
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta Scientiarum - Health SciencesActa Sci. Health Sci.1679-92910.15Q4
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services ResearchAdm Policy Ment Health0894-587X1.80Q33区
Advances in Public Health2314-77841.65Q3
Aerospace medicine and human performanceaerosp med hum perform2375-63140.99Q44区
African Journal of AIDS ResearchAfr. J. AIDS. Res.1608-59061.23Q44区
African Journal of Reproductive HealthAfr. J. Reprod. Health1118-48410.66Q44区
AIDS Education and PreventionAIDS. Educ. Prev.0899-95461.66Q34区
AIDS Patient Care and STDsAIDS. Patient. Care. STDS.1087-29143.54Q12区
American Journal of EpidemiologyAm. J. Epidemiol.0002-92624.85Q12区
American Journal of Health Behavioram j health behav1087-32442.20Q34区
American Journal of Health EducationAm. J. Health Educ.1932-50370.88Q4
American Journal of Health PromotionAm J Health Promot0890-11712.30Q24区
American Journal of Industrial MedicineAmerican J Industrial Med0271-35862.79Q23区
American Journal of Infection ControlAm. J. Infect. Control0196-65533.90Q13区
American Journal of Lifestyle MedicineAm. J. Lifestyle Med.1559-82761.57Q3
American Journal of Men's HealthAm J Mens Health1557-98832.00Q34区
American Journal of Preventive MedicineAm. J. Prev. Med.0749-37974.49Q12区
American Journal of Public HealthAm J Public Health0090-00369.46Q11区
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de NavarraAn Sist Sanit Navar1137-66271.14Q44区
Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di SanitaAnn. Ist. Super. Sanita.0021-25711.29Q44区
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental MedicineAnn Agric Environ Med.1232-19661.31Q44区
Annals of EpidemiologyAnn. Epidemiol.1047-27973.14Q13区
Annals of Global HealthAnn. Glob. Health2214-99962.52Q24区
Annals of Human BiologyAnn. Hum. Biol.0301-44601.06Q44区
Annals of Occupational and Environmental MedicineAnn of Occup and Environ Med2052-43741.29Q4
Annals of Work Exposures and HealthAnn. Work. Expo. Health.2398-73081.94Q34区
Annual Review of Public HealthAnnu. Rev. Public Health0163-752521.41Q11区
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection ControlAntimicrob Resist Infect Control2047-29944.68Q12区
Applied BiosafetyAppl Biosaf.1535-67600.37Q4
Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement1775-87850.38Q44区
Archives of Environmental and Occupational HealthArch. Environ. Occup. Health.1933-82441.35Q34区
Archives of Public HealthArch Public Health0778-73673.10Q23区
Arts and Health1753-30151.68Q34区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public HealthAsia Pac J Public Health1010-53951.23Q34区
Asian Journal of Social Health and BehaviorAsian J Soc Health Behav2772-42045.01Q1
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public HealthAust. N. Z. J. Public. Health.1326-02002.68Q23区
Australian Journal of Emergency Management1324-15401.21Q4
Australian Journal of Primary HealthAust. J. Prim. Health1448-75271.19Q44区
Australian Journal of Rural HealthAust. J. Rural Health1038-52821.81Q34区
Biomedical and Environmental SciencesBiomed. Environ. Sci.0895-39883.16Q23区
Biosafety and HealthBiosaf. Health.2096-69623.38Q1
BMC Public Health1471-24583.52Q12区
BMC Women's HealthBMC. Womens. Health.1472-68742.49Q23区
BMJ Global HealthBMJ Glob. Health2059-79086.95Q12区
Brazilian Journal of Occupational TherapyCad. Bras. Ter. Ocup.2526-89100.78Q4
Bulletin of the World Health OrganizationBull. World Health Organ.0042-96868.46Q12区
Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - GesundheitsschutzBundesgesundheitsbl1436-99901.84Q34区
Cadernos de Saude PublicaCad. Saúde Pública0102-311X1.96Q34区
Canadian Journal of Human SexualityCan. J. Hum. Sex.1188-45171.23Q3
Canadian Journal of Public HealthCan J Public Health0008-42632.97Q24区
Cancer Causes and ControlCancer Causes Control0957-52432.38Q24区
Cancer EpidemiologyCancer Epidemiol.1877-78212.24Q23区
