
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Active and Passive Electronic ComponentsAct. Passive Electron. Compon.0882-75161.29Q3
Advanced ElectromagneticsAEM2119-02750.93Q4
Advances in Electrical and Computer EngineeringAdv. Electr. Comp. Eng.1582-74450.51Q44区
Advances in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringAEEE1336-13760.38Q4
Advances in MultimediaAdv. Multimedia1687-56800.88Q4
Advances in Radio ScienceAdv. Radio Sci.1684-99650.43Q4
Africa Research JournalSAIEE Afr. Res. J.1991-16961.10Q4
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal ProcessingAnalog Integr Circ Sig Process0925-10301.15Q44区
Applied Artificial IntelligenceAppl. Artif. Intell.0883-95143.01Q24区
Archives of Electrical Engineering1427-42211.24Q4
AutomaticaAutomatica. (Oxf).0005-10984.93Q12区
Chinese Journal of ElectronicsChin. J. Electron.1022-46531.56Q34区
Circuits, Systems, and Signal ProcessingCircuits Syst Signal Process0278-081X1.75Q33区
Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingComput. Vis. Image. Underst.1077-31424.35Q13区
Computers and Electrical EngineeringComput. Electr. Eng.0045-79063.93Q23区
Control Engineering PracticeControl Eng. Pract.0967-06615.60Q12区
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy SystemsCSEE JPES2096-00426.90Q12区
Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technologynull1009-58960.57Q44区
Digital Signal Processing: A Review JournalDigit. Signal Process.1051-20042.71Q23区
Electric Power Components and SystemsElectr. Power Compon. Syst.1532-50081.50Q34区
Electric Power Systems ResearchElectr. Power Syst. Res.0378-77963.29Q23区
Electrical EngineeringElectr Eng0003-90391.41Q34区
Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics2074-272X1.63Q3
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi)Elect. Eng. Jpn.0424-77600.58Q44区
Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering2255-91400.68Q4
Electronics and Communications in JapanElect Comm in Japan1942-95330.36Q44区
Electronics LettersElectron. Lett.0013-51940.56Q44区
Elektronika ir ElektrotechnikaELEKTRON ELEKTROTECH1392-12150.73Q44区
Elektrotechnik und InformationstechnikElektrotech. Inftech.0932-383X0.42Q4
Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review0013-58520Q4
Emitter: International Journal of Engineering Technology2355-391X0.33Q4
EPE Journal (European Power Electronics and Drives Journal)EPE J.0939-83680.54Q44区
Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal ProcessingEURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.1687-61721.66Q34区
Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music ProcessingJ AUDIO SPEECH MUSIC PROC.1687-47141.55Q33区
Facta Universitatis. Series: Electronics and EnergeticsFACTA U EE0353-36700.51Q4
Foundations and Trends in Signal ProcessingFNT in Signal Processing1932-83461.69Q3
Frontiers in ElectronicsFront.Electron.2673-58571.93Q3
Frontiers in Signal ProcessingFront. Signal Process.2673-81981.35Q3
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic EngineeringFront Inform Technol Electron Eng2095-91842.76Q23区
Frontiers of OptoelectronicsFront. Optoelectron.2095-27594.27Q23区
Fujitsu Scientific and Technical JournalFujitsu Sci. Tech. J.0016-25230.21Q44区
Global Energy InterconnectionGlobal Energy Interconnect.2096-51172.05Q3
High Voltage2096-98134.43Q12区
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems MagazineIEEE Aerosp. Electron. Syst. Mag.0885-89853.50Q23区
IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringCan. J. Electr. Comput. Eng.0840-86882.06Q34区
IEEE Circuits and Systems MagazineIEEE Circuits Syst. Mag.1531-636X5.59Q12区
IEEE Design and TestIEEE Des. Test2168-23561.75Q34区
IEEE Electrical Insulation MagazineIEEE Electr. Insul. Mag.0883-75542.72Q24区
IEEE Electrification MagazineIEEE Electrific. Mag.2325-58892.67Q2
IEEE Electron Device LettersIEEE Electron Device Lett.0741-31064.10Q22区
IEEE Industrial Electronics MagazineEEE Ind. Electron. Mag.1932-45295.55Q12区
IEEE Intelligent SystemsIEEE Intell. Syst.1541-16725.47Q13区
IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and BiologyIEEE J. Electromagn. RF Microw. Med. Biol.2469-72492.93Q2
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power ElectronicsIEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron.2168-67774.70Q12区
IEEE Journal of MicrowavesIEEE J. Microw.2692-83886.85Q1
IEEE Journal of Solid-State CircuitsIEEE J. Solid-State Circuits0018-92004.73Q11区
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices SocietyIEEE J. Electron Devices Soc.2168-67341.87Q33区
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and SystemsIEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.2156-33573.69Q22区
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational TechniquesIEEE J. Multiscale Multiphys. Comput. Tech.2379-87931.98Q3
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal ProcessingIEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process.1932-45538.66Q11区
IEEE Latin America TransactionsIEEE Latin Am. Trans.1548-09921.32Q34区
IEEE Letters on EMC Practice and ApplicationsIEEE Lett. on Electromagn. Compat. Pract. and Appl.2637-64231.08Q4
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components LettersIEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.1531-13092.76Q22区
