
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de AdministracionARLA1012-82551.20Q34区
Academy of Management AnnalsANNALS1941-606714.19Q11区
Academy of Management DiscoveriesAcad. Manag. Discov.2168-10074.25Q22区
Academy of Management JournalAcad. Manage. J.0001-42739.46Q11区
Academy of Management Learning and EducationAMLE1537-260X4.63Q12区
Academy of Management PerspectivesAMP1558-90807.03Q12区
Academy of Management ReviewAMR0363-742519.17Q11区
Academy Review2074-53540.37Q4
ACCESS-Access to science business innovation in the digital economy2683-10070.99Q4
Acta LogisticaAL1339-56290.97Q4
Acta Structilia1023-05640.53Q4
Administração: Ensino e PesquisaRAEP2177-60830.43Q4
Administrative Science QuarterlyAdm. Sci. Q.0001-83928.39Q11区
Administrative SciencesAdm. Sci.2076-33873.02Q2
Africa Journal of Management2332-23731.13Q4
Amfiteatru EconomicAE1582-91462.56Q34区
Annals of Corporate GovernanceAnn. Corp. Gov.2381-67241.28Q4
Asia Pacific Business ReviewAsia Pac. Bus. Rev.1360-23811.89Q34区
Asia Pacific Journal of Human ResourcesAsia Pac J Human Res1038-41113.91Q23区
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementAsia Pac J Manag0217-45614.84Q12区
Asia Pacific Management ReviewAsia Pac. Manag. Rev.1029-31325.46Q1
Asian Academy of Management JournalAsian Acad. Manag. J.1394-26031.21Q4
Asian Business and Management1472-47822.04Q34区
Asian Journal of Management CasesAsian J. Manag. Cases0972-82010Q4
Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building1835-63541.68Q3
Australian Journal of ManagementAust. J. Manag.0312-89622.19Q34区
Baltic Journal of ManagementBalt. J. Manag.1746-52652.30Q34区
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis0340-53700.25Q44区
British Journal of ManagementBr J Management1045-31724.33Q12区
BRQ Business Research QuarterlyBRQ Bus. Res. Q.2340-94363.92Q24区
Business Process Management JournalBPMJ1463-71544.67Q13区
Business Strategy and the EnvironmentBus Strat Env0964-473312.39Q11区
Business, Management and Economics Engineering2669-24810.74Q4
California Management ReviewCalif. Manag. Rev.0008-12566.43Q12区
Canadian Journal of Administrative SciencesCan J Adm Sci0825-03831.15Q44区
Central European Management JournalCEMJ2658-08451.10Q3
Chinese Management StudiesCMS1750-614X1.84Q34区
Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança1516-70110.39Q4
Corporate Governance: An International ReviewCorporate Governance0964-84104.77Q1
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementCorp Soc Responsibility Env1535-39588.34Q12区
Creativity and Innovation ManagementCreat Innov Manage0963-16903.76Q23区
Cross Cultural and Strategic ManagementCCSM2059-57941.75Q34区
Cuadernos de Administracioncuad.adm.0120-35920.18Q4
Cuadernos de Gestioncuadernosgestion1131-68371.64Q3
Culture and Organization1475-95511.39Q44区
Decision AnalysisDecis. Anal.1545-84902.36Q34区
Decision SciencesDecis. Sci.0011-73152.76Q24区
Disaster Prevention and ManagementDisaster Prev and Management0965-35621.72Q34区
E a M: Ekonomie a ManagementE+M1212-36091.58Q34区
Electronic Commerce ResearchElectron Commer Res1389-57533.53Q24区
Electronic MarketsElectron Markets1019-67817.24Q13区
EMJ - Engineering Management JournalEng. Manag. J.1042-92472.08Q34区
Employee RelationsER0142-54552.70Q23区
Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementECAM0969-99883.57Q22区
Equality, Diversity and InclusionEDI0261-01591.90Q3
Eurasian Business ReviewEurasian Bus Rev1309-42973.98Q23区
EURO Journal on Decision ProcessesEURO J. Decis. Process.2193-94382.32Q3
European Journal of Information SystemsEur. J. Inf. Syst.0960-085X7.24Q12区
European Journal of Innovation ManagementEJIM1460-10605.04Q13区
European Journal of International ManagementEJIM1751-67571.00Q44区