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and PreventionCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev1055-99653.53Q13区
Central European Journal of Public HealthCent. Eur. J. Public Health1210-77780.99Q44区
Chemical Health and SafetyACS Chem. Health Saf.1074-90982.76Q2
Children's Health CareChild. Health. Care.0273-96150.83Q44区
China CDC WeeklyChina. CDC. Wkly.2096-70714.50Q14区
Ciencia e Saude ColetivaCiênc. saúde coletiva1413-81231.03Q44区
Clinical EpidemiologyClin. Epidemiol.1179-13493.35Q12区
Clinical Epidemiology and Global HealthClin. Epidemiol. Glob. Health.2213-39842.46Q2
Clinical Social Work and Health InterventionCSWHI2076-97410.30Q4
Community Dentistry and Oral EpidemiologyComm Dent Oral Epid0301-56611.67Q33区
Community Mental Health JournalCommunity Ment. Health J.0010-38531.76Q34区
Comunidad y Salud1690-32930.05Q4
Conflict and HealthConfl Health1752-15053.09Q22区
Current Environmental Health ReportsCurr. Environ. Health Rep.2196-54127.53Q12区
Current Epidemiology ReportsCurr Epidemiol Rep2196-29953.15Q23区
Current Pollution ReportsCurr. Pollut. Rep.2198-65926.29Q12区
Digital HealthDigit. Health2055-20763.00Q23区
Disaster Medicine and Public Health PreparednessDisaster med. public health prep.1935-78931.76Q34区
Disaster Prevention and ManagementDisaster Prev and Management0965-35621.72Q34区
Diving and Hyperbaric MedicineDiving. Hyperb. Med.1833-35160.93Q44区
Eastern Mediterranean Health JournalEast Mediterr Health J.1020-33971.78Q34区
Economics and Human Biology1570-677X2.01Q23区
Emerging Themes in EpidemiologyEmerg Themes Epidemiol1742-76223.56Q1
Environmental EpidemiologyEnviron. Epidemiol.2474-78823.28Q1
Environmental Health and Preventive MedicineEnviron Health Prev Med1342-078X3.91Q13区
Environmental Health InsightsEnviron. Health Insights1178-63022.45Q2
Environmental Health: A Global Access Science SourceEnviron Health1476-069X5.26Q12区
Environmental ResearchEnviron. Res.0013-93517.65Q12区
Environnement, Risques et Sante1635-04210.32Q4
Epidemiologia e prevenzioneEpidemiol. Prev.1120-97631.27Q44区
Epidemiologic ReviewsEpidemiol. Rev.0193-936X5.06Q12区
Epidemiology and healthEpidemiol Health2092-71932.30Q24区
Epidemiology and InfectionEpidemiol. Infect.0950-26882.55Q24区
Ethiopian Journal of Health DevelopmentEthiop. J. Health. Dev.1021-67900.35Q44区
Ethnicity and DiseaseEthn Dis1049-510X3.60Q13区
Ethnicity and HealthEthn. Health.1355-78582.73Q23区
European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health CareEur. J. Contracept. Reprod. Health. Care.1362-51871.80Q34区
European Journal of EpidemiologyEur J Epidemiol0393-29907.59Q11区
European Journal of Public HealthEur J Public Health1101-12623.77Q13区
Evolution, Medicine and Public HealthEMPH2050-62013.13Q13区
Families, Systems and HealthFam. Syst. Health.1091-75271.14Q44区
Family and Community HealthFam. Community. Health.0160-63791.61Q34区
Frontiers in Health ServicesFront. Health Serv.2813-01461.46Q3
Frontiers in Public HealthFront. Public Health2296-25652.95Q23区
Gaceta SanitariaGac. Sanit.0213-91111.36Q34区
Geospatial healthGeospat. Health1827-19870.98Q44区
Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement1432-26250.15Q4
Global Health & MedicineGHM2434-91861.94Q3
Global Health ActionGlob. Health Action1654-97162.21Q23区
Global Health PromotionGlob Health Promot1757-97591.74Q34区
Global Health Research and Policyglob health res policy2397-06423.96Q12区
Global Health, Epidemiology and GenomicsGlob. Health Epidemiol.2054-42000.90Q4
Global health, science and practice2169-575X2.41Q23区
Global Public HealthGlob. Public Health1744-16922.45Q23区
Globalization and HealthGlobal Health1744-86036.03Q12区
GMS Hygiene and Infection Control2196-52261.70Q3
Health and Human RightsHealth. Hum. Rights.1079-09692.32Q23区
Health and JusticeHealth Justice2194-78992.99Q2
Health and PlaceHealth. Place.1353-82923.90Q12区
