
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta Medica OkayamaActa. Med. Okayama.0386-300X0.74Q44区
Actualizaciones en OsteologiaActual. osteol.1669-8975Q4
Advanced Biomedical ResearchAdv. Biomed. Res.2277-91750.80Q4
Advances in Clinical and Experimental MedicineAdv Clin Exp Med1899-52761.93Q34区
Advances in Experimental Medicine and BiologySex Gend. Factor Affect. Metab. Homeost. Diabetes Obes.0065-25983.514区
Advances in Medical SciencesAdv. Med. Sci.1896-11262.52Q34区
Advances in TherapyAdv Ther0741-238X3.57Q23区
Aerospace medicine and human performanceaerosp med hum perform2375-63140.99Q44区
African Journal of Laboratory MedicineAfr. J. Lab. Med.2225-20020.91Q4
AIMS Medical Science2375-155X0.45Q4
American Journal of Translational ResearchAm. J. Transl. Res.1943-81411.52Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, 中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Amyloid : the international journal of experimental and clinical investigation : the official journal of the International Society of Amyloidosis1350-61295.26Q12区
Animal Models and Experimental MedicineAnim Models and Exp Med2096-54513.67Q23区
Annales de Biologie CliniqueAnn. Biol. Clin. (Paris).0003-38980.37Q44区
Annals of Translational MedicineAnn Transl Med2305-58393.464区
Annual Review of MedicineAnnu. Rev. Med.0066-421915.11Q11区
Archives of Medical ResearchArch. Med. Res.0188-44094.87Q13区
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineArch. Pathol. Lab. Med.0003-99853.79Q13区
Asian BiomedicineAsian. Biomed. (Res. Rev. News).1875-855X0.44Q44区
ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory AnimalsAltern Lab Anim0261-19292.53Q34区
Biologics: Targets and TherapyBTT1177-54755.17Q1
Biomarker InsightsBiomark�Insights1177-27193.40Q2
Biomarker ResearchBiomark Res2050-77719.36Q12区
Biomarkers in MedicineBiomarkers Med.1752-03631.87Q34区
BioMed Research InternationalBiomed Res. Int.2314-61332.44Q33区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, ivySCI
Biomedical and Biotechnology Research JournalBiomed Biotechnol Res J2588-98340.87Q4
Biomedical JournalBiomed. J.2319-41704.27Q23区
Biomedical PapersBIOMED PAP1213-81180.73Q44区
Biomedical ReportsBiomed Rep2049-94342.29Q3
Biomedical Research (Japan)Biomed. Res.0388-61071.29Q44区
Biomedical Research and TherapyBiomed Res Ther2198-40930.42Q4
Biomedicine and PharmacotherapyBiomed. Pharmacother.0753-33226.70Q12区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesBosn J of Basic Med Sci1512-86013.08Q24区
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological ResearchBraz J Med Biol Res0100-879X1.98Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and MedicineBull Exp Biol Med0007-48880.76Q44区
Cancer Biology and MedicineCancer Biol Med2095-39415.66Q12区
Cancer Biotherapy and RadiopharmaceuticalsCancer. Biother. Radiopharm.1084-97852.38Q24区
Cancer Gene TherapyCancer Gene Ther0929-19034.67Q13区
Cell Reports MedicineCell. Rep. Med.2666-379111.69Q11区
Cell TransplantationCell Transplant.0963-68973.18Q24区
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences2459-14590.27Q4
Clinical and Experimental MedicineClin Exp Med1591-88903.27Q24区
Clinical and Investigative MedicineCIM0147-958X1.24Q44区
Clinical and Translational MedicineClinical & Translational Med2001-13267.96Q11区
Clinical and Translational ScienceClin Transl Sci1752-80542.94Q23区
Clinical ScienceClin. Sci.0143-52216.89Q12区
Clinical TeacherClin Teach1743-49711.32Q4
Clinical TrialsClinical Trials1740-77452.06Q33区
Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studiesCold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud2373-28651.93Q3
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in MedicineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med2157-14227.90Q12区
Communications MedicineCommun Med2730-664X5.54Q1
Contemporary Clinical TrialsContemp. Clin. Trials1551-71441.95Q33区
Contemporary Clinical Trials CommunicationsContemp. Clin. Trials Commun.2451-86541.40Q4
Current Medical Research and OpinionCurr. Méd. Res. Opin.0300-79952.58Q34区
Current Medical ScienceCurr. Med. Sci.2096-52301.88Q34区
Current Molecular MedicineCMM1566-52402.16Q34区
Current Research in Translational MedicineCurr. Res. Transl. Med.2452-31863.07Q24区
Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and ExperimentalCurr. Ther. Res.0011-393X1.52Q3
Cyprus Journal of Medical SciencesCyprus J. Med. Sci.2149-78930.14Q4
Discovery medicineDiscov. Med.1539-65092.17Q34区
Disease MarkersDis. Markers0278-02403.664区
Drug Delivery and Translational ResearchDrug Deliv. and Transl. Res.2190-393X5.64Q13区
EMBO Molecular MedicineEMBO Mol Med1757-46768.93Q11区
EPMA JournalEPMA. J.1878-50775.83Q12区
European Journal of Clinical InvestigationEur J Clin Investigation0014-29724.33Q23区
European Journal of Medical ResearchEur J Med Res0949-23212.97Q23区
European Journal of Translational MyologyEur. J. Transl. Myol.2037-74521.61Q3
Experimental and Molecular MedicineExp Mol Med1226-36139.70Q12区
Experimental and Therapeutic MedicineExp Ther Med1792-09812.58Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, 中科院 2024 年预警期刊
Experimental Biology and MedicineExp Biol Med (Maywood)1535-36992.88Q24区
Experimental HematologyExp. Hematol.0301-472X2.50Q34区
Experimental NeurobiologyExp. Neurobiol.1226-25601.84Q44区
Expert Opinion on Biological TherapyExpert. Opin. Biol. Ther.1471-25983.52Q23区
Expert Reviews in Molecular MedicineExpert Rev. Mol. Med.1462-39944.49Q22区
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and BehaviorFatigue.2164-18462.43Q3
Frontiers of MedicineFront. Med.2095-02173.85Q23区
Future Science OAFuture Sci. OA2056-56232.26Q3
Galen Medical JournalGMJ2228-54230.32Q4
Gene TherapyGene Ther0969-71284.53Q23区
Human Gene TherapyHum. Gene Ther.1043-03423.78Q23区
In VivoIV0258-851X1.96Q34区
Indian Journal of Medical ResearchIndian J Med Res0971-59162.76Q34区
Indonesian Biomedical JournalIndones Biomed J2085-32970.84Q4
Inflammation and RegenerationInflamm Regener1880-81904.92Q13区
Innate ImmunityInnate Immun1753-42592.92Q34区
Interactive Journal of Medical ResearchInteract. J. Med. Res.1929-073X2.09Q3
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine0976-59210Q4
International Journal of BiomedicineInt. J. Biomed.2158-05100.31Q4
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental MedicineInt. J. Clin. Exp. Med.1940-59010.10Q4中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of Molecular and Cellular MedicineInt. J. Mol. Cell. Med.2251-96371.37Q3
International Journal of Molecular MedicineInt J Mol Med1107-37565.84Q13区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Investigacion ClinicaInvest Clin0535-51330.07Q44区
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesIran. J. Basic Med. Sci.2008-38662.12Q34区
JCI Insight2379-37086.15Q11区
Journal of Applied BiomedicineJAB1214-021X2.10Q34区
Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic AgentsJ. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents.0393-974X0.86Q44区
Journal of Biomedical ResearchJ. Biomed. Res.1674-83012.30Q34区
Journal of Biomedical ScienceJ Biomed Sci1021-77708.84Q12区
Journal of Bone and Mineral MetabolismJ Bone Miner Metab0914-87792.51Q33区
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational ResearchJ. of Cardiovasc. Trans. Res.1937-53872.40Q33区
Journal of Cellular and Molecular MedicineJ Cell Mol Med1582-18384.42Q22区
Journal of Clinical and Translational ScienceJ. Clin. Trans. Sci.2059-86612.05Q3
Journal of Clinical InvestigationJ. Clin. Invest.0021-973813.37Q11区
Journal of Diabetes ResearchJ. Diabetes Res.2314-67453.46Q23区
Journal of Experimental MedicineJ Exp Med0022-100712.69Q11区
Journal of Gene MedicineJ Gene Med1099-498X3.31Q24区
Journal of ImmunotherapyJ. Immunother.1053-85503.36Q24区
Journal of Inherited Metabolic DiseaseJ Inherit Metab Dis0141-89554.01Q22区
Journal of International Medical ResearchJ Int Med Res0300-06051.41Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Journal of Investigative MedicineJ Investig Med1081-55892.51Q34区
Journal of Medical InvestigationJ. Med. Invest.1343-14200.67Q4
Journal of Molecular MedicineJ Mol Med0946-27164.94Q13区
Journal of Translational MedicineJ Transl Med1479-58766.00Q12区
Journal of Zhejiang University: Science BJ. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B1673-15814.62Q13区
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical AssociationJ Pak Med Assoc0030-99820.72Q44区
Kaohsiung Journal of Medical SciencesThe Kaohsiung J of Med Scie1607-551X2.80Q34区
