
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Adoption QuarterlyAdopt. Q.1092-67550.95Q3
Affilia - Feminist Inquiry in Social WorkAffilia0886-10992.20Q13区
American Journal of Community PsychologyAm. J. Community Psychol.0091-05623.40Q12区
American Journal of OrthopsychiatryAm. J. Orthopsychiatry.0002-94322.37Q13区
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work ReviewANZSWJ1178-55270.40Q4
Asian Pacific Journal of Social WorkAsia Pac. J. Soc. Work0218-53850.96Q34区
Asian Social Work and Policy ReviewAsian Soc Wrk & Pol Rev1753-14031.48Q2
Australian Social WorkAust. Soc. Work0312-407X1.40Q23区
British Journal of Social WorkBr. J. Soc. Work0045-31021.70Q13区
Child Abuse and NeglectChild Abus. Negl.0145-21343.46Q12区
Child Abuse ReviewChild Abuse Rev.0952-91361.07Q34区
Child and Adolescent Social Work JournalChild Adolesc Soc Work J0738-01511.41Q24区
Child and Family Social WorkChild Fam Soc Work1356-75001.52Q23区
Child and Youth ServicesChild. Youth. Serv.0145-935X0.97Q3
Child Care in Practice1357-52791.25Q3
Child MaltreatmentChild Maltreat1077-55954.45Q12区
Child WelfareChild. Welfare.0009-40210.61Q44区
Children and SchoolsChild. Sch.1532-87591.07Q3
Children and Society0951-06051.23Q23区
Children and Youth Services ReviewChild. Youth. Serv. Rev.0190-74092.24Q12区
Clinical Social Work JournalClin Soc Work J0091-16742.65Q13区
Critical and Radical Social WorkCrit. Radic. Soc. Work.2049-86081.28Q2
Cuadernos de Trabajo SocialCuad. Trab. Soc.0214-03140.21Q4
Ethics and Social WelfareEthics. Soc. Welf.1749-65350.54Q4
European Journal of Social WorkEur. J. Soc. Work1369-14571.60Q23区
Families in SocietyFamilies in Society1044-38941.26Q34区
Family RelationsFam. Relat.0197-66641.67Q13区
Global Social WelfareGlob Soc Welf2196-87991.32Q2
Global Social Work2013-67570.26Q4
Health and Social Care in the CommunityHealth Soc Care Community0966-04101.92Q14区
Health and Social WorkHealth. Soc. Work.0360-72831.67Q14区
Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and GovernanceHum. Serv. Organ. Manag. Leadersh. Gov.2330-31312.13Q14区
Interacción y Perspectiva2244-808X0.54Q4
International Journal of Social WelfareInt. J. Soc. Welf.1369-68661.08Q33区
International Social WorkInt. Soc. Work0020-87281.23Q33区
Intersectionalities : A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity and Practice1925-12700.49Q4
Journal of Child and Adolescent TraumaJourn Child Adol Trauma1936-15211.75Q1
Journal of Children's ServicesJournal of Children’s Services1746-66601.47Q2
Journal of Community PracticeJ. Community Pract.1070-54221.33Q2
Journal of Community PsychologyJ. Community Psychol.0090-43921.82Q13区
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social WorkJ. Ethn. Cult. Divers. Soc. Work.1531-32041.54Q2
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work (United States)J. of Evidence-Based Social Work1543-37141.21Q3
Journal of Family Social WorkJ. Fam. Soc. Work1052-21581.06Q3
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social ServicesJ. Gay. Lesbian. Soc. Serv.1053-87201.23Q2
Journal of Gerontological Social WorkJ. Gerontol. Soc. Work0163-43721.44Q24区
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social ServicesJ. HIV. AIDS. Soc. Serv.1538-15010.22Q4
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social EnvironmentJ. Hum. Behav. Soc. Environ.1091-13591.11Q3
Journal of Human Rights and Social WorkJ. Hum. Rights. Soc. Work.2365-17921.36Q2
Journal of Offender RehabilitationJ. Offender Rehabil.1050-96741.00Q3
Journal of PovertyJ. Poverty1087-55491.01Q3
Journal of Progressive Human ServicesJ. Progress. Hum. Serv.1042-82322.50Q1
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in SchoolsJ. Psychol. Couns. Sch.2055-63651.36Q24区
Journal of Public Child WelfareJ. Public Child Welf.1554-87321.21Q34区
Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social WorkJ. Relig. Spiritual. Soc. Work.1542-64320.67Q4
Journal of Social Distress and the HomelessJ. Soc. Distress. Homeless.1053-07890.98Q3
Journal of Social PolicyJ. Soc. Pol.0047-27941.74Q13区
Journal of Social Service ResearchJ. Soc. Serv. Res.0148-83761.51Q24区
Journal of Social WorkJ. Soc. Work. (Lond).1468-01731.60Q23区
Journal of Social Work EducationJ. Soc. Work Educ.1043-77971.30Q24区
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative CareJ. Soc. Work. End. Life. Palliat. Care.1552-42561.80Q2
Journal of Social Work PracticeJ. Soc. Work Pract.0265-05331.29Q34区
Journal of Social Work Practice in the AddictionsJ. Soc. Work. Pract. Addict.1533-256X0.86Q4
Journal of Technology in Human ServicesJ. Technol. Hum. Serv.1522-88351.70Q2
Journal of the Society for Social Work and ResearchJ. Soc. Social. Work. Res.1948-822X1.41Q24区
Ljetopis Socijalnog RadaAnnu. Soc. Work1846-54120.09Q44区
Mental Health and Social InclusionMHSI2042-83080.86Q4
Nordic Social Work ResearchNord. Soc. Work Res.2156-857X1.15Q2
Poverty & Public PolicyPoverty. Public. Policy.1944-28580.98Q3
Psychoanalytic Social WorkPsychoanal. Soc. Work1522-88780.12Q4
Qualitative Social Work1473-32501.85Q13区
Research on Social Work PracticeRes. Soc. Work. Pract.1049-73151.72Q14区
Revista Ciências Humanas2179-11200.42Q4
Smith College Studies in Social WorkSmith. Coll. Stud. Soc. Work.0037-73171.51Q2
Social Policy and AdministrationSoc Policy Adm0144-55962.43Q12区
Social Policy and SocietySocial Policy & Society1474-74642.37Q13区
Social Service ReviewSoc. Serv. Rev.0037-79611.69Q23区
Social Welfare Interdisciplinary ApproachSW2029-74240.38Q4
Social WorkSWORK0037-80462.50Q12区
Social Work in Health CareSoc. Work. Health. Care.0098-13892.09Q14区
Social Work in Mental HealthSoc. Work. Ment. Health.1533-29851.29Q3
Social Work in Public HealthSoc. Work. Public. Health.1937-190X1.50Q14区
Social Work ResearchSoc. Work Res.1070-53091.23Q33区
Social Work/Maatskaplike WerkSocial Work0037-80540.37Q4
STEPP: Socialinė Teorija, Empirija, Politika ir Praktika1648-24250.27Q4
The Journal of Adult ProtectionThe Jnl of Adult Protection1466-82031.02Q3
Trabajo Social0123-49860.35Q4
Trauma, Violence, and AbuseTrauma. Violence. Abuse.1524-83805.24Q11区
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