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Journal NameAbbreviationISSNJournal ImpactQuartiles(Global)Quartiles(China)Top JournalsEarly Warning Journal
ACM Communications in Computer AlgebraACM Commun. Comput. Algebra1932-22320.46Q4
ACM Transactions on Computation TheoryACM Trans. Comput. Theory1942-34540.62Q3
ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and OptimizationACM Trans. Evol. Learn. Optim.2688-299X
ACM Transactions on Parallel ComputingACM Trans. Parallel Comput.2329-49490.78Q3
ACM Transactions on Quantum ComputingACM Trans. Quantum Comput.2643-68093.72Q2
ACS Physical Chemistry AuACS Phys. Chem Au2694-24453.73Q2
Advanced Quantum TechnologiesAdv Quantum Tech2511-90444.42Q22区
Algorithms for Molecular BiologyAlgorithms Mol Biol1748-71881.35Q34区
Applied Mathematics and Information SciencesAppl. Math. Inf. Sci.1935-0090
Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics2590-9770
Art, Science, and Engineering of ProgrammingProgramming2473-7321
AVS Quantum ScienceAVS Quantum Sci.2639-02134.12Q2
BioData MiningBioData Min.1756-03814.20Q13区
Bolyai Society Mathematical StudiesBOLYAI SOC. MATH. STUD1217-4696
Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyBull. Math. Biol.0092-82402.02Q34区
Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software2071-02160.16Q4
Civil-Comp Proceedings1759-3433
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