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and EnergyIEEE Open J. Power Energy2687-79103.35Q2
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and SystemsIEEE Open J. Circuits Syst.2644-12252.24Q2
IEEE Open Journal of Industry ApplicationsIEEE Open J. Ind. Applicat.2644-12417.71Q1
IEEE Open Journal of Power ElectronicsIEEE Open J. Power Electron.2644-13144.94Q1
IEEE Open Journal of Signal ProcessingIEEE Open J. Signal Process.2644-13222.94Q2
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer SocietyIEEE Open J. Comput. Soc.2644-12685.70Q1
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocietyIEEE Open J. Ind. Electron. Soc.2644-12845.11Q1
IEEE Power and Energy MagazineIEEE Power and Energy Mag.1540-79773.01Q23区
IEEE Power Electronics MagazineIEEE Power Electron. Mag.2329-92072.60Q2
IEEE Signal Processing LettersIEEE Signal Process. Lett.1070-99083.06Q22区
IEEE Signal Processing MagazineIEEE Signal Process. Mag.1053-58889.26Q11区
IEEE Solid-State Circuits LettersIEEE Solid-State Circuits Lett.2573-96032.15Q3
IEEE SpectrumIEEE Spectr.0018-92352.72Q24区
IEEE Technology and Society MagazineIEEE Technol. Soc. Mag.0278-00972.05Q34区
IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlIEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.0018-92866.39Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and SystemsIEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst.1932-45453.74Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video TechnologyIEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol.1051-82158.44Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular PapersIEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I1057-71225.21Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express BriefsIEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II1057-71304.00Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and SystemsIEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.0278-00702.64Q23区
IEEE Transactions on ComputersIEEE Trans. Comput.0018-93403.51Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems TechnologyIEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol.1063-65365.01Q12区
IEEE Transactions on EducationIEEE Trans. Educ.0018-93592.05Q32区
IEEE Transactions on Energy ConversionIEEE Trans. Energy Convers.0885-89694.80Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.1063-670610.50Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingIEEE Trans. on Image Process.1057-714910.94Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityIEEE Trans.Inform.Forensic Secur.1556-60136.17Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryIEEE Trans. Inform. Theory0018-94482.27Q33区
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng.1041-43478.78Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and TechniquesIEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn.0018-94804.23Q21区
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learning Syst.2162-237X10.11Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsIEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst.1045-92195.62Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceIEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell.0162-882820.92Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Power DeliveryIEEE Trans. Power Delivery0885-89773.93Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Power ElectronicsIEEE Trans. Power Electron.0885-89936.42Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIEEE Trans. Power Syst.0885-89506.42Q11区
IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityIEEE Trans. Rel.0018-95294.94Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Signal ProcessingIEEE Trans. Signal Process.1053-587X4.47Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Smart GridIEEE Trans. Smart Grid1949-30538.55Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringIIEEE Trans. Software Eng.0098-55896.51Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency ControlIEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr.0885-30102.89Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) SystemsIEEE Trans. VLSI Syst.1063-82103.00Q22区
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language ProcessingIEEE/ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process.2329-92904.09Q22区
IEEJ Journal of Industry ApplicationsIEEJ Journal IA2187-10941.02Q4
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic EngineeringIEEJ Trans Elec Electron Eng1931-49730.82Q44区
IEICE Communications ExpressIEICE ComEX2187-01360.47Q4
IEICE Electronics ExpressIEICE Electron. Express1349-25430.65Q44区
IEICE Transactions on ElectronicsIEICE Trans. Electron.0916-85240.65Q44区
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer SciencesIEICE Trans. Fundamentals0916-85080.25Q44区
IET Circuits, Devices and SystemsIET Circuits, Devices & Systems1751-858X1.00Q44区
IET CommunicationsIET Commun.1751-86281.37Q34区
IET Computer VisionIET Comput. Vis.1751-96321.62Q34区
IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and ApplicationsIET cyber-phys. syst.2398-33961.83Q3
IET Electric Power ApplicationsIET Electric Power Appl1751-86601.52Q34区
IET Energy Systems IntegrationIET Energy Syst Integration2516-84011.43Q3
