AAPG Memoir | | 0271-8529 | | | | | |
Advances in Military Geosciences | | 2522-8315 | | | | | |
Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research | | 1878-9897 | | | | | |
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae | | 0208-9068 | 1.15 | Q2 | 4区 | | |
Anuario do Instituto de Geociencias | Anuário IGEO UFRJ | 0101-9759 | | | | | |
Asian Oil and Gas | | 1026-6461 | | | | | |
Bulletin - Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf- Aquitaine, Memoire | | 0396-2687 | | | | | |
Bulletin Mineralogicko-Petrologickeho Oddeleni Narodniho Muzea v Praze | | 1211-0329 | | | | | |
Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie | | 2570-7337 | | | | | |
Bulletin of Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry | | 1007-2802 | | | | | |
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering | | 2413-1830 | 0.77 | Q4 | | | |
China Geology | zgdzyw | 2096-5192 | 4.64 | Q1 | 3区 | | |
Developments in Economic Geology | | 0168-6178 | | | | | |
Earth Systems and Environment | Earth Syst Environ | 2509-9426 | 5.38 | Q1 | | | |
Economic and Environmental Geology | Econ. Environ. Geol. | 1225-7281 | 0.27 | Q4 | | | |
Economic Geology | Econ. Geol. | 0361-0128 | 5.54 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Eurasian Mining | | 2072-0823 | 0.27 | Q4 | | | |
Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals | | 0970-9231 | | | | | |
Extractive Industries and Society | Extr. Ind. Soc. | 2214-790X | 3.77 | Q2 | 2区 | | |
Geodynamics and Tectonophysics | | 2078-502X | 0.97 | Q4 | | | |