Keio Journal of MedicineKeio J. Med.0022-97171.04Q4
Laboratory InvestigationLab Invest0023-68375.29Q12区
Life SciencesLife Sci.0024-32055.22Q12区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Lymphatic Research and BiologyLymphat. Res. Biol.1539-68511.69Q44区
Makara Journal of Health Research2356-36560.27Q4
Malaysian Journal of Medical SciencesMJMS1394-195X1.03Q4
MedMed. (N. Y).2666-634012.90Q1
MedCommMedComm. (2020).2688-266310.57Q13区
Medecine/SciencesMed Sci (Paris)0767-09740.74Q44区
Medical Gas ResearchMed. Gas Res.2045-99123.14Q2
Medical HypothesesMed. Hypotheses0306-98772.09Q34区
Medical Mycology Case ReportsMed. Mycol. Case Rep.2211-75391.65Q3
Medical Science MonitorMed Sci Monit1234-10102.38Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Medical Science Monitor Basic ResearchMed. Sci. Monit. Basic Res.2325-43941.63Q3
Melanoma ResearchMelanoma Res.0960-89311.33Q44区
Metabolic Syndrome and Related DisordersMetab. Syndr. Relat. Disord.1540-41961.35Q44区
Molecular Aspects of MedicineMol. Asp. Medicine0098-29978.50Q12区
Molecular BiomedicineMol Biomed2662-86516.27Q14区
Molecular Genetics and MetabolismMol. Genet. Metab.1096-71923.58Q22区
Molecular MedicineMol Med1076-15516.09Q12区
Molecular Medicine ReportsMol Med Rep1791-29973.37Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Molecular PharmaceuticsMol. Pharmaceutics1543-83844.55Q12区
Molecular TherapyMol. Ther.1525-001611.96Q11区
Molecular Therapy Methods and Clinical DevelopmentMol. Ther. Methods Clin. Dev.2329-05014.43Q22区
Molecular Therapy Nucleic AcidsMol. Ther. Nucleic Acids2162-25316.65Q12区
Molecular Therapy OncolyticsMol. Ther. Oncolytics2372-77055.28Q12区
Nagoya Journal of Medical ScienceNagoya J. Med. Sci.0027-76220.92Q44区
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and MedicineNanomedicine.1549-96344.18Q22区
Nature MedicineNat Med1078-895658.82Q11区
NeuromodulationNeuromodulation: Technol. Neural Interface1094-71593.10Q23区
npj VaccinesNPJ Vaccines2059-01056.73Q11区
Nucleic Acid TherapeuticsNucleic Acid Ther.2159-33374.09Q22区
Open Access Journal of Clinical TrialsOpen Access J. Clin. Trials1179-15191.24Q4
Orphanet Journal of Rare DiseasesOrphanet J Rare Dis1750-11723.56Q22区
Perspectives in Biology and MedicinePerspect. Biol. Med.0031-59820.80Q44区
Perspectives on Pedagogy and Practice2079-83340.48Q4
Pilot and Feasibility StudiesPilot Feasibility Stud2055-57841.68Q3
Postepy Higieny i Medycyny DoswiadczalnejPostepy Hig Med Dosw0032-54490.07Q44区
PPAR ResearchPPAR Res.1687-47573.50Q23区
Precision Clinical MedicinePrecis. Clin. Med.2096-53035.05Q14区
Precision Medical Sciences2642-25140.27Q4
Research and Reports in Tropical MedicineRRTM1179-72823.16Q2
Revista Romana de Medicina de LaboratorRev. Rom. Med. Lab.1841-66240.55Q44区
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory InvestigationSCLI0036-55131.22Q44区
Science Translational MedicineSci. Transl. Med.1946-623415.83Q11区
Sovremennye Tehnologii v MedicineSovrem Tehnol Med2076-42431.17Q4
Statistics in MedicineStatist. Med.0277-67151.78Q14区
Stem Cell Research and TherapyStem Cell Res Ther1757-65127.22Q12区
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2629-32694.36Q23区
Stem Cells and DevelopmentStem. Cells. Dev.1547-32872.60Q23区
Tamozhennoe Delo1813-1905Q4
Tissue BarriersTissue Barrier2168-83623.73Q2
Tohoku Journal of Experimental MedicineTohoku J. Exp. Med.0040-87271.86Q34区
Translational Medicine @ UniSa2239-97470.96Q4
Translational ResearchTransl. Res.1878-18106.24Q12区
Trends in Molecular MedicineTrends. Mol. Med.1471-491412.99Q11区
Undersea and Hyperbaric MedicineUHM1066-29360.56Q44区
Vaccine: XVaccine. X.2590-13622.71Q3
VaccinesVaccines. (Basel).2076-393X5.10Q13区
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and NanobiotechnologyWIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol1939-00417.00Q12区
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and MedicineWIREs Syst Biol Med1939-005X7.90Q1
WIREs mechanisms of diseaseWIREs. Mech. Dis.2692-93684.42Q23区
World Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineWorld J Tradit Chin Med2311-85714.27Q13区
Wound Repair and RegenerationWound Rep Reg1067-19273.66Q13区
Yonago Acta MedicaYonago Acta Med.0513-57100.94Q44区
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