
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
AATCC Review1532-8813Q44区
ACS Engineering AuACS Eng. Au2694-24884.38Q2
Adsorption Science and TechnologyAdsorp. Sci. Technol.0263-61742.75Q24区
Advanced Powder Technologyadv powder technol0921-88314.37Q22区
AIChE JournalAIChE J.0001-15413.69Q23区
Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringAnnu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng.1947-54387.46Q12区
Applied Chemistry for Engineering1225-01120.59Q4
Applied EnergyAppl. Energy0306-26199.97Q11区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical EngineeringAsia-Pacific J Chem Eng1932-21351.26Q34区
Biochemical Engineering JournalBiochem. Eng. J.1369-703X3.87Q23区
Biomass Conversion and BiorefineryBiomass Conv. Bioref.2190-68153.41Q24区
Bioprocess and Biosystems EngineeringBioprocess Biosyst Eng1615-75913.36Q23区
Brazilian Journal of Chemical EngineeringBraz. J. Chem. Eng.0104-66321.37Q34区
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis1978-29931.22Q3
Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringCan J Chem Eng0008-40341.54Q34区
Carbon Resources ConversionCarbon Resour. Convers.2588-91336.51Q13区
Catalysis in IndustryCatal. Ind.2070-05040.88Q4
Catalysis TodayCatal. Today0920-58615.21Q12区
Central European Journal of Energetic MaterialsCent. Eur. J. Energ. Mater.1733-71780.77Q44区
ChemBioEng ReviewsCBEN2196-97446.07Q13区
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering QuarterlyChem.Biochem.Eng.Q.0352-95681.78Q34区
Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringChem Petrol Eng0009-23550.17Q4
Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers0208-64250.70Q44区
Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process IntensificationChem. Eng. Process. Process. Intensif.0255-27013.84Q23区
Chemical Engineering and TechnologyChem Eng & Technol0930-75161.75Q34区
Chemical Engineering CommunicationsChem. Eng. Commun.0098-64452.04Q34区
Chemical Engineering Progress0360-7275Q44区
Chemical Engineering Research and DesignChem. Eng. Res. Des.0263-87623.50Q23区
Chemical Engineering ScienceChem. Eng. Sci.0009-25093.90Q22区
Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering QuarterlyCI&CEQ1451-93721.05Q44区
Chemical Product and Process ModelingChem. Prod. Process Model.1934-26591.16Q4
Chemie-Ingenieur-TechnikChem. Ing. Tech.0009-286X1.64Q34区
Chinese Journal of CatalysisChin. J. Catal.0253-983715.78Q11区
Chinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChin. J. Chem. Eng.1004-95413.74Q23区
Coke and ChemistryCoke Chem.1068-364X0.28Q4
Coloration TechnologyColoration Technol1472-35812.03Q24区
Computers and Chemical EngineeringComput. Chem. Eng.0098-13543.83Q22区
Current Opinion in Chemical EngineeringCurr. Opin. Chem. Eng.2211-33988.15Q12区
Digital Chemical Engineering2772-50812.95Q2
Dyes and PigmentsDyes. Pigm.0143-72083.98Q13区
Education for Chemical EngineersEduc. Chem. Eng.1749-77283.70Q22区
Energy and Environmental ScienceEnergy Environ. Sci.1754-569232.45Q11区
Energy and FuelsEnergy Fuels0887-06245.16Q13区
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental EffectsEnergy Source Part Recovery Util. Environ. Eff.1556-70362.11Q34区
Filtration and Separation0015-18820Q44区
Frontiers in Chemical EngineeringFront. Chem. Eng.2673-27182.56Q3
Frontiers of Chemical Science and EngineeringFront. Chem. Sci. Eng.2095-01794.17Q23区
Fuel0016-23616.57Q11区中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Fuel Processing TechnologyFuel Process. Technol.0378-38207.31Q12区
Green Chemical EngineeringGreen Chem. Eng.2096-91479.05Q1
Hemijska IndustrijaHem. Ind.0350-249X0.94Q44区
Hungarian Journal of Industrial ChemistryHung. J. Ind. Chem.0133-02760.35Q4
Indian Chemical EngineerIndian Chem. Eng.0019-45060.83Q4
Indian Journal of Chemical TechnologyIndian J. Chem. Technol.0971-457X0.63Q44区
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ResearchInd. Eng. Chem. Res.0888-58853.88Q23区
