
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Analyses of Social Issues and Public PolicyAnal Soc Iss & Public Policy1529-74891.88Q24区
Asian Journal of Social PsychologyAsian J. Soc. Psychol.1367-22231.99Q33区
Basic and Applied Social PsychologyBasic. Appl. Soc. Psych.0197-35332.32Q23区
British Journal of Social PsychologyBritish J Social Psychol0144-66653.12Q12区
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority PsychologyCultur. Divers. Ethnic. Minor. Psychol.1099-98093.27Q12区
Current Issues in Personality Psychologycipp2353-41920.82Q4
Current Research in Social Psychology1088-74230.56Q4
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social NetworkingCyberpsychol. Behav. Social Networking2152-27154.20Q12区
Deviant BehaviorDeviant Behav.0163-96251.60Q24区
Emerging AdulthoodEmerg. Adulthood2167-69682.69Q23区
European Journal of PersonalityEur J Pers0890-20703.80Q11区
European Journal of Social PsychologyEuro J Social Psych0046-27722.68Q22区
European Review of Social PsychologyEur. Rev. Soc. Psychol.1046-328310.23Q12区
Gedrag en Organisatie0921-50770.34Q44区
Group Dynamics1089-26991.65Q33区
Group Processes and Intergroup RelationsGroup. Process. Intergroup. Relat.1368-43024.08Q12区
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte OrganisationspsychologieGr Interakt Org2366-61450.96Q4
Health Psychology ReportHealth Psychol. Rep.2353-41842.30Q3
International Journal of Intercultural RelationsInt. J. Intercult. Relat.0147-17672.23Q12区
International Journal of Social PsychologyRev. Psicol. Soc.0213-47480.94Q44区
Journal for the Theory of Social BehaviourJ Theory Soc Behav0021-83081.38Q43区
Journal of Applied Social PsychologyJ Applied Social Pyschol0021-90292.16Q33区
Journal of Community and Applied Social PsychologyCommunity & Applied Soc Psy1052-92842.70Q23区
Journal of Cross-Cultural PsychologyJ. Cross. Cult. Psychol.0022-02212.36Q23区
Journal of Diversity in Higher EducationJ. Divers. High. Educ.1938-89262.46Q23区
Journal of Experimental Social PsychologyJ. Exp. Soc. Psychol.0022-10313.40Q12区
Journal of Individual DifferencesJ. Individ. Differ.1614-00011.15Q44区
Journal of Language and Social PsychologyJ. Lang. Soc. Psychol.0261-927X1.96Q33区
Journal of Latinx PsychologyJ. Lat. Psychol.2578-80862.26Q33区
Journal of Loss and TraumaJ. Loss. Trauma.1532-50242.69Q24区
Journal of Nonverbal BehaviorJ. Nonverbal Behav.0191-58861.26Q43区
Journal of PersonalityJ Personality0022-35063.23Q11区
Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyJ. Personal. Soc. Psychol.0022-35146.59Q11区
Journal of Personality AssessmentJ. of Personality Assessment0022-38912.61Q23区
Journal of Psychosocial OncologyJ. Psychosoc. Oncol.0734-73321.61Q44区
Journal of Research in PersonalityJ. Res. Personal.0092-65662.43Q22区
Journal of Social and Clinical PsychologyJ. Soc. Clin. Psychol.0736-72360.89Q44区
Journal of Social and Personal RelationshipsJ. Soc. Pers. Relatsh.0265-40752.49Q23区
Journal of Social and Political PsychologyJ. Soc. Polit. Psych.2195-33251.63Q3
Journal of Social IssuesJ Social Isssues0022-45374.14Q11区
Journal of Social PsychologyThe J. of Social Psych.0022-45451.67Q33区
Journal of Theoretical Social PsychologyJ. Theor. Soc. Psychol.2475-03872.44Q2
Journal of Trust ResearchJ. Trust Res.2151-55811.83Q3
Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und SozialpsychologieKöln Z Soziol0023-26531.02Q33区
Law and Human BehaviorLaw. Hum. Behav.0147-73072.25Q22区
Motivation and EmotionMotiv Emot0146-72391.69Q33区
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesOrgan. Behav. Hum. Decis. Process.0749-59783.42Q12区
Papers on Social Representations1021-55730.37Q4
Peace and ConflictPeace. Confl.1078-19191.05Q4
Personal RelationshipsPers Relationship1350-41261.78Q34区
Personality and Individual Differences0191-88693.43Q12区
Personality and Mental HealthPersonality1932-86211.86Q33区
Personality and Social Psychology BulletinPers Soc Psychol Bull0146-16723.30Q12区
Personality and Social Psychology ReviewPers Soc Psychol Rev1088-86837.84Q11区
Political PsychologyPolit. Psychol.0162-895X4.06Q11区
Psicologia SocialePsicol. Soc. (Bologna).1827-25170.39Q4
Psychology of Men and Masculinity1524-92202.76Q23区
Research on Language and Social InteractionRes. Lang. Soc. Interact.0835-18133.14Q21区
Revue Internationale de Psychologie SocialeInt. Rev. Soc. Psychol.0992-986X2.05Q3
Self and IdentitySelf Identity1529-88681.54Q34区
Sex RolesSex Role0360-00252.88Q12区
Small Group ResearchSmall Group Res.1046-49643.19Q23区
Social and Personality Psychology CompassSocial & Personality Psych1751-90044.72Q12区
Social Behavior and Personalitysoc behav pers0301-22120.85Q44区
Social CognitionSoc. Cogn.0278-016X1.23Q44区
Social InfluenceSoc. Influ.1553-45101.96Q33区
Social Justice ResearchSoc Just Res0885-74661.73Q23区
Social Psychological and Personality ScienceSoc. Psychol. Personal. Sci.1948-55064.49Q12区
Social PsychologySoc. Psychol.0147-829X1.05Q44区
Social Psychology QuarterlySoc Psychol Q0190-27252.30Q32区
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