Health Behavior and Policy ReviewHealth. Behav. Policy. Rev.2326-44030.41Q4
Health EducationHE0965-42830.88Q4
Health Education and BehaviorHealth Educ Behav1090-19812.53Q23区
Health Education JournalHealth Educ. J.0017-89691.30Q44区
Health Education ResearchHealth Educ. Res.0268-11532.19Q34区
Health EquityHealth Equity2473-12422.76Q2
Health ExpectationsHealth Expect1369-65133.20Q23区
Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practiceHealth Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can2368-738X2.05Q24区
Health Promotion InternationalHealth Promot. Int.0957-48242.34Q24区
Health Promotion Journal of AustraliaHealth Promot J Austral1036-10731.57Q34区
Health Promotion PerspectivesHealth Promot. Perspect.2228-64972.29Q2
Health Promotion PracticeHealth Promot. Pract.1524-83991.66Q3
Health ReportsHealth. Rep.0840-65292.75Q22区
Health Science ReportsHealth Sci. Rep.2398-88352.02Q3
Health ScopeHealth Scope2251-89590.50Q4
Health securityHealth Secur.2326-50942.29Q34区
Health systems and reformHealth. Syst. Reform.2328-86041.70Q33区
Hispanic Health Care InternationalHisp Health Care Int1540-41531.66Q3
Indian Journal of Community HealthIndian J. Community Health0971-75870.40Q4
Indian Journal of Community MedicineIndian J Community Med0970-02180.94Q4
Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental MedicineIndian J Occup Environ Med0973-22840.97Q4
Indian journal of public healthIndian J. Public Health0019-557X1.03Q44区
Indoor Air0905-69474.20Q12区
Indoor and Built EnvironmentIndoor. Built. Environ.1420-326X3.16Q23区
Infection Control and Hospital EpidemiologyInfect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol.0899-823X3.18Q24区
Infection Prevention in PracticeInfect. Prev. Pract.2590-08891.67Q3
Infection, Disease and Health2468-04512.66Q2
Injury EpidemiologyInj. Epidemiol.2197-17142.43Q23区
Injury PreventionInj Prev1353-80472.57Q23区
Interface: Communication, Health, Education1414-32830.85Q4
International Archives of Health SciencesInt. Arch. Health Sci.2383-25680.13Q4
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental HealthInt Arch Occup Environ Health0340-01312.51Q23区
International HealthInt. Health1876-34052.20Q24区
International Journal for Equity in HealthInt J Equity Health1475-92764.52Q12区
International Journal of Circumpolar HealthInt. J. Circumpolar Health1239-97361.11Q44区
International Journal of Environmental Health ResearchInt. J. Environ. Health Res.0960-31232.04Q24区
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthIJERPH1660-46014.783区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of EpidemiologyInt. J. Epidemiol.0300-57716.33Q12区
International Journal of Health GeographicsInt. J. Health Geogr.1476-072X3.17Q22区
International Journal of Health Planning and ManagementInt J Health Plann Mgmt0749-67532.07Q34区
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental HealthInt. J. Hyg. Environ. Health1438-46394.32Q12区
International Journal of Indigenous Health2291-93681.29Q4
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety PromotionInt. J. Inj. Contr. Saf. Promot.1745-73002.19Q24区
International Journal of Mental Health PromotionInt. J. Ment. Health. Promot.1462-37301.09Q44区
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social CareIJMHSC1747-98940.70Q4
International Journal of Noncommunicable DiseasesInt J Non-Commun Dis2468-88270.28Q4
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental HealthInt J Occup Med Environ Health1232-10871.36Q34区
International Journal of Occupational Safety and ErgonomicsInt. J. Occup. Saf. Ergon.1080-35481.44Q34区
International Journal of Prisoner HealthInt. J. Prison. Health1744-92000.93Q4
International Journal of Public HealthInt. J. Public Health1661-85562.80Q23区
International Journal of Risk and Safety in MedicineJRS0924-64790.86Q4
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health CareInt J Technol Assess Health Care0266-46232.52Q24区
