
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta HistochemicaActa Histochem.0065-12812.24Q44区
Acta Histochemica et CytochemicaActa Histochem. Cytochem.0044-59911.56Q44区
Acta Naturae2075-82511.95Q44区
Advances in Cell Biology0324-833X0.37Q44区
Ageing Research ReviewsAgeing Res. Rev.1568-163712.55Q11区
Aging Cell1474-97187.96Q11区
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular BiologyAm J Respir Cell Mol Biol1044-15496.02Q12区
American Journal of Stem CellsAm. J. Stem Cells2160-41501.66Q4
Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and HistologyAnal. Quant. Cytopathol. Histpathol.0884-68120.20Q44区
Analytical Cellular Pathology2210-71772.58Q24区
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell BiologyBiochem. Moscow Suppl. Ser. A1990-74781.01Q4
Biochemistry and Cell BiologyBiochem. Cell Biol.0829-82112.36Q43区
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsBiochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell. Biol. Lipids.1388-19813.73Q22区
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell ResearchBiochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell. Res.0167-48894.43Q22区
Biologicheskie MembranyBiol. Membrany.0233-47550.21Q44区
Biology of the CellBiol. Cell0248-49002.40Q44区
Bioscience ReportsBiosci. Rep.0144-84633.71Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Biotechnic and HistochemistryBiotech. Histochem.1052-02951.54Q44区
BMC Molecular and Cell BiologyBMC Mol and Cell Biol2661-88502.44Q43区
Cancer & MetabolismCancer Metab2049-30025.83Q13区
Cancer Cell1535-610848.94Q11区
Cell Adhesion and Migration1933-69183.37Q33区
Cell and Tissue BankingCell Tissue Bank1389-93331.52Q44区
Cell and Tissue ResearchCell Tissue Res0302-766X3.37Q33区
Cell Biochemistry and BiophysicsCell Biochem Biophys1085-91951.73Q44区
Cell Biochemistry and FunctionCell Biochem Funct0263-64842.97Q33区
Cell Biology and ToxicologyCell Biol Toxicol0742-20915.38Q12区
Cell Biology InternationalCell Biol. Int.1065-69953.45Q33区
Cell Calcium0143-41604.46Q22区
Cell Communication and SignalingCell Commun Signal1478-811X8.21Q12区
Cell Cycle1538-41013.39Q33区
Cell Death and DifferentiationCell Death Differ1350-904713.72Q11区
Cell Death and DiseaseCell Death Dis2041-48898.18Q11区
Cell Death DiscoveryCell Death Discov.2058-77166.14Q12区
Cell DiscoveryCell Discov2056-596812.80Q11区
Cell DivisionCell Div.1747-10282.73Q34区
Cell JournalCell J.2228-58061.68Q44区
Cell ProliferationCell Prolif0960-77225.96Q21区
Cell RegenerationCell Regen2045-97694.05Q2
Cell ReportsCell Rep.2211-12477.61Q11区
Cell Reports MedicineCell. Rep. Med.2666-379111.69Q11区
Cell Reports MethodsCell. Rep. Methods.2667-23754.22Q2
Cell ResearchCell Res1001-060228.08Q11区
Cell Stem Cell1875-977719.70Q11区
Cell StressCell Stress2523-02044.17Q2
Cell Stress and ChaperonesCell Stress Chaper1355-81453.29Q33区
Cell Structure and FunctionCell Struct. Funct.0386-71962.20Q44区
Cell SystemsCell Syst.2405-47129.20Q11区
Cells2073-44095.29Q22区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Cellular and Molecular BioengineeringCel. Mol. Bioeng.1865-50252.21Q34区
Cellular and Molecular BiologyCell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand)0145-56801.40Q44区
Cellular and Molecular Biology LettersCell Mol Biol Lett1425-81539.04Q11区
Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesCell. Mol. Life Sci.1420-682X6.23Q12区
Cellular and Molecular NeurobiologyCell Mol Neurobiol0272-43403.63Q24区
Cellular ImmunologyCell. Immunol.0008-87493.54Q24区
Cellular oncology (Dordrecht)Cell. Oncol.2211-34284.98Q12区
Cellular SignallingCell. Signal.0898-65684.40Q22区
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biologyCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol1943-02646.82Q12区
Connective Tissue ResearchConnective Tissue Res.0300-82072.62Q14区
Current BiologyCurr. Biology0960-98228.05Q11区
Current Opinion in Cell BiologyCurr. Opin. Cell Biology0955-06745.89Q12区
Current Opinion in Structural BiologyCurr. Opin. Struct. Biol.0959-440X6.09Q12区
Current Research in Structural Biology2665-928X2.86Q3
Current Stem Cell Research and TherapyCSCR1574-888X2.03Q44区
Cytokine and Growth Factor ReviewsCytokine. Growth. Factor. Rev.1359-61019.17Q12区
Cytometry Part ACytometry1552-49222.51Q34区
CytoskeletonCytoskeleton. (Hoboken).1949-35842.36Q44区
DMM Disease Models and MechanismsDis. Model. Mech.1754-84034.14Q13区
EMBO JournalEMBO J0261-41899.60Q11区
EMBO ReportsEMBO Rep1469-221X6.37Q11区
European Cytokine NetworkEur. Cytokine Netw.1148-54932.38Q44区
European Journal of Cell BiologyEur. J. Cell Biol.0171-93354.59Q23区
European Journal of HistochemistryEur J Histochem1121-760X2.19Q44区
Experimental Cell ResearchExp. Cell Res.0014-48273.22Q23区
FASEB BioAdvancesFASEB. Bioadv.2573-98322.51Q3
FASEB JournalFASEB j.0892-66384.25Q22区
FEBS LettersFEBS Lett0014-57932.96Q34区
Folia Histochemica et CytobiologicaFolia Histochem Cytobiol.0239-85081.54Q44区
Frontiers in Bioscience - LandmarkFront Biosci1093-47153.48Q3
Growth Hormone and IGF ResearchGrowth. Horm. IGF. Res.1096-63741.49Q44区
Human CellHum. Cell0914-74703.49Q33区
Immunology and Cell BiologyImmunol Cell Biol0004-945X3.39Q34区
Inflammation ResearchInflamm. Res.0065-42994.75Q23区
Integrative BiologyIntegr. Biol.1757-96941.65Q44区
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell BiologyInt. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol.1357-27253.25Q33区
International Journal of Stem CellsInt. J. Stem Cells2005-36062.42Q34区
IUBMB Life1521-65433.87Q23区
Journal of Bioenergetics and BiomembranesJ Bioenerg Biomembr0145-479X3.00Q34区
Journal of Biomedical ScienceJ Biomed Sci1021-77708.84Q12区
Journal of Cell BiologyJ Cell Biol0021-95257.48Q11区
Journal of Cell Communication and SignalingJ. Cell Commun. Signal.1873-96013.70Q33区
Journal of Cell ScienceJ Cell Sci0021-95333.30Q33区
Journal of Cellular and Molecular MedicineJ Cell Mol Med1582-18384.42Q22区
Journal of Cellular BiochemistryJ Cell Biochem0730-23122.97Q33区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Journal of Extracellular VesiclesJ of Extracellular Vesicle2001-307815.48Q11区
Journal of Histochemistry and CytochemistryJ Histochem Cytochem.0022-15541.79Q44区
Journal of HistotechnologyJ. Histotechnol.0147-88850.78Q44区
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine ResearchJ. Interferon. Cytokine. Res.1079-99071.89Q44区
Journal of Leukocyte BiologyJ. Leukoc. Biol.0741-54003.54Q23区
Journal of Molecular and Cellular CardiologyJ. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.0022-28284.79Q22区
Journal of Molecular Cell BiologyJ. Mol. Cell Biol.1674-27885.46Q22区