International Journal of Adhesion and AdhesivesInt. J. Adhes. Adhes.0143-74963.29Q23区
International Journal of Chemical EngineeringInt. J. Chem. Eng.1687-806X2.11Q34区
International Journal of Chemical Reactor EngineeringInt. J. Chem. Reactor Eng.1542-65801.01Q44区
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringIran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng.1021-99860.84Q44区
Journal of AdhesionJ. Adhes.0021-84642.75Q24区
Journal of Adhesion Science and TechnologyJ. Adhes. Sci. Technol.0169-42432.54Q24区
Journal of Analytical and Applied PyrolysisJ. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis.0165-23705.87Q12区
Journal of CatalysisJ. Catal.0021-95176.57Q11区
Journal of Chemical Engineering of JapanJ. Chem. Eng. Japan0021-95920.49Q44区
Journal of CO2 UtilizationJ. CO2. Util.2212-98207.14Q12区
Journal of CombustionJ. Combust.2090-19681.32Q3
Journal of Energetic MaterialsJ. Energ. Mater.0737-06521.51Q33区
Journal of Energy ChemistryJ. Energy Chem.2095-495613.96Q11区
Journal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryJ. Ind. Eng. Chem.1226-086X5.96Q13区
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process IndustriesJ. Loss. Prev. Process. Ind.0950-42303.58Q23区
Journal of Membrane Science LettersJ. Membr. Sci. Lett.2772-42124.72Q1
Journal of Natural Gas Science and EngineeringJ. Nat. Gas. Sci. Eng.1875-51004.71Q12区
Journal of Process ControlJ. Process Control0959-15243.44Q22区
Journal of Supercritical FluidsJ. Supercrit. Fluids.0896-84463.40Q23区
Journal of Surfactants and DetergentsJ Surfact & Detergents1097-39581.45Q34区
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical EngineersJ. Taiwan. Inst. Chem. Eng.1876-10705.30Q13区
Kagaku Kogaku RonbunshuKAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU0386-216X0.33Q44区
KONA Powder and Particle JournalKONA0288-45342.68Q34区
Korean Chemical Engineering ResearchHwahak Konghak0304-128X0.53Q4
Korean Journal of Chemical EngineeringKorean J. Chem. Eng.0256-11152.97Q24区
Latin American Applied ResearchLat. Am. Appl. Res.0327-07930.72Q44区
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringMaced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng.1857-55521.25Q44区
Neft kimyası va̋ neft e'malı prosesla̋ri1726-46850.33Q4
Particulate Science and TechnologyPart. Sci. Technol.0272-63512.30Q34区
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical EngineeringPeriod. Polytech. Chem. Eng.0324-58531.56Q34区
Pigment and Resin TechnologyPRT0369-94201.31Q44区
Polish Journal of Chemical TechnologyPol. J. Chem. Technol.1509-81170.80Q44区
Powder TechnologyPowder Technol.0032-59104.69Q22区
Process BiochemistryProcess. Biochem.1359-51133.89Q23区
Process Safety ProgressProcess Saf. Prog.1066-85270.94Q44区
ProcessesProcesses. (Basel).2227-97172.77Q24区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Propellants, Explosives, PyrotechnicsProp., Explos., Pyrotech.0721-31151.63Q34区
Przemysl ChemicznyPrzem. Chem.0033-24960.39Q44区
Reaction Chemistry and EngineeringReact. Chem. Eng.2058-98833.24Q23区
Reviews in Chemical EngineeringRev. Chem. Eng.0167-82994.84Q13区
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniera QuimicaRev.Mex.Ing.Quim.1665-27381.04Q44区
Science and Technology of Energetic MaterialsSci. Technol. Energetic Mater.1347-94660.59Q44区
Separation and Purification ReviewsSep. Purif. Rev.1542-21195.23Q12区
Separation and Purification Technology1383-58668.14Q11区
Separation Science and TechnologySep. Sci. Technol.0149-63952.17Q34区
Solid Fuel ChemistrySolid Fuel Chem.0361-52190.90Q44区
Solvent Extraction Research and Development, JapanSERDJ1341-72150.73Q44区
Tenside, Surfactants, Detergents0932-34141.31Q44区
Theoretical Foundations of Chemical EngineeringTheor Found Chem Eng0040-57950.72Q44区
Transport in Porous MediaTransp Porous Med0169-39132.67Q33区
Trudovoe Pravo v Rossii i za Rubezhom1813-4092Q4
Turkish Journal of ChemistryTurk J Chem1300-05271.26Q34区
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