International Journal of Workplace Health ManagementInt. J. Workplace Health Manag.1753-83512.33Q2
International maritime healthInt. Marit. Health1641-92511.78Q3
Iranian Journal of Public HealthIran. J. Public Health2251-60851.24Q44区
Israel Journal of Health Policy ResearchIsr. J. Health Policy Res.2045-40153.64Q14区
JAMA Health ForumJAMA. Health. Forum.2689-01869.53Q1
JMIR InfodemiologyJMIR. Infodemiology.2564-18913.63Q1
JMIR Public Health and SurveillanceJMIR Public Health Surveill2369-29603.48Q12区
JMIR Research ProtocolsJMIR Res Protoc1929-07481.25Q3
JMIR Serious Games2291-92793.95Q12区
Journal of Adolescent HealthJ. Adolesc. Health1054-139X5.62Q12区
Journal of Agricultural Safety and HealthJ. Agric. Saf. Health.1074-75831.10Q4
Journal of AgromedicineJ. Agromedicine1059-924X2.19Q33区
Journal of American College HealthJ. Am. Coll. Health.0744-84811.52Q34区
Journal of Arthropod-Borne DiseasesJ. Arthropod. Borne. Dis.2322-19840.42Q44区
Journal of Behavioral Health Services and ResearchJ Behav Health Serv Res1094-34121.65Q34区
Journal of Cancer EducationJ Canc Educ0885-81951.25Q34区
Journal of Clinical EpidemiologyJ. Clin. Epidemiol.0895-43567.39Q12区
Journal of Community HealthJ Community Health0094-51453.74Q13区
Journal of Consumer Health on the InternetJ. Consum. Health. Internet.1539-82850.20Q4
Journal of Correctional Health CareJ. Correct. Health. Care.1078-34580.69Q44区
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and DiseaseJ Dev Orig Health Dis2040-17441.80Q34区
Journal of Education and Health PromotionJ Edu Health Promot2277-95311.45Q3
Journal of Egyptian Public Health AssociationJ. Egypt. Public. Health. Assoc.0013-24463.24Q1
Journal of Environmental HealthJ. Environ. Health0022-08920.63Q44区
Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural WastesJ. of Env. Sc. & Hlth., Part B0360-12341.55Q34区
Journal of EpidemiologyJ. Epidemiol.0917-50403.89Q12区
Journal of Epidemiology and Community HealthJ Epidemiol Community Health0143-005X4.97Q12区
Journal of Epidemiology and Global HealthJEGH2210-60063.89Q14区
Journal of Family and Community MedicineJ Fam Community Med1319-16831.72Q3
Journal of Global HealthJ Glob Health2047-29784.48Q13区
Journal of Health and Safety at Work2251-807X0.39Q4
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and UnderservedJ. Health. Care. Poor. Underserved.1049-20891.16Q44区
Journal of Health, Population and NutritionJ Health Popul Nutr1606-09972.45Q23区
Journal of Hospital InfectionJ. Hosp. Infect.0195-67013.96Q13区
Journal of Hunger and Environmental NutritionJ. Hunger. Environ. Nutr.1932-02481.28Q4
Journal of Immigrant and Minority HealthJ Immigrant Minority Health1557-19121.95Q34区
Journal of Infection and Public HealthJ. Infect. Public. Health.1876-03414.72Q13区
Journal of Infection PreventionJ. Infect. Prev.1757-17740.80Q4
Journal of Marine Medical Society0975-36050.22Q4
Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceJ. of Materi Eng and Perform1059-94951.78Q34区
Journal of Medical ScreeningJ. Med. Screen.0969-14132.70Q24区
Journal of Men's HealthJ. Mens. Health1875-68590.59Q44区
Journal of Migration and Health2666-62354.01Q1
Journal of Military, Veteran and Family HealthJ. Mil. Veteran. Fam. Health.2368-79240.76Q4
Journal of Occupational and Environmental HygieneJ. Occup. Environ. Hyg.1545-96241.38Q34区
Journal of Occupational and Environmental MedicineJ Occup Environ Med1076-27522.21Q24区
Journal of Occupational HealthJ. Occup. Health1341-91452.79Q24区
Journal of Occupational Health PsychologyJ. Occup. Health Psychol.1076-89985.81Q11区
Journal of Occupational Medicine and ToxicologyJ Occup Med Toxicol1745-66732.81Q24区
Journal of Palliative CareJ. Palliat. Care0825-85971.16Q44区
Journal of Physical Activity and HealthJ. Phys. Act. Health.1543-30802.80Q24区
Journal of PreventionJ Primary Prevent2731-55331.91Q34区
