
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta Mechanica et Automatica1898-40880.86Q4
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue XuebaoActa Mech Sin0567-77184.00Q12区
Advances in AerodynamicsAdv. Aerodyn.2524-69922.83Q13区
Advances in Applied MechanicsAdv. Appl. Mech.0065-215617.361区
Advances in TribologyAdv. Tribol.1687-59151.50Q3
Applied Thermal EngineeringAppl. Therm. Eng.1359-43116.02Q12区
Archive of Mechanical EngineeringArch. Mech. Eng.0004-07381.30Q3
Archives of Civil and Mechanical EngineeringArchiv.Civ.Mech.Eng1644-96654.46Q23区
ASHRAE JournalASHRAE J.0001-24910.89Q44区
Atomization and SpraysAtomiz Spr1044-51101.06Q44区
Australian Journal of Mechanical EngineeringAust. J. Mech. Eng.1448-48461.38Q3
Automotive InnovationAutomot. Innov.2096-42504.80Q11区
China Ocean EngineeringChina Ocean Eng.0890-54871.98Q32区
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition)Chin. J. Mech. Eng.1000-93454.73Q12区
Combustion and FlameCombust. Flame.0010-21805.91Q12区
Drying TechnologyDry. Technol.0737-39372.79Q23区
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid MechanicsEng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech.1994-20605.76Q11区
Engineering Failure AnalysisEng. Fail. Anal.1350-63074.37Q12区
Engineering with ComputersEWC0177-06678.78Q12区
Experimental Heat TransferExp. Heat Transfer0891-61522.60Q23区
Experimental TechniquesExp. Tech.0732-88181.52Q34区
Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceExp. Therm. Fluid. Sci.0894-17772.70Q22区
Experiments in FluidsExp Fluids0723-48642.16Q23区
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical EngineeringFU Mech Eng0354-202510.25Q12区
Flow Measurement and InstrumentationFlow. Meas. Instrum.0955-59862.29Q23区
FME Transactions1451-20921.08Q3
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering ResearchForsch Ingenieurwes0015-78991.05Q44区
Frontiers of Mechanical EngineeringFront. Mech. Eng.2095-02334.51Q12区
Heat Transfer EngineeringHeat Transfer Eng.0145-76321.61Q34区
IEEE/ASME Transactions on MechatronicsIEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron.1083-44356.12Q11区
Industrial Lubrication and TribologyILT0036-87921.42Q34区
International Journal of Acoustics and VibrationsIJAV1027-58510.96Q44区
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical EngineeringIJAME2180-16060.94Q4
International Journal of Automotive TechnologyInt.J Automot. Technol.1229-91381.45Q34区
International Journal of CrashworthinessInt. J. Crashworthiness1358-82651.97Q34区
International Journal of Engine ResearchInt. J. Engine Res.1468-08742.40Q34区
International Journal of Fluid PowerJ. Fluid Power1439-97760.57Q4
International Journal of Heat and Fluid FlowInt. J. Heat. Fluid. Flow.0142-727X2.54Q23区
International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInt. J. Heat Mass Transf.0017-93105.16Q12区
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle SystemsInt. J. Heavy Veh. Syst.1741-51520.42Q44区
International Journal of HydromechatronicsIJHM2515-04645.10Q1
International Journal of Impact EngineeringInt. J. Impact Eng.0734-743X4.92Q12区
International Journal of Machine Tools and ManufactureInt. J. Mach. Tools. Manuf.0890-695514.11Q11区
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering EducationInt. J. Mech. Eng. Educ.0306-41900.97Q4
International Journal of Mechanical SciencesInt. J. Mech. Sci.0020-74037.15Q11区
International Journal of MultiphysicsIJM1750-95480.58Q4
International Journal of Offshore and Polar EngineeringIJOPE1053-53810.78Q44区
International Journal of OptomechatronicsInt. J. Optomechatronics1559-96126.69Q13区
International Journal of Precision Engineering and ManufacturingInt. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf.1229-85572.58Q24区
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green TechnologyInt. J. of Precis. Eng. and Manuf.-Green Tech.2198-08105.14Q23区
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and PipingInt. J. Press. Vessels Pip.0308-01612.95Q12区
International Journal of RefrigerationInt. J. Refrig.0140-70073.63Q12区
International Journal of Rotating MachineryInt. J. Rotating Mach.1023-621X0.74Q4
International Journal of Spray and Combustion DynamicsInt. J. Spray Combust. Dyn.1756-82771.53Q34区
