
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACS Food Science and TechnologyACS Food Sci. Technol.2692-19442.52Q2
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia AlimentariaActa Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment.1644-07301.41Q4
AgribusinessAgribusiness. (N. Y. N. Y).0742-44772.01Q33区
Agricultural and Food ScienceAFSci1459-60670.98Q44区
AIMS Agriculture and FoodAIMSAGRI2471-20861.96Q3
Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI: Food TechnologyAnn.UDJG.FoodTechnology1843-51570.77Q4
Annual review of food science and technologyAnnu. Rev. Food Sci. Technol.1941-141310.73Q11区
Applied Biological ChemistryAppl. Biol. Chem.2468-08342.43Q33区
Applied Food BiotechnologyAppl. Food Biotechnol.2345-53572.47Q2
Applied Food ResearchAppl. Food Res.2772-50224.61Q1
Bioscience, Biotechnology and BiochemistryBiosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.0916-84511.43Q44区
Biotechnology ProgressBiotechnol. Prog.1520-60332.33Q33区
BrewingScienceBrew. Sci.1613-20410.53Q4
British Food JournalBFJ0007-070X3.52Q23区
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Food Science and TechnologyBUASVMCN-FST2344-23440.42Q4
Carpathian Journal of Food Science and TechnologyCarpathian J. Food Sci. Technol.2066-68450.53Q4
Cereal ChemistryCereal Chem.0009-03522.30Q34区
Ciencia e Tecnica VitivinicolaCiência Téc. Vitiv.0254-02231.23Q44区
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyComp Rev Food Sci Food Safe1541-433711.83Q11区
Current Opinion in Food ScienceCurr. Opin. Food Sci.2214-79939.07Q11区
Current Research in Food ScienceCurr. Res. Food. Sci.2665-92716.27Q12区
Current Research in Nutrition and Food ScienceCurr Res Nutr Food Sci2322-00071.03Q4
CYTA - Journal of FoodCYTA. J. Food.1947-63372.07Q34区
Czech Journal of Food SciencesCzech J. Food Sci.1212-18001.28Q44区
EFSA JournalEFS21831-47323.26Q23区
Emirates Journal of Food and AgricultureEmir. J. Food Agric2079-052X0.60Q44区
European Food Research and TechnologyEur Food Res Technol1438-23772.94Q23区
Flavour and Fragrance JournalFlavour & Fragrance J0882-57342.21Q33区
Food Analytical MethodsFood Anal. Methods1936-97512.60Q23区
Food and Bioprocess TechnologyFood Bioprocess Technol1935-51305.34Q12区
Food and Bioproducts ProcessingFood Bioprod. Process.0960-30853.42Q22区
Food and Energy SecurityFood Energy Secur2048-36943.82Q22区
Food and FunctionFood Funct.2042-64965.21Q11区
Food BiophysicsFood Biophys.1557-18582.80Q24区
Food BioscienceFood Biosci.2212-42924.70Q11区
Food BiotechnologyFood Biotechnol.0890-54361.63Q34区
Food Chemistry: Molecular SciencesFood. Chem. (Oxf).2666-56623.96Q2
Food Chemistry: XFood Chem. X2590-15756.50Q11区
Food Control0956-71355.51Q11区
Food Engineering ReviewsFood Eng. Rev.1866-79105.23Q12区
Food FrontiersFood. Front.2643-84297.21Q12区
Food HydrocolloidsFood Hydrocoll.0268-005X10.96Q11区
Food Hydrocolloids for HealthFood. Hydrocoll. Health.2667-02594.46Q1
Food Packaging and Shelf LifeFood. Packag. Shelf. Life.2214-28948.64Q11区
Food Production, Processing and NutritionFood Prod Process and Nutr2661-89744.16Q23区
Food Quality and PreferenceFood. Qual. Prefer.0950-32935.02Q11区
Food Quality and SafetyFood Qual. Saf.2399-13992.84Q23区
Food Research International0963-99696.83Q11区
Food Science and BiotechnologyFood Sci Biotechnol1226-77082.21Q33区
Food Science and NutritionFood Sci Nutr2048-71773.58Q22区
Food Science and Technology InternationalFood sci. technol. int.1082-01321.76Q34区
Food Science and Technology ResearchFSTR1344-66060.56Q44区
Food Science of Animal ResourcesFood Sci Anim Resour2636-07724.02Q23区
Food SecurityFood Secur.1876-45175.79Q11区
Food StructureFood Struct.2213-32915.51Q13区
Food Technology0015-66390Q44区
Food Technology and BiotechnologyFood Technol. Biotechnol. (Online)1330-98622.39Q34区
Foodborne Pathogens and DiseaseFoodborne. Pathog. Dis.1535-31411.85Q32区
Foods and Raw Materials2308-40571.35Q4
Frontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsFront. Sustain. Food Syst.2571-581X3.52Q22区
Functional Foods in Health and DiseaseFFHD2160-38551.27Q4
Future FoodsFuture Food2666-83357.14Q1
Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society2197-411X0.43Q4
Global Food SecurityGlobal Food Secur.2211-91249.87Q11区
Grasas y AceitesGrasas Aceites0017-34951.03Q44区
Harčova Nauka ì Tehnologìâ2073-86840.24Q4
Innovative Food Science and Emerging TechnologiesInnov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol.1466-85646.23Q11区
International Dairy JournalInt. Dairy J.0958-69463.01Q23区