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public HealthJ Prev Med Public Health1975-83752.66Q2
Journal of Primary PreventionJ Primary Prevent0278-095X2.09Q24区
Journal of Public HealthJ Public Health1741-38423.55Q14区
Journal of Public Health DentistryJ. Public Health Dent.0022-40061.82Q34区
Journal of Public Health in AfricaJ Public Health Africa2038-99220.46Q4
Journal of Public Health Management and PracticeJ. Public. Health. Manag. Pract.1078-46592.10Q24区
Journal of Public Health PolicyJ. Public Health Policy0197-58972.15Q23区
Journal of Public Health ResearchJ Public Health Res2279-90281.52Q3
Journal of Public Mental HealthJ. Public Ment. Health1746-57291.53Q3
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparitiesJ. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities2196-88373.10Q23区
Journal of Research in Health SciencesJ Res Health Sci2228-77951.41Q3
Journal of Rural HealthJ Rural Health0890-765X3.20Q23区
Journal of Safety Science and ResilienceJ. Saf. Sci. Resilience2096-75273.60Q1
Journal of School HealthJ School Health0022-43911.64Q34区
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS CareJ Assoc Nurses AIDS Care1055-32901.50Q34区
Journal of Travel MedicineJ. Travel Med.1195-19828.91Q12区
Journal of Urban HealthJ Urban Health1099-34604.50Q12区
Journal of Workplace Behavioral HealthJ. Workplace Behav. Health1555-52401.45Q3
Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional1907-75050.44Q4
LGBT HealthLGBT Health2325-82924.08Q12区
Malawi Medical JournalMal. Med. J1995-72621.37Q44区
Maternal and Child Health JournalMatern Child Health J1092-78751.96Q34区
Medical CareMed. Care0025-70793.28Q12区
MEDICC ReviewMEDICC Rev.1527-31721.86Q34区
Medicina del LavoroMed. Lav.0025-78182.28Q24区
Medycyna PracyMed. Pr.0465-58930.66Q44区
MMWR Recommendations and ReportsMMWR Recomm. Rep.1057-598733.84Q11区
MMWR Surveillance SummariesMMWR Surveill. Summ.1545-863637.23Q11区
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportMMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep.0149-219525.55Q11区
Nepal Journal of EpidemiologyNepal J. Epidemiol.2091-08001.81Q3
New SolutionsNew Solut1048-29111.67Q3
Noise and HealthNoise Health1463-17411.48Q44区
Occupational and Environmental MedicineOccup Environ Med1351-07113.92Q12区
Occupational Health ScienceOccup. Health Sci.2367-01341.46Q3
Occupational MedicineTKJ0962-74802.22Q24区
One HealthOne. Health.2352-77144.05Q12区
One Health OutlookOne. Health. Outlook.2524-46553.67Q1
Osong Public Health and Research PerspectivesPHRP2210-90991.90Q3
Paediatric and Perinatal EpidemiologyPaediatr. Perinat. Epidemiol.0269-50222.66Q23区
Palliative Care and Social PracticePalliat�Care2632-35242.83Q2
Palliative MedicinePalliat Med0269-21633.66Q12区
Pan African Medical JournalPan Afr Med J1937-86880.89Q4
Parasite Epidemiology and ControlParasite. Epidemiol. Control.2405-67311.89Q3
Pedagogy in Health PromotionPedagogy. Health. Promot.2373-37991.00Q4
Perspectives in Public HealthPerspect Public Health1757-91393.66Q14区
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug SafetyPharmacoepidemiology and Drug1053-85692.41Q24区
Polish Hyperbaric Research1734-7009Q4
Population Health MetricsPopul. Health Metr.1478-79543.30Q22区
Pravention und GesundheitsforderungPräv Gesundheitsf1861-67550.83Q4
Prehospital Emergency CarePrehosp. Emerg. Care.1090-31271.95Q33区
Preventing chronic diseasePrev. Chronic Dis.1545-11514.32Q13区
Prevention SciencePrev Sci1389-49863.06Q22区
Preventive MedicinePrev. Med.0091-74354.50Q12区
Preventive Medicine ReportsPrev. Med. Rep.2211-33552.25Q23区
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and ActionProgress in Community Health Partnerships1557-05410.73Q44区
Progress in Disaster ScienceProg. Disaster. Sci.2590-06172.75Q2
Progress in Palliative CareProg. Palliat. Care.0969-92600.91Q4
Psychiatric ServicesPS1075-27303.28Q13区
Psychology and HealthPsychol. Health.0887-04462.50Q23区
