
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACM Transactions on Applied PerceptionACM Trans. Appl. Percept.1544-35581.70Q34区
ACM Transactions on Database SystemsACM Trans. Database Syst.0362-59152.12Q22区
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic SystemsACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst.1084-43092.23Q24区
ACM Transactions on GraphicsACM Trans. Graphics0730-03017.84Q11区
ACM Transactions on Internet TechnologyACM Trans. Internet Technol.1533-53993.77Q13区
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from DataACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data1556-46813.81Q13区
ACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareACM Trans. Math. Softw.0098-35002.83Q11区
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications1551-68575.35Q13区
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and SystemsACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.0164-09251.70Q32区
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and MethodologyACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.1049-331X6.64Q12区
ACM Transactions on StorageACM Trans. Storage1553-30772.30Q23区
ACM Transactions on the WebACM Trans. Web1559-11312.68Q24区
Advances in Computational Design2383-84771.00Q4
Advances in ComputersAdv. Comput.0065-24583.244区
Automated Software EngineeringAutom. Softw. Eng.0928-89102.06Q32区
Baltic Journal of Modern ComputingBalt. J. Mod. Comput.2255-89420.30Q4
CAD Computer Aided DesignComput. Aided Des.0010-44852.85Q23区
Communications of the ACMCommun. ACM0001-078211.15Q13区
Computational Visual MediaComp. Visual Media2096-043317.21Q13区
ComputerComputer. (Long. Beach. Calif).0018-91621.86Q34区
Computer Aided Geometric DesignComput. Aided Geom. Des.0167-83961.48Q24区
Computer Animation and Virtual WorldsComputer Animation & Virtual1546-42610.71Q44区
Computer Graphics ForumComput. Graph. Forum.0167-70552.58Q24区
Computer JournalComput. J.0010-46201.49Q24区
Computer Science and Information SystemsCOMSIS J1820-02141.38Q34区
Computer Science ReviewComput. Sci. Rev.1574-013713.38Q11区
Computer Standards and InterfacesComput. Stand. Interfaces.0920-54894.15Q12区
Computers and Graphics (Pergamon)Comput. Graph.0097-84932.47Q24区
Concurrency Computation Practice and ExperienceConcurrency Computat Pract Exper1532-06261.63Q24区
Design Automation for Embedded SystemsDes Autom Embed Syst0929-55850.92Q44区
E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal1897-79791.20Q3
Empirical Software EngineeringEmpir. Softw. Eng.1382-32563.67Q12区
Entertainment ComputingEntertain. Comput.1875-95212.93Q23区
Formal Aspects of ComputingForm. Asp. Comput.0934-50431.46Q34区
Foundations and Trends in DatabasesFNT in Databases1931-78832.74Q2
Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages2325-11074.12Q1
Frontiers in Virtual RealityFront. Virtual Real.2673-41923.07Q2
Frontiers of Computer ScienceFront. Comput. Sci.2095-22283.47Q13区
Fundamenta InformaticaeFundam. Inform.0169-29680.43Q44区
Graphical ModelsGraph. Models1524-07032.62Q24区
IBM Journal of Research and DevelopmentIBM J. Res. & Dev.0018-86461.24Q34区
ICGA JournalICG1389-69110.39Q44区
IEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsIEEE Comput. Grap. Appl.0272-17161.64Q34区
IEEE Embedded Systems LettersIEEE Embedded Syst. Lett.1943-06631.56Q34区
IEEE Internet ComputingIEEE Internet Comput.1089-78013.90Q14区
IEEE MicroIEEE. Micro.0272-17322.93Q23区
IEEE Multimedia1070-986X2.24Q24区
IEEE Security and PrivacyIEEE Secur. Privacy Mag.1540-79932.94Q24区
IEEE SoftwareIEEE Softw.0740-74593.37Q24区
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Comput.1545-59716.99Q12区
IEEE Transactions on GamesIEEE Trans. Games2475-15021.71Q34区
IEEE Transactions on MultimediaIEEE Trans. Multimedia1520-92108.56Q11区
IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityIEEE Trans. Rel.0018-95294.94Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Services ComputingIEEE Trans. Serv. Comput.1939-13745.69Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIIEEE Trans. Software Eng.0098-55896.51Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsIEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics1077-26264.61Q11区
IEICE Transactions on Information and SystemsIEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst.0916-85320.44Q44区
IET SoftwareIET Softw.1751-88061.61Q34区
Image and Vision ComputingImage. Vis. Comput.0262-88564.04Q13区
Image Processing On LineImage Process. Line2105-12320.82Q4