IET Generation, Transmission and DistributionIET Generation Trans & Dist1751-86871.88Q34区
IET Power ElectronicsIET Pwr. Electr.1755-45351.71Q34区
IET Radar, Sonar and NavigationIET Radar Sonar & Navi1751-87841.49Q44区
IET Science, Measurement and TechnologyIET Science Measure & Tech1751-88221.46Q34区
IET Signal ProcessingIET Signal Process.1751-96751.17Q44区
IET Smart Grid2515-29472.30Q2
International Arab Journal of Information TechnologyIAJIT1683-31981.30Q34区
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal ProcessingAdaptive Control & Signal0890-63274.09Q24区
International Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsCircuit Theory & Apps0098-98861.85Q33区
International Journal of Digital Multimedia BroadcastingInt. J. Digit. Multimed. Broadcast.1687-75780.53Q4
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering SystemsInt. j. electr. comput. eng. syst. (Online)1847-69961.00Q4
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy SystemsInt. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst.0142-06155.06Q12区
International Journal of ElectronicsInt. J. Electron.0020-72171.15Q44区
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power SystemsInt. J. Emerg. Electr. Power Syst.1553-779X0.68Q4
International Journal of Power and Energy SystemsInt. J. Power Energy Syst1078-34660.46Q4
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided EngineeringInt J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng1096-42900.87Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringInt. J. Soft. Eng. Knowl. Eng.0218-19400.63Q44区
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems1178-56080.33Q4
International Transactions on Electrical Energy SystemsInt Trans Electr Energ Syst2050-70381.80Q34区
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical EngineeringIran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng2228-61791.37Q34区
ITE Transactions on Media Technology and ApplicationsMTA2186-73640.47Q4
Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering2409-96000.52Q4
Journal of active and passive electronic devicesACTIVE & PASSIVE ELECTRONIC DEVICES1555-02810Q4
Journal of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJ CIRCUIT SYST COMP0218-12660.77Q44区
Journal of Control and DecisionJ. Control Decis.2330-77061.62Q34区
Journal of Electrical Engineering1335-36321.11Q44区
Journal of Electrical Engineering and TechnologyJ. Electr. Eng. Technol.1975-01021.77Q34区
Journal of Electrical SystemsJ. Electr. Syst.1112-52090.62Q4
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science2234-83951.66Q3
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)J. Electron. Test.0923-81741.06Q44区
Journal of ElectrostaticsJ. Electrostat.0304-38862.07Q34区
Journal of Low Power Electronics and ApplicationsJLPEA2079-92681.61Q3
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean EnergyJ. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy2196-54205.74Q11区
Journal of Power ElectronicsJ. Power Electron.1598-20921.50Q34区
Journal of Signal Processing SystemsJ. Signal Process. Syst.1939-80181.49Q34区
Journal of SupercomputingJ Supercomput0920-85422.62Q23区
Machine Learning and Knowledge ExtractionMAKE2504-49904.15Q2
Machine Vision and ApplicationsMachine Vis. Apps.0932-80922.60Q24区
Microprocessors and MicrosystemsMicroprocess. Microsyst.0141-93312.05Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, 中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Multidimensional Systems and Signal ProcessingMultidim Syst Sign Process0923-60821.50Q34区
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsMultimed Tools Appl1380-75012.87Q24区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Nature ElectronicsNat Electron2520-113133.64Q11区
Pattern RecognitionPattern Recognit.0031-32037.41Q11区
Proceedings of the IEEEProc. IEEE0018-921923.36Q11区
Progress in Electromagnetics Research LettersPIER Letters1937-64800.74Q4
Progress In Electromagnetics Research MPIER M1937-87260.84Q4
Protection and Control of Modern Power SystemsProt Control Mod Power Syst2367-09838.73Q11区
Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyELECTROTECHNICAL REVIEW0033-20970.32Q4
Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringRecent Adv. Electr. Electron. Eng.2352-09650.76Q4
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique0035-40661.00Q44区
Science in China, Series F: Information SciencesSci. China Ser. F-Inf. Sci.1009-27577.33Q1
Signal ProcessingSignal Process.0165-16843.60Q22区
Signal Processing: Image CommunicationSignal Process. Image Commun.0923-59653.24Q23区
Sustainable Energy, Grids and NetworksSustainable Energy Grids Networks2352-46774.98Q12区
Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable EnergyTechnol Econ Smart Grids Sustain Energy2199-47061.85Q3
Traitement du SignalTS0765-00191.25Q44区
Tsinghua Science and TechnologyTsinghua Sci. Technol.1007-02145.01Q11区
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer SciencesTurk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci1300-06321.19Q44区
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1454-234X0.08Q4
Vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo Tehnìčnogo Unìversitetu Ukraïni Kììvsʹkij Polìtehnìčnij Ìnstitut: Serìâ Radìotehnìka, Radìoaparatobuduvannâ2310-03890.20Q4
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