European Journal of Training and DevelopmentEJTD2046-90122.24Q3
European Management JournalEur. Manag. J.0263-23737.46Q12区
European Management ReviewEur. Manag. Rev.1740-47543.35Q23区
European Research on Management and Business EconomicsEur. Res. Manag. Bus. Econ.2444-88347.01Q13区
FIIB Business ReviewFIIB2319-71452.42Q3
Foresight RussiaFR1995-459X1.00Q4
Foundations of ManagementFound. Manag.2080-72790.30Q4
GECONTEC: Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología2255-56840.40Q4
Global Business Review0972-15092.49Q3
Global Strategy Journal2042-57915.76Q12区
Harvard Business ReviewHarv. Bus. Rev.0017-80129.20Q14区
Human Resource Development InternationalHum. Resour. Dev. Int.1367-88683.98Q2
Human Resource Development ReviewHum. Resour. Dev. Rev.1534-48434.50Q13区
Human Resource Management JournalHuman Res Mgmt Journal0954-53955.60Q12区
Human Resource Management ReviewHum. Resour. Manag. Rev.1053-48228.40Q11区
Human Systems ManagementHSM0167-25331.36Q3
IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementIEEE Trans. Eng. Manage.0018-93914.47Q13区
IIM Kozhikode Society and Management ReviewIIM Kozhikode Soc. Manag. Rev.2277-97521.77Q3
IIMB Management ReviewIIMB Manag. Rev.0970-38961.52Q3
Independent Journal of Management & ProductionInd. Jour. Manag. & Prod.2236-269X0.47Q4
Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and ManagementIJSAM2597-62140.59Q4
Industrial and Commercial TrainingInd and Commercial Training0019-78582.04Q3
Industrial and Corporate ChangeInd Corp Change0960-64912.78Q24区
Industrial Marketing ManagementInd. Mark. Manag.0019-85017.74Q11区
Industry and Innovation1366-27163.56Q23区
Information and ManagementInf. Manag.0378-72068.03Q12区
Information and OrganizationInf. Organ.1471-77275.75Q12区
Information Systems and e-Business ManagementInf Syst E-Bus Manage1617-98462.26Q34区
Information Systems ResearchInf. Syst. Res.1047-70474.99Q13区
Information Technology and ManagementInf Technol Manage1385-951X2.36Q34区
Infrastructure Asset Management2053-02421.86Q3
Innovation and Management ReviewINMR2515-89612.81Q2
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research1351-16101.58Q24区
Intangible CapitalIC1697-98181.20Q4
International Entrepreneurship and Management JournalInt Entrep Manag J1554-71916.08Q13区
International Journal of Accounting and Information ManagementIJAIM1758-90374.24Q2
International Journal of Accounting Information SystemsInt. J. Account. Inf. Syst.1467-08954.20Q23区
International Journal of Arts ManagementInt. J. Arts Manag.1480-89860.51Q44区
International Journal of Business Performance ManagementInt. J. Bus. Perform. Manag.1368-48920.66Q4
International Journal of Construction ManagementInt. J. Constr. Manag.1562-35993.26Q2
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality ManagementIJCHM0959-61198.91Q11区
International Journal of Cross Cultural ManagementInt. J. Cross Cult. Manag.1470-59582.01Q3
International Journal of Disclosure and GovernanceInt J Discl Gov1741-35912.88Q2
International Journal of Educational ManagementIntl Jnl of Educational Mgt0951-354X2.31Q3
International Journal of Emergency ManagementInt. J. Emerg. Manag.1471-48250.12Q4
International Journal of Emerging MarketsInt. J. Emerg. Mark.1746-88092.73Q24区
International Journal of Energy Sector ManagementInt. J. Energy Sect. Manag.1750-62202.64Q3
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and ResearchIJEBR1355-25544.54Q12区
International Journal of Entrepreneurial VenturingInt. J. Entrep. Ventur.1742-53601.47Q3
International Journal of ForecastingInt. J. Forecast.0169-20706.70Q12区
International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals1947-34781.04Q4