Journal of Molecular HistologyJ. Mol. Histol.0018-22142.86Q34区
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell MotilityJ Muscle Res Cell Motil0142-43191.69Q43区
Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction ResearchJ. Recept. Signal. Transduct. Res.1079-98932.48Q34区
Journal of Structural BiologyJ. Struct. Biol.1047-84772.88Q33区
Journal of Structural Biology: XJ. Struct. Biol. X.2590-15243.57Q3
Matrix BiologyMatrix. Biol.0945-053X4.61Q21区
Mechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentMech. Ageing. Dev.0047-63745.39Q13区
Mediators of InflammationMediators. Inflamm.0962-93514.25Q23区
Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryMol Cell Biochem0300-81773.57Q32区
Molecular and Cellular BiologyMol. Cell. Biol.0270-73063.02Q32区
Molecular and Cellular EndocrinologyMol. Cell. Endocrinol.0303-72073.78Q23区
Molecular and Cellular ProbesMol. Cell. Probes.0890-85082.50Q43区
Molecular Biology of the CellMBoC1059-15242.95Q33区
Molecular BiomedicineMol Biomed2662-86516.27Q14区
Molecular Cancer ResearchMol. Cancer. Res.1541-77864.27Q22区
Molecular CellMol. Cell1097-276514.69Q11区
Molecular MedicineMol Med1076-15516.09Q12区
Molecules and CellsMol.Cells0219-10323.61Q23区
Nature Cell BiologyNat Cell Biol1465-739217.37Q11区
Nature MedicineNat Med1078-895658.82Q11区
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyNat Rev Mol Cell Biol1471-007281.50Q11区
Nature Structural and Molecular BiologyNat Struct Mol Biol1545-998512.62Q11区
Neural Regeneration ResearchNeural Regen Res1673-53746.01Q12区
Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry1089-86033.31Q32区
Nucleus (India)Nucleus0029-568X2.10Q4
Pigment Cell and Melanoma ResearchPigment Cell Melanoma Res1755-14713.70Q23区
Prostaglandins and Other Lipid MediatorsProstaglandins. Other. Lipid. Mediat.1098-88232.58Q33区
Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty AcidsProstaglandins. Leukot. Essent. Fatty. Acids.0952-32783.03Q34区
Protein and CellProtein Cell1674-800X13.80Q11区
Science SignalingSci. Signal.1937-91456.81Q11区
Science Translational MedicineSci. Transl. Med.1946-623415.83Q11区
Signal Transduction and Targeted TherapySig Transduct Target Ther2059-363540.88Q11区
Skeletal MuscleSkelet. Muscle2044-50405.36Q22区
Stem Cell ReportsStem Cell Rep.2213-67115.96Q22区
Stem Cell ResearchStem Cell Res.1873-50610.80Q44区
Stem Cell Research and TherapyStem Cell Res Ther1757-65127.22Q12区
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports2629-32694.36Q23区
Stem CellsStem Cells1066-50993.98Q22区
Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and ApplicationsSCCAA1178-69571.75Q4
Tissue and CellTissue. Cell.0040-81662.82Q34区
Tissue Engineering - Part A.Tissue Eng. Part A1937-33413.49Q33区
Tissue Engineering - Part B: ReviewsTissue Eng. Part B Rev.1937-33685.15Q22区
Tissue Engineering - Part C: MethodsTissue Eng. Part C Methods1937-33842.60Q44区
Trends in Cell BiologyTrends Cell Biology0962-892412.95Q11区
Trends in Molecular MedicineTrends. Mol. Med.1471-491412.99Q11区
Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. RNA1757-70046.47Q12区
World Journal of Stem CellsWorld J Stem Cells1948-02103.74Q33区
Wound Repair and RegenerationWound Rep Reg1067-19273.66Q13区
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