International Food Research JournalInt. Food Res. J.1985-46680.83Q44区
International Journal of Dairy TechnologyInt J of Dairy Tech1364-727X2.45Q32区
International Journal of Food EngineeringInt. J. Food Eng.1556-37581.78Q34区
International Journal of Food PropertiesInt. J. Food Prop.1094-29123.29Q23区
International Journal of Food Science and TechnologyInt J of Food Sci Tech0950-54232.54Q23区
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food ScienceInt. J. Gastron. Food. Sci.1878-450X3.17Q22区
Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food ResearchIr. J. Agric. Food Res.0791-68330.95Q44区
Italian Journal of Food SafetyItal. J. Food Saf.2239-71321.81Q3
Italian Journal of Food ScienceItal. J. Food Sci.1120-17703.56Q24区
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' SocietyJ Americ Oil Chem Soc0003-021X2.06Q34区
Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und LebensmittelsicherheitJ. Verbr. Lebensm.1661-57511.39Q43区
Journal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryJ. Agric. Food Chem.0021-85615.50Q11区
Journal of Agriculture and Food ResearchJ. Agric. Food. Res.2666-15434.99Q1
Journal of AOAC InternationalJ. AOAC Int.1060-32711.82Q34区
Journal of Aquatic Food Product TechnologyJ. Aquat. Food Prod. Technol.1049-88501.50Q44区
Journal of Bioscience and BioengineeringJ. Biosci. Bioeng.1347-44212.32Q34区
Journal of Cereal ScienceJ. Cereal Sci.0733-52104.05Q22区
Journal of Culinary Science and Technology1542-80440.91Q4
Journal of Dairy ResearchJ. Dairy. Res.0022-02991.60Q33区
Journal of Dairy ScienceJ. Dairy Sci.0022-03023.70Q21区
Journal of Essential Oil ResearchJ. Essent. Oil Res.1041-29052.33Q33区
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research1338-4260Q44区
Journal of Food and Nutrition ResearchJFNR1336-86720.74Q4
Journal of Food BiochemistryJ Food Biochem0145-88843.33Q22区
Journal of Food Composition and AnalysisJ. Food. Compost. Anal.0889-15753.82Q22区
Journal of Food EngineeringJ. Food Eng.0260-87745.21Q12区
Journal of Food Measurement and CharacterizationFood Measure2193-41262.76Q23区
Journal of Food Process EngineeringJ. Food Process Eng.0145-88762.75Q23区
Journal of Food Processing and PreservationFood Processing Preservation0145-88922.12Q33区
Journal of Food ProtectionJ. Food Prot.0362-028X2.19Q34区
Journal of Food QualityJ. Food Qual.0146-94282.67Q23区
Journal of Food SafetyJ. Food Saf.0149-60851.95Q34区
Journal of Food ScienceJ. Food Sci.0022-11473.02Q22区
Journal of Food Science and TechnologyJ Food Sci Technol0022-11552.46Q23区
Journal of Future FoodsJ. Future Foods2772-56695.38Q1
Journal of Insects as Food and FeedJIFF2352-45884.50Q13区
Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food SciencesJ microb biotech food sci1338-51780.78Q4
Journal of Oil Palm ResearchJ. Oil Palm Res.1511-27801.12Q44区
Journal of Oleo ScienceJ. Oleo Sci.1345-89571.51Q34区
Journal of Sensory StudiesJ. Sens. Stud.0887-82501.60Q33区
Journal of Texture StudiesJ. Texture Stud.0022-49012.80Q23区
Journal of the American Society of Brewing ChemistsJ. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem.0361-04701.42Q44区
Journal of the Institute of BrewingJ. Inst. Brew.0046-97502.22Q33区
Journal of the Science of Food and AgricultureJ Sci Food Agric0022-51423.24Q22区
Journal of Wine EconomicsJ. Wine Econ.1931-43611.43Q34区
KVASNY PRUMYSL2570-86190.47Q4
Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske1210-33060.24Q44区
Meat ScienceMeat Sci.0309-17405.62Q11区
Molecular Nutrition and Food ResearchMol. Nutr. Food Res.1613-41254.42Q12区
Natural Product CommunicationsNat. Prod. Commun.1555-94751.39Q44区
Nature FoodNat Food2662-135523.77Q11区
npj Science of Foodnpj Sci Food2396-83706.11Q11区
Nutrition and Food ScienceNFS0034-66591.10Q4
Oeno OneOENO One2494-12712.37Q33区
Packaging Technology and SciencePackag. Technol. Sci.0894-32142.64Q24区
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition SciencesPol. J. Food Nutr. Sci.1230-03222.31Q34区
Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foodsqas1757-83614.79Q13区
Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse0035-68080.48Q44区
Shokuhin eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of JapanJ. Food Hyg. Soc. Jpn0015-64260.22Q44区
South African Journal of Enology and ViticultureSAJEV0253-939X1.15Q44区
Starch/StaerkeStarch Stärke0038-90562.56Q24区
Trends in Food Science and TechnologyTrends Food Sci. Technol.0924-224415.14Q11区
Ukrainian Food JournalUkr. food j.2304-974X0.58Q4
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