International Journal of Human Resource ManagementInt. J. Hum. Resour. Manag.0958-51924.77Q12区
International Journal of Information Systems and Project ManagementIJISPM2182-77882.30Q3
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain ManagementInt. J. Inf. Syst. Supply Chain Manag.1935-57260.80Q4
International Journal of Information Technology Project Management1938-02320.43Q4
International Journal of Innovation and LearningIJIL1471-81970.93Q4
International Journal of Innovation and Technology ManagementInt. J. Innovation Technol. Management0219-87701.49Q3
International Journal of Innovation ManagementInt. J. Innov. Mgt.1363-91961.30Q3
International Journal of Innovation StudiesInt. J. Innov. Stud.2096-24874.10Q2
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and ManagementIMEFM1753-83942.70Q23区
International Journal of Knowledge ManagementInt. J. Knowl. Manag.1548-06581.32Q4
International Journal of Knowledge Management StudiesInt. J. Knowl. Manag. Stud.1743-82681.20Q3
International Journal of Lean Six SigmaIJLSS2040-41663.83Q22区
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual CapitalIJLIC1479-48531.31Q3
International Journal of Logistics ManagementIJLM0957-40937.00Q13区
International Journal of Logistics Research and ApplicationsInt. J. Logist. Res. Appl.1367-55674.32Q13区
International Journal of Management EducationInt. J. Manag. Educ.1472-81175.87Q12区
International Journal of Management ReviewsInt J Management Reviews1460-85457.61Q11区
International Journal of Management StudiesIJMS2180-24671.13Q4
International Journal of Managing Projects in BusinessIJMPB1753-83782.17Q34区
International Journal of ManpowerIJM0143-77204.55Q13区
International Journal of Operations and Production ManagementIJOPM0144-35776.98Q12区
International Journal of Organizational AnalysisIJOA1758-85612.42Q3
International Journal of Organizational LeadershipIJOL2345-67440.82Q4
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics ManagementIJPDLM0960-00355.91Q13区
International Journal of Productivity and Performance ManagementIJPPM1741-04013.69Q2
International Journal of Project ManagementInt. J. Project Manage.0263-78637.48Q11区
International Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementIJQRM0265-671X2.76Q2
International Journal of Quality and Service SciencesIJQSS1756-669X3.48Q2
International Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementIntl J of Retail & Distrib Mgt0959-05525.32Q13区
International Journal of Services, Technology and ManagementIJSTM1460-67200.70Q4
International Journal of Strategic Property Management1648-715X2.15Q34区
International Journal of Training and DevelopmentInt J Training & Development1360-37361.36Q3
International Journal of Value Chain ManagementInt. J. Value Chain Manag.1741-53570.51Q4
International Small Business JournalInt. Small Bus. J.0266-24264.43Q22区
International Studies of Management and Organization0020-88251.01Q4
Iranian journal of Management Studies2008-70550.67Q4
Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revista Ci+¬ncias Administrativas1414-08960.07Q4
Journal of Advances in Management ResearchJAMR0972-79812.61Q3
Journal of Brand ManagementJ. Brand Manag.1350-231X4.07Q23区
Journal of Business LogisticsJ. Bus. Logist.0735-376611.08Q12区
Journal of Change ManagementJ. Chang. Manag.1469-70173.17Q2
Journal of Chinese Human Resources ManagementJ. Chin. Hum. Resour. Manag.2040-80052.45Q3
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management2213-297X2.19Q3
Journal of CompetitivenessJOC1804-171X4.29Q21区
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis ManagementJ Contingencies & Crisis Man0966-08792.78Q33区
Journal of Corporate Real EstateJ. Corp. Real Estate1463-001X2.67Q3