Psychology, Health and Medicine1354-85062.33Q23区
Public Health0033-35063.73Q13区
Public Health EthicsPublic Health Ethics1754-99731.30Q33区
Public Health GenomicsPublic. Health. Genomics.1662-42461.15Q44区
Public Health in PracticePublic. Health. Pract. (Oxf).2666-53522.08Q2
Public Health NursingPublic Health Nurs0737-12091.55Q34区
Public Health NutritionPublic Health Nutr.1368-98002.84Q23区
Public Health ReportsPublic Health Rep0033-35492.92Q24区
Public Health Research and PracticePublic Health Research Pr2204-20912.35Q2
Public Health ReviewsPublic Health Rev.0301-04223.67Q1
Puerto Rico Health Sciences JournalP. R. Health Sci. J.0738-06580.27Q44区
Quality of Life ResearchQual Life Res0962-93433.31Q13区
Reproductive HealthReprod. Health1742-47553.64Q12区
Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyRes. Social. Adm. Pharm.1551-74113.54Q13区
Reviews on Environmental HealthRev. Environ. Health.0048-75543.10Q24区
Revista de Salud Ambiental1577-95720.40Q4
Revista de Salud Pública1852-9429Q4
Revista de Saude PublicaRev. Saúde Pública0034-89102.27Q34区
Revista Espanola de Salud PublicaRev. Esp. Salud Publica1135-57271.08Q44区
Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health1020-49891.89Q34区
Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante PubliqueRev. Epidemiol. Sante. Publique.0398-76201.06Q44区
Rural and Remote HealthRRH1445-63541.82Q34区
SafetySafety. (Basel).2313-576X1.93Q3
Safety and Health at WorkSaf. Health Work.2093-79113.30Q13区
Sahara J1729-03760.87Q44区
Salud Colectiva1669-23810.51Q44区
Salud Publica de MexicoSalud pública Méx0036-36342.26Q24区
Sante PubliqueSante. Publique.0995-39140.21Q44区
Saude e SociedadeSaude soc.0104-12900.58Q44区
Scandinavian Journal of Public HealthScand J Public Health1403-49482.58Q23区
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and HealthScand J Work Environ Health0355-31404.84Q12区
Science of Diabetes Self-Management and CareSci. Diabetes. Self. Manag. Care.2635-01061.61Q34区
Sex Education1468-18111.57Q34区
Sexual and Reproductive Health MattersSex. Reprod. Health. Matters.2641-03973.27Q12区
Sexual and Reproductive HealthcareSex. Reprod. Healthc.1877-57561.44Q33区
Sexual HealthSex. Health1448-50281.74Q34区
Spatial and Spatio-temporal EpidemiologySpat. Spatiotemporal. Epidemiol.1877-58452.04Q3
SSM - Mental HealthSSM. Ment. Health.2666-56034.16Q1
SSM - Population HealthSSM. Popul. Health.2352-82733.68Q12区
Stigma and HealthStigma. Health.2376-69642.68Q2
Studies in Family PlanningStud. Fam. Plann.0039-36652.09Q33区
The Lancet Global HealthLancet. Glob. Health.2214-109X19.88Q11区
The Lancet Planetary HealthLancet. Planet. Health.2542-519624.27Q11区
The Lancet Public HealthLancet. Public. Health.2468-266725.44Q11区
The Lancet Regional Health - AmericasLancet. Reg. Health. Am.2667-193X6.93Q1
The Lancet Regional Health - EuropeLancet. Reg. Health. Eur.2666-776213.41Q1
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia2772-36825.13Q1
The Lancet Regional Health - Western PacificLancet. Reg. Health. West. Pac.2666-60657.42Q11区
Tobacco Use InsightsTob Use Insights1179-173X2.21Q3
Translational Behavioral MedicineBehav. Med. Pract. Policy Res.1613-98603.56Q13区
Travel Medicine and Infectious DiseaseTravel. Med. Infect. Dis.1477-89396.34Q13区
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic DiseasesVector. Borne. Zoonotic. Dis.1530-36671.74Q34区
Wellbeing, Space and SocietyWellbeing. Space. Soc.2666-55812.22Q2
Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSARWPSAR2094-73131.20Q4
World Medical and Health PolicyWorld. Med. Health. Policy.1948-46821.65Q3
Zdravstveno VarstvoSlov. J. Public Health0351-00261.80Q34区
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften2198-18331.94Q3
Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und ErgonomieZbl Arbeitsmed0944-25020.16Q4
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