
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot InteractionJ. Hum.-Robot Interact.2573-95224.32Q2
Advanced Intelligent SystemsAdv. Intell. Syst.2640-45676.69Q13区
Advanced RoboticsAdv. Robot.0169-18641.23Q44区
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous SystemsAnnu. Rev. Control Robot. Auton. Syst.2573-514411.39Q11区
Applied Bionics and BiomechanicsAppl. Bionics. Biomech.1176-23221.87Q34区
Artificial Life and RoboticsArtif Life Robotics1433-52980.79Q4
Autonomous RobotsAuton Robot0929-55933.81Q23区
Bioinspiration and BiomimeticsBioinspir. Biomim.1748-31822.99Q23区
Cognitive Computation and SystemsCognitive Comp and Systems2517-75671.30Q4
Cyborg and Bionic SystemsCyborg Bionic Syst2097-108710.53Q1
Frontiers in NeuroroboticsFront. Neurorobot.1662-52182.79Q34区
Frontiers in Robotics and AIFront. Robot. AI2296-91442.81Q2
IEEE Robotics and Automation LettersIEEE Robot. Autom. Lett.2377-37664.73Q22区
IEEE Robotics and Automation MagazineIEEE Robot. Automat. Mag.1070-99325.60Q13区
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental SystemsIEEE Trans. Cogn. Dev. Syst.2379-89204.94Q13区
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and BionicsIEEE Trans. Med. Robot. Bionics2576-32023.20Q2
IEEE Transactions on RoboticsIEEE Trans. Robot.1552-30989.36Q11区
IET Cyber-systems and RoboticsIET Cyber-Syst and Robotics2631-63151.42Q4
Industrial RobotIndustrial Robot0143-991X2.01Q34区
Intelligent Service RoboticsIntel Serv Robotics1861-27762.50Q34区
International Journal of Advanced Robotic SystemsInt. J. Adv. Robot. Syst.1729-88061.95Q34区
International Journal of Humanoid RoboticsInt. J. Human. Robot.0219-84360.76Q44区
International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and ApplicationsInt J Intell Robot Appl2366-59712.12Q3
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned SystemsInt. J. Intell. Unmanned Syst.2049-64270.95Q4
International Journal of Robotics and AutomationInt. J. Rob. Autom.0826-81850.62Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
International Journal of Robotics ResearchInt. J. Rob. Res.0278-36497.46Q11区
International Journal of Social RoboticsInt J of Soc Robotics1875-47913.83Q22区
Journal of Bionic EngineeringJ Bionic Eng1672-65294.94Q13区
Journal of Field RoboticsJ. Field Robotics1556-49594.27Q22区
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsJ Intell Robot Syst0921-02962.92Q24区
Journal of Mechanisms and RoboticsJ. Mech. Robot.1942-43022.05Q34区
Journal of Micro and Bio RoboticsJ Micro-Bio Robot2194-64181.60Q3
Journal of RoboticsJ. Rob.1687-96001.37Q4
Journal of Robotics and MechatronicsJ. Robot. Mechatron.0915-39420.77Q4
Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial LifeJRNAL2352-63860.21Q4
MechatronicsMechatronics. (Oxf).0957-41583.22Q23区
RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica IndustrialRev. iberoam. autom. inform. ind.1697-79121.00Q44区
ROBOMECH JournalRobomech J2197-42251.69Q4
RoboticsRobotics. (Basel).2218-65813.03Q2
Robotics and Autonomous SystemsRobot. Auton. Syst.0921-88904.41Q22区
Robotics and Computer-Integrated ManufacturingRobot. Comput. Manuf.0736-58458.97Q11区
Science RoboticsSci. Robot.2470-947626.17Q11区
Soft RoboticsSoft Robot.2169-51726.41Q12区
Swarm IntelligenceSwarm Intell1935-38122.06Q34区
Wearable TechnologiesWearable Technol.2631-71763.31Q2
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