Journal of Destination Marketing and ManagementJ. Destin. Mark. Manag.2212-571X8.75Q12区
Journal of East European Management StudiesJEEMS0949-61810.46Q44区
Journal of Economics and Management StrategyEconomics Manag Strategy1058-64071.04Q44区
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-MJ. Eng. Tech. Manage.0923-47483.68Q23区
Journal of Enterprise Information ManagementJEIM1741-03987.26Q13区
Journal of Facilities ManagementJ. Facil. Manag.1472-59672.18Q3
Journal of Family Business ManagementJ. Fam. Bus. Manag.2043-62383.43Q2
Journal of Family Business StrategyJ. Fam. Bus. Strategy1877-85859.33Q11区
Journal of Fashion Marketing and ManagementJFMM1361-20263.08Q24区
Journal of ForecastingJ. Forecast.0277-66933.47Q23区
Journal of General ManagementJ. Gen. Manag.0306-30701.02Q4
Journal of Global MobilityJGM2049-87992.21Q3
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic SourcingJGOSS2398-53643.69Q2
Journal of Global ResponsibilityJ. Glob. Responsib.2041-25683.19Q2
Journal of Global Sport ManagementJ. Glob. Sport Manag.2470-40671.69Q3
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism ManagementJ. Hosp. Tour. Manag.1447-67707.70Q11区
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and ManagementJ. Hosp. Mark. Manag.1936-862311.80Q11区
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementJHLSCM2042-67473.32Q2
Journal of Indian Management & Strategy 8MJIMS8M: Jour. of Indian Manage. & Strat.0973-93350.27Q4
Journal of Industrial Integration and ManagementJ. Ind. Intg. Mgmt.2424-86223.49Q2
Journal of Information TechnologyJ. Inf. Technol.0268-39625.67Q13区
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and DevelopmentJ. Infras. Policy. Dev.2572-79231.13Q4
Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeJ. Innovation Knowl.2444-569X15.59Q11区
Journal of Innovation Economics and ManagementJ. Innov. Econ.2032-53551.64Q3
Journal of Intellectual CapitalJIC1469-19306.10Q12区
Journal of International Business StudiesJ Int Bus Stud0047-25068.51Q11区
Journal of International ManagementJ. Int. Manag.1075-42535.86Q12区
Journal of Knowledge ManagementJKM1367-32706.66Q12区
Journal of Leadership and Organizational StudiesJ. Leadersh. Organ. Stud.1548-05185.17Q13区
Journal of Leadership StudiesJ of Leadership Studies1935-26110.52Q4
Journal of Management and GovernanceJ Manag Gov1385-34573.14Q2
Journal of Management and OrganizationJ. Manag. Organ.1833-36723.23Q24区
Journal of Management ControlJ Manag Control2191-47611.95Q3
Journal of Management DevelopmentJournal of Mgmt Development0262-17112.50Q3
Journal of Management HistoryJ. Manag. Hist.1751-13481.02Q4
Journal of Management Information SystemsJ. Manag. Inf. Syst.0742-12226.03Q12区
Journal of Management InquiryJ. Manag. Inq.1056-49264.16Q24区
Journal of Management StudiesJ Management Studies0022-23807.00Q11区
Journal of Manufacturing Technology ManagementJ. Manuf. Technol. Manag.1741-038X7.13Q12区
Journal of Marketing ManagementJ. Mark. Manag.0267-257X3.61Q23区
Journal of Modelling in ManagementJM21746-56641.85Q3
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisJ. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal.1057-92141.81Q3
Journal of Organisational Studies & InnovationJOSI2056-91220.22Q4
Journal of Organization DesignJ. Organ. Des.2245-408X1.91Q3
Journal of Organizational and End User ComputingJ. Organ. End. User. Comput.1546-22343.49Q23区
Journal of Organizational Change ManagementJOCM0953-48142.69Q24区
Journal of Organizational EffectivenessJOEPP2051-66142.87Q2
Journal of Organizational EthnographyJ. Organ. Ethnogr.2046-67490.89Q4
Journal of Product and Brand ManagementJnl of Product & Brand Mgt1061-04215.36Q12区
Journal of Product Innovation ManagementJ of Product Innov Manag0737-67829.93Q11区