International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsInt. J. Str. Stab. Dyn.0219-45542.88Q23区
International Journal of Surface Science and EngineeringIJSURFSE1749-785X0.89Q44区
International Journal of Thermal SciencesInt. J. Therm. Sci.1290-07294.95Q12区
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and PowerIJTPP2504-186X1.47Q3
International Journal of Vehicle DesignInt. J. Veh. Des.0143-33690.44Q44区
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Mechanical EngineeringIran J Sci Technol Trans Mech Eng2228-61871.48Q34区
Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi/ Journal of Thermal Science and Technology1300-36150.49Q44区
Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering1995-66651.61Q3
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and ManufacturingJAMDSM1881-30540.75Q44区
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear DynamicsJ. Comput. Nonlinear. Dyn.1555-14151.87Q34区
Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Electron. Packag.1043-73982.38Q24区
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and PowerJ. Eng. Gas. Turbine. Power.0742-47951.51Q34区
Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCEJ. Eng. Mech.0733-93993.50Q13区
Journal of Engineering ThermophysicsJ. Engin. Thermophys.1810-23281.41Q34区
Journal of Enhanced Heat TransferJ Enh Heat Transf1026-55111.70Q34区
Journal of Fluids and StructuresJ. Fluids. Struct.0889-97463.52Q12区
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Fluids Eng.0098-22021.92Q33区
Journal of Friction and WearJ. Frict. Wear1068-36660.61Q44区
Journal of Heat TransferJ. Heat Transfer0022-14812.64Q24区
Journal of Hydraulic EngineeringJ. Hydraul. Eng.0733-94291.98Q33区
Journal of Machinery Manufacture and ReliabilityJ. Mach. Manuf. Reliab.1052-61880.20Q4
Journal of Manufacturing Science and EngineeringJ. Manuf. Sci. Eng.1087-13572.44Q23区
Journal of Measurements in EngineeringJ. meas. eng.2335-21240.53Q4
Journal of Mechanical DesignJ. Mech. Des.1050-04723.03Q23区
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and SciencesJ. Mech. Eng. Sci.2231-83800.96Q4
Journal of Mechanical Science and TechnologyJ Mech Sci Technol1738-494X1.35Q34区
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic EngineeringJ. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng.0892-72191.32Q34区
Journal of Porous MediaJ. Porous Media1091-028X2.49Q24区
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Press. Vessel Technol.0094-99301.18Q44区
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASMEJ. Sol. Energy Eng.0199-62312.29Q24区
Journal of Sound and VibrationJ. Sound. Vib.0022-460X4.15Q12区
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering DesignJ. Strain. Anal. Eng. Des.0309-32471.56Q34区
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and EngineeringJ Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.1678-58781.75Q34区
Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series C/Chung-Kuo Chi Hsueh Kung Ch'eng Hsuebo Pao0257-97310.29Q44区
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion SocietyJ. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc.2515-30801.06Q4
Journal of Thermal ScienceJ. Therm. Sci.1003-21691.93Q33区
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering ApplicationsJ. Therm. Sci. Eng. Appl.1948-50851.63Q34区
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat TransferJ. Thermophys. Heat. Trans.0887-87220.93Q44区
Journal of TribologyJ. Tribol.0742-47872.24Q23区
Journal of TurbomachineryJ. Turbomach.0889-504X1.70Q33区
Journal of Vibration and AcousticsJ. Vib. Acoust.1048-90021.80Q34区
Journal of VibroengineeringJ. vibroeng.1392-87160.59Q4
Jurnal Tribologi2289-72321.60Q3
JVC/Journal of Vibration and ControlJ. Vib. Control.1077-54632.49Q23区
Latin American Journal of Solids and StructuresLat. Am. j. solids struct.1679-78171.46Q34区
Lubrication ScienceLubr. Sci.0954-00751.72Q34区
Machines2075-17022.16Q23区中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Machining Science and TechnologyMach. Sci. Technol.1091-03442.74Q34区
Mechanical EngineeringMech. Eng.0025-65012.28Q24区
Mechanical Engineering JournalMech. Eng. J.2187-97450.51Q4
Mechanical Engineering ReviewsMech. Eng. Rev.2187-9753Q4
Mechanical SciencesMech. Sci.2191-91511.12Q44区
Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingMech. Syst. Signal Process.0888-32707.91Q11区
Mechanics and IndustryMech. Ind.2257-77501.02Q44区
Mechanism and Machine TheoryMech. Mach. Theory0094-114X4.36Q11区
MM Science JournalMM SJ1803-12690.67Q4
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical EngineeringNanoscale Microscale Thermophys. Eng.1556-72652.66Q23区
Nonlinear DynamicsNonlinear Dyn0924-090X5.16Q12区
Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical EngineeringPeriod. Polytech. Mech. Eng.0324-60511.47Q3
Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsProbabilistic Eng. Mech.0266-89203.04Q13区
Proceedings of the Combustion InstituteProc. Combust. Inst.1540-74895.40Q12区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and EnergyProc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part A: J. Power Energy0957-65091.17Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering ManufactureProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. B. J. Eng. Manuf.0954-40541.71Q33区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering ScienceProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C J. Mech. Eng. Sci.0954-40621.60Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile EngineeringProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part D J. Automob. Eng.0954-40701.42Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical EngineeringProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. E. J. Process. Mech. Eng.0954-40892.13Q24区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid TransitProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. F. J. Rail. Rapid. Transit.0954-40971.63Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace EngineeringProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part G J. Aerosp. Eng.0954-41000.93Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering TribologyProc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part J: J. Eng. Tribol.1350-65011.69Q33区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body DynamicsProceedings of the IMechE1464-41932.07Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and TechnologyProceedings of the IMechE1754-33711.26Q34区
Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceProg. Energy Combust. Sci.0360-128531.92Q11区
Propulsion and Power ResearchPropul. Power Res.2097-34545.28Q12区
Rapid Prototyping JournalRapid Prototyp. J.1355-25463.32Q24区
Science and Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation2221-27010.18Q4
Science and Technology for the Built EnvironmentSci. Technol. Built. Environ.2374-47311.71Q34区
Shock and VibrationShock Vib.1070-96221.20Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Smart Structures and SystemsSmart. Struct. Syst.1738-15842.15Q23区
Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media2151-47981.38Q3
Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical EngineeringSV-JME0039-24801.31Q34区
Structural Engineering and MechanicsStruct. Eng. Mech.1225-45682.02Q24区
Structure and Infrastructure EngineeringStruct. Infrastruct. Eng.1573-24792.58Q23区
Theoretical and Applied Fracture MechanicsTheor. Appl. Fract. Mech.0167-84425.10Q12区
Thermal Science and Engineering ProgressTherm. Sci. Eng. Prog.2451-90495.08Q13区
Thermophysics and AeromechanicsThermophys. Aeromech.0869-86430.31Q44区
Thin-Walled StructuresThin-Walled Struct.0263-82315.69Q11区
Tire Science and TechnologyTire. Sci. Technol.0090-86570.72Q4
Transactions of FamenaTFAMENA1333-11241.21Q44区
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical EngineeringTrans. Can. Soc. Mech. Eng.0315-89770.73Q44区
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, ATrans. Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. A1226-48730.10Q4
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, BTrans. Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B1226-48810.20Q4
Tribology InternationalTribol. Int.0301-679X6.09Q11区
Tribology LettersTribol Lett1023-88832.73Q23区
Tribology Online1881-218X0.98Q4
Tribology TransactionsTribol. Trans.1040-20041.91Q23区
Vakuum in Forschung und PraxisVak. Forsch. Prax.0947-076X0.40Q4
Vehicle System DynamicsVeh. Syst. Dyn.0042-31143.55Q12区
Wind EnergyWind Energ.1095-42444.15Q13区
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