Information and Software TechnologyInf. Softw. Technol.0950-58493.98Q12区
Information VisualizationInf. Vis.1473-87161.76Q34区
Innovations in Systems and Software EngineeringInnovations Syst Softw Eng1614-50461.06Q4
International Journal of Computer Games TechnologyInt. J. Comput. Games Technol.1687-70471.66Q3
International Journal of Data Warehousing and MiningInt. J. Data Warehouse. Min.1548-39240.33Q44区
International Journal of Electronic CommerceInt. J. Electron. Commer.1086-44154.06Q13区
International Journal of Image and GraphicsInt. J. Image Grap.0219-46780.82Q4
International Journal of Information SecurityInt. J. Inf. Secur.1615-52622.28Q24区
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy1930-16500.35Q4
International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM)1947-85341.07Q4
International Journal of Multimedia Information RetrievalInt. J. Multimed. Inf. Retr.2192-66113.54Q13区
International Journal of Networked and Distributed ComputingIJNDC2211-79381.11Q3
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringInt. J. Soft. Eng. Knowl. Eng.0218-19400.63Q44区
International Journal of Software InnovationInt. J. Softw. Innov.2166-71600.71Q4
International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI)1942-90372.35Q2
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information ProcessingInt. J. Wavelets Multiresolut Inf. Process.0219-69131.04Q44区
International Journal of Web and Grid ServicesIJWGS1741-11061.03Q44区
International Journal of Web Services ResearchInt. J. Web Serv. Res.1545-73620.80Q44区
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology TransferInt J Softw Tools Technol Transfer1433-27791.17Q43区
IT ProfessionalIT Prof.1520-92022.17Q34区
Journal of Computer LanguagesJ. Comput. Lang.2590-11841.82Q33区
Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyJ. Comput. Sci. Technol.1000-90001.21Q33区
Journal of Database ManagementJ. Database Manag.1063-80161.20Q34区
Journal of Functional ProgrammingJ. Funct. Prog.0956-79681.11Q43区
Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsJ. Netw. Comput. Appl.1084-80457.81Q12区
Journal of Object TechnologyJOT1660-17691.19Q4
Journal of software: Evolution and ProcessJ Software Evolu Process2047-74731.50Q34区
Journal of Systems and SoftwareJ. Syst. Softw.0164-12123.52Q12区
Journal of Systems ArchitectureJ. Syst. Archit.1383-76213.53Q12区
Journal of the ACMJ. ACM0004-54112.32Q22区
Journal of Universal Computer Sciencejucs0948-695X0.52Q34区
Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationJ. Vis. Commun. Image. Represent.1047-32032.75Q24区
Journal of Web EngineeringJ. Web Eng.1540-95890.87Q34区
Journal of Web SemanticsWeb Semant.1570-82682.06Q23区
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsMultimed Tools Appl1380-75012.87Q24区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual EnvironmentsPresence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments1054-74600.69Q44区
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive TechniquesProc. ACM Comput. Graph. Interact. Tech.2577-61931.51Q3
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming LanguagesProc. ACM Program. Lang.2475-14212.36Q2
Programming and Computer SoftwareProgram Comput Soft0361-76880.87Q44区
Requirements EngineeringRequirements Eng0947-36022.08Q23区
Scalable ComputingSCPE1895-17670.99Q4
Science of Computer ProgrammingSci. Comput. Program.0167-64231.53Q34区
Scientific ProgrammingSci. Program.1058-92441.674区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
SIGMOD RecordSIGMOD Rec.0163-58081.08Q44区
Simulation Modelling Practice and TheorySimul. Model. Pract. Theory.1569-190X3.59Q12区
Software - Practice and ExperienceSoftw Pract Exper0038-06442.72Q24区
Software and Systems ModelingSoftw Syst Model1619-13661.92Q33区
Software ImpactsSoftw. Impacts.2665-96381.46Q3
Software Quality JournalSoftware Qual J0963-93141.85Q33区
Software Testing Verification and ReliabilitySoftware Testing Verif & Rel0960-08331.70Q34区
Theory and Practice of Logic ProgrammingTheory Pract. Log. Program.1471-06841.24Q12区
Transactions on Embedded Computing SystemsACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.1539-90872.96Q23区
Tsinghua Science and TechnologyTsinghua Sci. Technol.1007-02145.01Q11区
Virtual RealityVirtual Real.1359-43384.20Q13区
Visual ComputerVis Comput0178-27892.93Q23区
Visual Informatics2468-502X3.70Q13区
World Wide Web1386-145X2.64Q23区
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