Journal of Professions and Organization2051-88032.04Q3
Journal of Project Management (Canada)J. Proj. Manag.2371-83661.35Q3
Journal of Purchasing and Supply ManagementJ. Purch. Supply Manag.1478-40926.90Q12区
Journal of Research AdministrationJ. Res. Adm.1539-15900.32Q4
Journal of Science and Technology Policy ManagementJSTPM2053-46202.75Q2
Journal of Service ManagementJOSM1757-58187.79Q12区
Journal of Service Theory and PracticeJSTP2055-62253.88Q23区
Journal of Small Business ManagementJ Small Business Management0047-27785.45Q12区
Journal of Strategic Information SystemsJ. Strateg. Inf. Syst.0963-86878.64Q12区
Journal of Strategy and ManagementJSMA1755-425X3.98Q2
Journal of Supply Chain ManagementJ. Supply Chain Manag.1055-600110.12Q12区
Journal of Technology TransferJ Technol Transf0892-99124.61Q12区
Journal of the International Council for Small Business2643-70151.08Q4
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management1995-52351.05Q4
Journal on Innovation and SustainabilityRISUS2179-35650.16Q4
Knowledge and Process ManagementKnowl Process Manag1092-46043.10Q2
Knowledge Management Research and PracticeKnowl. Manag. Res. Pract.1477-82383.26Q24区
LeadershipLeadership. (Lond).1742-71502.22Q33区
Leadership and Organization Development JournalLeadership & Org Development J0143-77394.14Q23区
Learning OrganizationTLO0969-64742.78Q3
LIR JournalRuss. Manag. J.1729-74270Q4
Long Range PlanningLong. Range. Plann.0024-63017.21Q12区
ManagementManagement (Split, Online)1331-01940.62Q4
Management (France)mgmt1286-46921.25Q4
Management Accounting ResearchManag. Account. Res.1044-50054.18Q22区
Management and Organization ReviewManag. Organ. Rev.1740-87762.77Q34区
Management and Organizational History1744-93590.79Q44区
Management Communication QuarterlyManag. Commun. Q.0893-31891.84Q34区
Management DecisionMD0025-17473.98Q23区
Management International ReviewManag Int Rev0938-82493.99Q23区
Management LearningManag. Learn.1350-50762.64Q23区
Management ResearchMgt Res: J of Iberoamer Ac Mgt1536-54331.21Q3
Management Research and Practice2067-24620.70Q4
Management Research ReviewManag. Res. Rev.2040-82692.92Q2
Managerial and Decision EconomicsManage Decis Econ0143-65702.62Q33区
Managerial Auditing JournalMAJ0268-69022.83Q23区
Managing Sport and LeisureManag. Sport. Leis.2375-04721.70Q3
Marketing ì Menedžment InnovacìjMMI2218-45111.30Q4
Meditsinski Pregled. Prakticheska MeditsinaSMART Jour. Busin. Manag. Stud.0973-15980.42Q4
Middle East Journal of Management2050-36361.23Q4
MIS Quarterly ExecutiveMISQE1540-19601.98Q34区
MIS Quarterly: Management Information SystemsMISQ0276-77837.02Q12区
MIT Sloan Management ReviewMIT Sloan Manag. Rev.1532-89373.97Q24区
Nankai Business Review InternationalNBRI2040-87491.68Q3
Navus: Revista de Gestão e TecnologiaNavus2237-45580.14Q4
New Technology, Work and EmploymentNew Technol Work Employ0268-10724.49Q13区
NMIMS Management ReviewNMMR0971-10230.03Q4
NTU Management Review1018-16010.01Q4
Operations and Supply Chain ManagementOSCM: An Int. Journal1979-35612.43Q3
Operations Management ResearchOper. Manag. Res.1936-97357.00Q12区
Organization and EnvironmentOrgan. Environ.1086-02664.19Q24区
Organization ScienceOrgan. Sci.1047-70395.02Q12区
Organization StudiesOrgan. Stud.0170-84064.86Q11区
Organization, Technology and Management in ConstructionOrgan. Technol. Manag. Constr. Int. J.1847-54501.69Q3
Philosophy of ManagementPhilos. Manag.1740-38121.00Q4
Polish Journal of Management StudiesPol. J. Manag. Stud.2081-74521.22Q4
Problemy ZarządzaniaPZ1644-95840Q4
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law1751-43041.21Q3
Project Management JournalProj. Manag. J.1938-95075.30Q12区
Property ManagementPM0263-74721.17Q4
