surg.1043-14890.48Q4
Seminars in Pediatric SurgerySemin. Pediatr. Surg.1055-85861.60Q33区
Seminars in Plastic SurgerySemin Plast Surg1535-21882.49Q23区
Seminars in Vascular SurgerySemin. Vasc. Surg.0895-79673.39Q13区
South African Journal of SurgeryS. Afr. J. Surg.0038-23610.52Q44区
Spine Surgery and Related ResearchSpine Surg Relat Res2432-261X1.08Q3
Stereotactic and Functional NeurosurgeryStereotact Funct Neurosurg1011-61252.08Q24区
Surgery (United States)0039-60603.39Q12区
Surgery for Obesity and Related DiseasesSurg. Obes. Relat. Dis.1550-72893.43Q13区
Surgery in Practice and Science2666-26200.79Q4
Surgery JournalSurg J2378-51280.77Q4
Surgery Open ScienceSurg. Open. Sci.2589-84501.55Q3
Surgery TodaySurg Today0941-12911.57Q24区
Surgical and Radiologic AnatomySurg Radiol Anat0930-10381.21Q34区
Surgical Case Reportssurg case rep2198-77930.86Q4
Surgical Clinics of North AmericaSurg. Clin. North. Am.0039-61092.23Q23区
Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional TechniquesSurg Endosc0930-27942.50Q22区
Surgical InfectionsSurg. Infect. (Larchmt).1096-29641.22Q34区
Surgical InnovationSurg Innov1553-35061.05Q34区
Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous TechniquesSurg. Laparosc. Endosc. Percutan. Tech.1530-45151.12Q34区
Surgical OncologySurg. Oncol.0960-74042.13Q24区
Surgical Oncology Clinics of North AmericaSurg. Oncol. Clin. N. Am.1055-32072.59Q24区
Surgical PracticeSurg. Pract.1744-16250.36Q44区
Surgical technology internationalSurg Technol Int.1090-39410.91Q4
Techniques in ColoproctologyTech Coloproctol1123-63372.87Q13区
The Egyptian Journal of Surgery1110-11210.03Q4
The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic SurgeonsJ Am Acad Orthop Surg1067-151X2.75Q12区
Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon ReportsTHORAC CARDIOV SURG Reports2194-76350.28Q4
Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeonThorac cardiovasc Surg0171-64251.35Q34区
Thoracic Surgery ClinicsThorac. Surg. Clin.1547-41270.96Q34区
Transplant InternationalTranspl Int0934-08742.63Q23区
TransplantationTransplantation Journal0041-13375.40Q12区
Transplantation ProceedingsTransplant. Proc.0041-13450.89Q44区
Trauma Surgery and Acute Care OpenTrauma Surg Acute Care Open2397-57762.17Q2
Turk Plastik, Rekonstruktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi1300-68780.02Q4
Turkish Journal of SurgeryTurk J Surg2564-68500.41Q4
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryTurk Gogus Kalp Dama1301-56800.49Q44区
Turkish NeurosurgeryTurk. Neurosurg.1019-51490.77Q34区
Unfallchirurgie (Germany)2731-70210.47Q44区
Updates in SurgeryUpdates Surg2038-131X2.35Q23区
Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryVasc Endovascular Surg1538-57440.68Q44区
Vascular Specialist InternationalVSI2288-79700.73Q4
Video-Assisted Thoracic SurgeryVideo-assist. Thorac. Surg2519-07920.22Q4
Visceral MedicineVisc Med2297-47251.99Q24区
Wideochirurgia I Inne Techniki Maloinwazyjnewiitm1895-45881.51Q24区
World Journal of Emergency SurgeryWorld J Emerg Surg1749-79225.83Q11区
World Journal of Gastrointestinal SurgeryWorld J Gastrointest Surg1948-93661.95Q24区
World Journal of Pediatric SurgeryWorld Jnl Ped Surgery2096-69380.64Q44区
World journal of plastic surgeryWJPS2228-79141.03Q3
World Journal of SurgeryWorld J Surg0364-23132.39Q23区
World Journal of Surgical OncologyWorld J Surg Onc1477-78192.38Q13区
World NeurosurgeryWorld Neurosurg.1878-87501.78Q24区
Wound Repair and RegenerationWound Rep Reg1067-19273.66Q13区
Zentralblatt fur ChirurgieZentralbl Chir0044-409X0.43Q44区
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