Qualitative Research in Accounting and ManagementQualitative Res Acc & Man1176-60932.50Q34区
Qualitative Research in Organizations and ManagementQual Research in Orgs & Mgmt1746-56481.02Q4
Quality - Access to Success1582-25590.63Q4
Quality Innovation ProsperityQual. Innov. Prosper.1335-17451.85Q3
R and D ManagementR & D Management0033-68076.55Q12区
RAE Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRev. adm. empres.0034-75900.62Q44区
RAUSP Management JournalRAUSP2531-04881.43Q3
Real Estate Management and Valuation1733-24780.56Q4
Research PolicyRes. Policy0048-73337.48Q11区
Research Technology ManagementRes. Manag.0895-63081.86Q34区
Review of Industrial OrganizationRev. Ind. Organ.0889-938X0.66Q44区
Review of Managerial ScienceRev Manag Sci1863-66837.79Q13区
Revista Administração em DiálogoRAD2178-00800.37Q4
Revista Brasileira de Gestao de NegociosRev. Bus. Manag.1806-48920.54Q44区
Revista de GestaoREGE1809-22761.78Q3
Revista Electrónica Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología0718-56930.14Q4
Revista Eniac Pesquisa2316-23410.25Q4
Revista Gestão & TecnologiaG&T1677-94790.38Q4
Revista Visión Gerencial1317-88220Q4
RGO. Revista Gestão Organizacional1806-67200.14Q4
S & G. Sistemas & gestão1980-51600.07Q4
SA Journal of Human Resource ManagementSA J. Hum. Resour. Manag.1683-75841.39Q4
Scandinavian Journal of ManagementScand. J. Manag.0956-52212.19Q34区
School Leadership and ManagementSch. Leadersh. Manag.1363-24342.62Q2
Science, Technology and SocietySci., Technol. Soc.0971-72181.85Q34区
Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and AdministrationSciPap1211-555X1.12Q4
Serbian Journal of ManagementSerb J Management1452-48640.60Q4
Service BusinessServ Bus1862-85084.56Q23区
Service Industries JournalServ. Ind. J.0264-20697.24Q12区
Service ScienceServ. Sci.2164-39621.96Q34区
Small Business EconomicsSmall Bus Econ0921-898X6.40Q11区
Social Responsibility JournalSRJ1747-11172.88Q2
South African Journal of Business ManagementSAJBM2078-55850.70Q44区
South African Journal of Economic and Management SciencesS. Afr. j. econ. manag. sci.1015-88121.32Q44区
South Asian Journal of Human Resources ManagementSouth Asian J. Hum. Resour. Manag.2322-09371.40Q3
Sport Management ReviewSport Manag. Rev.1441-35233.78Q21区
Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalStrategic Entrepreneurship1932-43915.31Q12区
Strategic Management1821-34481.86Q3
Strategic Management JournalStrat. Mgmt. J.0143-20956.61Q11区
Strategic OrganizationStrateg. Organ.1476-12705.17Q12区
Strategy ScienceStrategy Sci.2333-20502.80Q2
Supply Chain Forum1624-60393.88Q2
Supply Chain ManagementSCM1359-85468.04Q13区
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy JournalSAMPJ2040-80215.10Q14区
Systemic Practice and Action ResearchSyst Pract Action Res1094-429X0.94Q44区
Team Performance ManagementTPM1352-75921.50Q3
Tec Empresarial1659-23951.26Q4
Technology Analysis and Strategic ManagementTechnol. Anal. Strateg. Manag.0953-73252.91Q24区
Technology Innovation Management ReviewTIM Review1927-03211.73Q3
Teoria e Prática em Administração2238-104X0.22Q4
The Irish Journal of Management1649-248X0.63Q4
The South East Asian Journal of ManagementSEAM1978-19890.25Q4
Total Quality Management and Business ExcellenceTotal. Qual. Manag. Bus. Excell.1478-33633.40Q24区
Tourism ManagementTour. Manag.0261-517711.00Q11区
Tourism Management PerspectivesTour. Manag. Perspect.2211-97367.12Q12区
TQM JournalTQM1754-27313.86Q2
Triple Helix2197-19272.31Q3
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management SystemsVJIKMS2059-58912.78Q2
World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable DevelopmentWJEMSD2042-59611.51Q3
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